Chapter One. Tragedy And A Casting Call

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Stacy Jones: Hiccup…oh.. giggles.. do.-don’t wo-worry…staggering to her car, I’ll be there. reADy to go..

Michael: Sure think ssssssexy…I’ll sssssseee you t-to morrow…. You ha…sssssseeeee ggood night nowwwww.. aaahhh.. haha.. can’t even  walkssssss.. Jackson…hiccup..

Stacy Jones was driving home so she could sleep off some of the drunkenness. Thinking about her role in the morning. She will be working with the hottest director around and have the lead role. She thinks to that she will get to get him into her bed and sample a bit of his endowments. Stacy looks down at the radio and turns the volume up so she can hear it better. “Baby Be Mine” plays on he radio, She starts to tap her hands on the wheel and then bob her head a bit. She didn’t see the car coming from her left and drove through the stop sign. Swerving to miss the car she lost control and headed directly into the gas pumps on the opposite side of the road. The car blew up and Stacy Jones was killed instantly.

The next morning it’s all over the news “Stacy Jones Killed In A Firey Crash”

April Bradley sat drinking her cup of coffee with the new playing on the kitchen counter. The reporter said that she had ran a stop sigh and a car who had the right of way and no stop sighs to yield to, hit her doing 35 miles an hour. The police suspect she was drunk but will not know what the actual cause is pending an investigation.  The news droned on about the crash and then turned to other things and the weather. April went about her normal morning routine, getting ready to walk the dog when the phone rang.


April;  Hello?

Michelle Wilson: April? It’s Michelle. Listen. You have an audition in 90 minutes at Warner Bros’ you will be auditioning for Jackson Production Company. Seems their lead actress was killed last night –

April’s blood ran cold. She knew who’s role she had a chance to get. Stacy Jones. In her ear she heard her publicist and manager talking but had no clue what she was saying. April only thought about the role and the fact that Stacy Jones was to star in the film

Michelle; April Are you listening to me?? Hello? Go get ready and get down there!

April; Oh…uh… okay. Yes. Okay I’ll be there. Thank you. They said their goodbyes.


Michael; RANDY!! Ugghh, holding his head. Softer, what was I drinking. God what a mess.

Randy; hurrying in. Yes Michael.

Michael; UUGGHH…not so loud… Get me some aspirin would you?

Randy: Sure Michael coming right up! He starts to walk away.

Michael;  Randy. Send in Crystal too. I need a little fun before I have to audition replacements for Stacy today. I want a replacement by noon.

Randy; Giggling, Yeah bro, the ladies man! I know she wants you too. Every time she sees you she licks her lips practically salivating. Smiling broadly.

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