Chapter 11

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Lane's P.O.V.

I wish that I could go and talk to Jordan. I haven't seen her sense she almost rejected me. It broke my heart a little to know that the hate within our packs effected her so much.

I thought that when I met my mate that it wouldn't matter what pack we had come from. But to know that we had each other would be enough for us. We wouldn't need the outside world, we wouldn't need any if that superficial crap that other couples had to have. I thought that I would be all she would need and vise versa.

But now that I know who my mate is it's kinda sad that she doesn't want me. As soon as she saw me she tried to "throw" me away. I know I possibly sound like some chick or something but who cares when you meet the one your supposes to be with for the rest of you life. I know I don't really know her all that well but I already love her.

I know that I would do anything for her. I would do what ever it takes to protect her and to make sure that she is constantly happy. Call it puppy love or whatever but I have a gut feeling that I shouldn't give up easily, that I should fight for her.

I just know that when I have pups I will do anything in my power to protect her or him or them. I wouldn't what to see them hurt.

"Hey dude, you okay?" Howie asked from my right side. I swear my pack members are some random people who need help some times.

"Hey. Yeah I'm freakin golden to the bone. I'm a millionaire on the moon with peanut butter." I said sarcastically.

"Okay alpha." he said in defeat.

"Is there a reason you came in here?" I asked.

"Well I was do you plain know get......umm...Jordan back Alpha?" That's the thing about Howie. He was a kind person and put a whole lot of faith in the moon goddess. Well we all do but at one point or another. But Howie is the only one that has yet to do that.

He has already found his mate, Carly. She was a little red haired girl. She wasn't very tall and she didn't really have boobs or an butt. She also didn't have any curves. But what she did have was much better. She's nice, caring, and she's loving to most people.

"I don't know man. But I do plan to get her yah know. I already love her. I just hope she feels the same way. Do you think she would umm know give me a ch-chance to pr-prove I'm not a ba-bad g-guy?" I asked.

"Alpha I think she will. Just don't push her to much. You of all people know how a teenage alpha can be."

I couldn't help it. I chuckled at that. When people talk about alphas they say how we're mean and stuff. Butt Howie basically just said we're pushy and aggressive. It's funny if you think about it.

Now all I have to do is win my mates heart and I can die happy and in-love.

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