Chapter 3

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Capture The Flag

Athena Cabins' Plan:

Separate into three groups: A, B, D

Group A: The Attackers would attack everyone, moving forward towards the flag, they would move in a hollow square. (A/N if you don't get it, it's just a group of people making the shape of a square as a "formation")
Each part of the square would be used to defend as one unit instead of individually, because fighting as a group is much more sturdy.

Group B: The Backup would help them on the way there and on the way back in case the others try to pursue them, trying to prevent them from crossing the boarder.
Also, if needed they would take the flag from their companions and try to run across the border if they do manage to catch up to them. The Backup are the fast ones, ones that have speed and agility but lack force.

Group D: The Defenders job are to guard the flag. Depending on their caning, they could be guarding the flag from the trees using archery or guarding right next to it if they are good with close range fighting. Meaning if they have a spear, sword, or dagger.

-Time Skip//////The Battle-

We carried out this plan with very small causalities on our part, and successfully won the game in record time thanks to the "extra" power from the Poseidon Cabin.

Since I was "less" experienced than my "fellow" demigods, I was stuck guarding the flag. However, since I use a sword, they stationed me next to the flag. While the others were getting the flag, there were more campers from the opposing team rushing at the flag then planned.
Using my skills, I dove right into battle. "This will teach them not to underestimate a child of Poseidon again." I thought amused at the other teams' incompetence. Slash, hack, roll; duck, roll, slash.

I kept repeating these moves inside my head, just then a searing pain in my side was felt. I turned around just in time to dodge a blow that was meant for my head. Quickly disarming and knocking out my attacker, I looked down to see a large gnash on my side, and blood seeping from the wound.

Hearing cheering in our side I knew we won, deciding I didn't want to die of either blood loss or getting a concussions falling from blood loss, I staunched the wound with a piece of my clothing and made my way to the water. I didn't wait for anything, I dove head first into the lake and stayed there for what seemed like five minutes.

When I finally came up, it was dark, and no one was around anymore. Running, I made my way to Cabin Three, the Cabin of Poseidon. I changed into my PJ's and made my way to bed, falling instantly to sleep...

Sorry this is such a short chapter!!! I'll try better!!

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