Chapter 12

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Jordan's P.O.V.

It's kinda funny when you have a slut right where you want them. It gives you the perfect time to do anything to get them mad. I mean when you have a mad slut it can be the most hilarious thing to happen for a little while.

For some reason my wolf kept making me think about Lane. He was sexy as I'll get out. But our packs are enemy. They hate one another and no ones been able to fix whatever it was that started this silly little fight. When I become alpha I planed on outing an end to it. But now I don't know how I'm supposed to do that. What if my mate doesn't want the fight to stop? What if he likes all the violence and deaths that are put on our hands?

That's why I don't think me and Lane would work out. I believe that if we both truly what each other then we could possibly make it work.

I wonder how my father will react to this news about my mate. He always told me not to trust that pack. So me being me avoided them for as long as I could. I'm seriously starting to regret that prank I pulled at my old school.

Now that I think about it, it was very stupid of us to have done. But at the same time I'm glad I did because if I hadn't I wouldn't have ever met my hot mate.

"Hey Jordan do you want to go to Pizza Hut with me and the rest of the football team?" Daniel asked. Daniel was one of my pack mates and the QB on the football team. His twin brother Griffin was the left tackle. Quinn is the right tackle and he's my cousin. Then there is Bradley he is defiance. Both our schools football team and this schools team had to join together. Lane is the kicker and the left guard. Then there is some of his little monkeys.

"Yeah. Totally." I mean why not right.

I play sports too. I play soccer, basketball, and baseball. I play baseball because our school didn't have a softball team and they let some of us girls join the team. It really fun though.

"So who's all going with us?" I asked.

"Well us clearly. Lane and some of the guys and I think some of the cheerleaders too. Aka the sluts as you put it alpha." Quinn answered my question.

"Okay then."

I've always liked Quinn the most he's more like me but not like me and I like that about him. I guess that's why we're cousin and best friend. Some people use to think we where twins. But as we got older they thought we were a couple. That's kinda gross if you ask me. I mean he's my cousin. I love him but only in the family love way. Not the I love your my boyfriend/girlfriend.

I can't really say that I'm disappointed that my mate will be joining us. I think I would've been if he wasn't coming. I know I was the one who tried to reject him. But really I want him. But to prove that I don't need him I'm going to bring a 'date'. I need him to think that I really meant it when I tried to reject him.

"Hey I'll meet yall there I'm going to go pick Jason and Carson up from the pack house." Jason and Carson are twin brothers and players. That makes them the perfect people to ask to be my date. I just have to find a girl to go with one of then too.

Just then I saw Tyra leaving the school. Lit looked like she was talking to some chick. I think her name was Sydney. She's apart of Lane's pack.

"Hey Ty." I called out to her. She looked shocked to see me talking to her.

"Hey Jor."

"Do you want to came to Pizza Hut with me, Jason, Carson, and the football team?" I know what your thinking. But Tyra's not that bad sometimes.

"I would love too."

"Who do you want to go with Jason or Carson?" I asked her.

"Jason, because Carson and I aren't on speaking terms." She said.

"Okay. Let's go." I told her. "Bye Sydney it was so nice to see you."

And with that me and Tyra left.

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