Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Lane's P.O.V.

I feel like such a jerk now. Why didn't I just pull her to the side and ask her in privet. Maybe then I wouldn't have pushed her away from me. I bet know she hates me.

But it's not like I could really blame her. I was a total jackass in front if her and the football team. She didn't deserve that. No one does. I say I love her but then I go and do something like I just did.

How does that show her that I love her and would do most anything for her? It doesn't. It showed her that I'm possibly the worse mate in the history if mates. Not even my dad acted that way with my mom.

This just goes to show that I'm not what anybody needs. I'm like a bad case of the small pox and every one should just evacuate now before it's to late for them.

I know that if I were to push every one I ever loved away now, maybe no one would get hurt further. I don't like to hurt people but it's like my mouth speaks before I can stop it. Like at Pizza Hut when I told Jordan all that crap. I should have just shut the hell up. But no my mouth just had to say that. For what, to get her attention? Cause if that's why I did that then I did her attention along with getting her to hate my guts.

I guess this is the best time to tell my parents about my mate. My mom will be happy for me. Well until they find out who my mate is. That little fact my cause a few problems. But if they can get over my cousin Carlos having a baby with a girl who isn't his mate, then they should be able to live with who my mate is.

Well here's to hope.


Unknown P.O.V.

He screwed up. That's just what I've been waiting for. He really put his foot in his mouth this time. I always knew he was stupid. But I don't really care about Lane, I care about Jordan. I care for her and her alone. She and I where supposed to be mates. But no Lane had to get in the way of that.

He thinks he's so much better than me and the other males, that I doubt he would ever think that some one else would want his mate. That's one of many reasons why I will be taking Jordan as my mate by tomorrow night.

The only people who know are those with which I trust whole heartedly. I don't doubt their loyalty one bit. They have proven to me on more than one occasion that I can trust them. And that's exactly what I'm doing now.

I've been waiting for years to take Jordan as mine. But I needed to see who her mate was first. The reason for that is because I needed to see who I was going up against. I truly think that I could make her happier than Lane could any day.

He doesn't know her the way that I do. So in a way I'm one step ahead of him. And that's exactly the way I need it to be and how I need it to stay. Because if he gets the upper hand on me I'm screwed.

That's the sucky thing about not being her true mate. It puts me at a very noticeable disadvantage. I could do one of two things to get Lane out if the picture.

"Alpha the men are ready when you are." My best fighter Hans informed me. He's in charge of the warriors.

"Okay. We leave for my Jordan in a few hours. Make sure we have everything ready. I can't afford a mistake. Not one thing can be out if place."

"Yes sir."

"Well don't just stand there. GO!"

"Right sir. Sorry sir. Want happen again sir."

Why couldn't I have pack members with a brain. That is what could be helpful right now. Because my pea brain mean need that to be better then the best.

I just hope that I have enough men to win this fight.


Hey babes,

I know this was short and I'm sorry. It's just that I'm kinda to lazy to add more to this chapter. I'll do my best to make the next chapter longer. Any ways.

Who do you think this mystery alpha is? Why does he want Jordan so badly? What does he have against Lane? Where is his true mate? How does he plan to get Jordan?

Well let's find out in the chapters to come.



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