Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Jordan's P.O.V.

5 years later

It's been five years sense I've seen Lane. The day he walked out that door was the last I saw him. He didn't try to speak to me so I didn't try to speak to him. People where shocked to see that we were serious about not being together. They all thought we'd make up and be mates. Soon they realized that, that wasn't going to happen at lest not over my dead body.

I don't know about Lane but I did find love again. I've got a mate and children. My parents had told me that the day I rejected Lane was the day they knew I was ready to be alpha. My husband and mate Ryan came into the picture a year later. He's a perfect match for me. Plus we make pretty baby's together.

Quinn became our second in command. That was of course Ryan's doing. He said that sense Quinn meant so much to me, why not have him as our beta. He took the job and has done wonderfully. Two years after that he found his mate and had pups. I was so happy for my cousin and best friend.

All I know is that I'm happier then I've ever been in my whole life.


Lane's P.O.V.

After Jordan rejected me I couldn't move on so I drank myself into oblivion every night for a year. Then I thought about how I didn't fight for her for the next year. On the third year of the rejection I thought I'd go see her. See how she's doing. I thought that sense I was doing this bad she had to be doing way worse.

But when I got there she had a man with her and a little baby in her arms. She looked at him with so much love. Even a blind man could tell that the two of them were meant to be together. That day I knew I'd lost Jordan forever. I want ever get her back because she's moved on. She's made a life for herself.

And surprisingly enough I'm happy for her. I've still yet to mate with some one. But I don't think I will. I think I'll just pass my pack over to some one else.

Maybe if Jordan has a little girl to play with her little boy, I could pass it on to her. That way I know a strong minded person will watch my pack grow into greatness.

Yes that sounds like a wonderful plan.


Sydney's P.O.V.

Even after Jordan rejected Lane. He still didn't see I was the perfect mate for him. I tried everything in my powers to get him to love me. But all he ever did was start talking about that retched girl.

When I did finally find my mate he rejected me. He said that he'd waited for me but I didn't do the same. Said I was to impure. And that his family would never except me, so he couldn't either.

I tried everything to get a mate. But all the guys I've ever slept with found their mates and were having baby's and getting married soon. They all seemed in love with each other. And I'll never get that. Not now.


Ryan's P.O.V.

After all my waiting I finally got the girl of my dreams. When I heard that she'd finally rejected Lane I swooped in after a year and won her heart. Now she loves me for me and I didn't have to make her.

I'm glad I waited to sleep with some one. Because we both had sex for the first time together and we were married. She was like a guys dream girl. She was perfect for me. Just perfect.

She still doesn't know about my watching her from a distance. And I kinda want to keep it that way. I mean we're happily in love with our son Landon. He's almost three years old. Jordan's pregnant now with our second child. She wants it to be a girl. While I just want it to look like her.

The end.

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