Chapter 6

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Raven P.O.V

The Eleven Olympians. None had smiles of joy on their faces, but had looks of complete dumbfounded expressions... They seemed to have been in a state of shock, which my fiancé quickly recovered from, and was replaced with a grin.

He seemed happy to see me "alive" and in person again. As you may or may not have known, I was to be married to Ares. I started to remember my childhood in fast-forward mode. I saw myself turn into a warrior, a force to be reckoned with.
I felt so many emotions, most from the gods, and campers, but some were from me.

The gods were happy but shocked, the campers were scared, and in awe that a goddess was in their presence and how they didn't notice it. The Athena cabin was upset that they didn't see it coming, children of Athena are always good at finding information, so seeming how hey didn't find out mine, makes their emotions toward me very understood.

Me personally, I felt joy at being reunited with my family but sad that I will have to once again stay with my "anger- issues, very dramatic" Olympian family. I quickly made a mental note to create a special portal to either of the camps' in case I get driven too insane by my family.

--- Taking a trip down memory lane---

When I was first growing up, he was hardly ever there for me, Athena and Artemis were the ones who trained me in the art of weaponry, I had mastered them all by eleven. From Kung Fu to Kensaido.

I grew at an excelled rate because of me being a goddess, I matured greatly in the little time from my birth to adulthood. My height made me 5/6 and I had the body of a swimmer with muscles all around. I had gone from a sweet innocent little girl, to a woman who can either be your best friend, or a great, yet deadly enemy.
As I grew, my love for Ares and his love for me increased. Time and time again we constantly went on dates. We dated for about three years, and in that "small" amount of time, Aphrodite was out of the picture, and we planned to get married.

He promised that once we married, I would be his for the rest of eternity. Since we gods can control our aging, I had decided to stop aging at twenty. I let myself age "naturally" so that once I got to twenty, I was going to get married a week after.

However, I was somehow sent to the mortal world, unable to be located by the other Gods. Who sent me?, I believe it was fate, because now, I see that I wasn't just another fling, but a real loved one by Ares. I regret nothing.

-flashback over-

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