Chapter Fifteen Too Many Strange Occurances

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April was on the floor just a few feet from the over head light that came crashing down. She wasn’t hurt but shaking up. The camera men and stage hands came running to her aid.


Randy pushes everyone out of the way and goes to April’s side. She is scratched a bit but unharmed. Randy picks her up in his arms and takes her to her dressing room. In the shadows however, someone watches and is made it didn’t hit it’s mark. “whispers, next time bitch!”

April: I’m okay Randy. Just scared. What happened?  This is the 4 time something has happened.

Randy; Wait what??!! Forth time? What do you mean? 

April; Well, last week there were two things. My stairs to the dressing room here were suddenly loose. When I left to go to set they didn’t move, when I came back an hour later, they were so wobbly I almost fell. Then The lights here on my mirror exploded and they weren’t on. Scared me but didn’t hurt me.  Yesterday, one of the sandbags that hold the ropes in place up there on the catwalk came crashing down. Was 3 feet in front of me. If Steve with my costume had not called me and I stopped it would have hit me, I’d be dead probably.

Randy; Oh god! From now on you are not to be alone walking to or from you dressing room.   Holding her tightly in his arms, kissing her softly. I love so much. Tears start to fall.

April: Randy I’m okay I promise. I know you saw that today. I swear, I didn’t know it was going to be like that. I really didn’t. That’s not what Michael said on Saturday when he came by. It was worse than what he said. I feel as if it were a porno movie. She starts to cry.

Randy held her and they both cried together. Randy kissed her and held her. He laid her on her bed to rest. All he wanted to do was hold her and comfort her. Neither had to be on set for an hour so Randy wanted her to nap. She cuddled closer into his arms and he held her, gently massaged her body, kissed her lovingly and April feel asleep on his chest. Just before the hour was up, someone knocked at the door. Randy gently got up and answered the door.

Randy: What do you want? He whispered harshly.

Michael; I am here to check on my girlfriend. He said

Randy She isn’t your girlfriend. She’s mine so got over yourself.

Michael; The fuck she is! I’m still your boss and hers! I’m still in charge here and if there was an accident on set, it falls to me to check on everyone. Now get the fuck out of my way. I want to see April and I will do so as I please!

Michael shoves Randy out of the way and goes straight to where April was resting. Sitting by her side, he gently caresses her sleeping face. Michael was trying so hard to be brave but the tears just started to fall.

Michael; speaking softly; April love, I am so sorry. I will find out who did this. I swear to you I will. I won’t let anything happen to you not ever.

April starts to wake up and sees both Michael and Randy leaning over her. Both looking at her with love in their eyes. Both were scared for her and both wanted her to be theirs. April takes both their hands and kisses both. Please both of you. I am okay. Just a bit spooked is all. Thank you both for loving me as you do. I love you both, She emphasized the word both, very much. Go ahead to the set and I’ll be there in a few minutes okay?

Michael; Okay my love. He kissed April tenderly on the lips, I love you April. Standing he looks at Randy and gives him the most evil look he ever had in his life.

Randy No love, I will wait and walk with you. I won’t lose you to some freak accident. Kissing her lovingly holding her in his arms. She holds him back.

April; O-okay well let me get my make up ready real quick and then we can go.

Randy Sure thing beautiful. He winks at her.

Walking out to the set as April and Randy went between the trailers towards the set itself, they heard someone calling them.

Samantha; April, Randy wait a sec. I heard what happened earlier. Are you okay? I mean this is crazy right?

April: it is but I’ll be okay I was just shaken up is all.

Randy: Don’t worry Samantha, I’ll take care of my girl. I promise. He steals a kiss and Samantha smiles.

Samnantha; hmmmmm …I see. Giggles. Okay you two. Be careful okay? She walks off.

Randy and April were standing there kissing in private. Randy had taken only 3 steps away with April right behind him when suddenly a big stage fan fell off its stand was rolling toward April.


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