Chapter Ten Decisions Fighting For Love

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Michael; Get your hands off me!  He punches Randy in the face.

Randy; I won’t let you hurt her! I love her! You are a womanizing bastard. I wish I had never agreed to this bet. My blessing out of it is She loves me too and I am in love with April I will protect her from you lying cheating ass! Randy punches Michael hard in the face and drop kicks him in the stomach.

Michael falls to his knees  and breaths hard saying. “I don’t care what you say. I will fight for her and I will win. April will be mine. I’m mot the same man anymore!

Randy. I don’t believe you! I know you!! Once you’ve had her you will leave her home and cheat on her here or some bar and motel somewhere. I know, because I covered for your ass how many times huh? Linda? Shauna? Tatum? Layla? Patricia? And how many others huh? How many Michael?? Have you ever one time had to cover for me? No! Never!! Let her go, if you love her don’t treat her like this share her with everyone. Let me have her. I love her Michael. More than anything! I would give her the world treat her like a queen.

Michael; No. I want her and I will fight for her. I am not the monster I once was and I will prove it to you both. To all of you. Michael storms out of the office and heads home.

Randy; Every one! Can yo gather around!!

The entire set crew, stage pages, and actors all gathered around Randy to hear what it was that he wanted.

Randy: Guys! Michael is feeling well and requested that production today be called off. We meet back here at 9 an tomorrow.

There were happy murmurs and irritated mutters from everyone. They turned and started to their dressing rooms or to pick up their tools and equipment. Randy never too his eyes off of April. He watched her every move and put his hands in his pocked because he was going to reach out for her.

A shadowy figure watched her too. Soon it would be time to reveal their selves to them but at the moment waiting was fine.

April walked over to Samantha and hugged her tight. Thank you for this morning. I appreciate it. I will go home with the notebook and look at the pros and cons, how each make me feel and why. You are a big help. Smiling

Samantha; I’m glad I could help. Call me if you need me. Here, handing her a card.

April takes the card. Thank you. She walks to her dressing room and goes inside.

Suddenly she is pulled up and scooped into a pair of strong arms.  At first she was going to scream of help then she saw it was Randy and she laughed in delight in stead: Randy kisses her lovingly and tenderly. Walking her over to the bed in the room he lays over her and begins to grind on her. She loves how he makes her feel. He’s always so loving and tender. April feels cherished and treasured in his arms. Randy’s kisses are like Brandy wine. Sweet and lingering for hours. Randy loved to hold her and kiss her and felt himself getting very hand as it was pressing against his tight fitting jeans. April his holding him caressing him. She runs her hands under his shirt. At the touch Randy gasped.He love to feel her hands on him and loved the fact that she responded to his touch and love so sweetly. That is was his name she called when they were together and that all he could do was fall deeper in love with her.”I love you April’ he said. She smiles up at him. “I love you too”  April and Randy made love right here in the dressing room. It was long and sweet and slow. Everyone had gone home but them and it didn’t matter because they were lost in each other.


April pulls out the notebook and makes it as Samantha had told her to do.


Sweet                                      sexy

Sexy                                        loving

Generous                                  soft spoken

Funny                                       intelligent

Not a cheater                            Cheater

Single for sure                          Can never be sure

Respectful                                Tyrant at times

Open                                         Closed off

I feel loved and cherished        I feel wanted like a prize but it’s better

I feel safe                                   I’m always nervous waiting for his explosion

Comfortable                              Guarded

Want to spend time with           Need to think through before more time with

Can talk about anything            must watch what he says, works around too many stars

 Homebody                                Partier

Love all movies                         Loves all movies

Knows how to make a lady

Feel good  with him always       Always feel as he’s got going to leave sudden or hisd somthin

These were enough for her to look at and really address each one. Let Randy go firsl

April; as they were getting dressed. Can you come over tonght? Please?

Randy sure baby, What time?

April; 5 ish. I’ll have dinner ready for us when you come.

Randy; Smiling brightly okay


Michael; Damn Randy! No way is he going to win her. You watch. Two can play the game and I can play it very well. I love her. I am in love with April too and I won’t just sit back and not fight for the woman I love! Fuck my brother! Fuck him.!  running fingers through his hair. Letting out ta deep breath. Just they could not let April learn of the bet between them. They didn’t want to lose April at all. Michael decided he was going to do all he could to keep that secret and to win April’s hear. Michael already knew she did have feelings for him and he was going to do all he could to make them grow. Looking in the mirror. “Come on Jackson turn on the charm. Go over there and see her. See what she does or says. “ Maybe that is what I will do. He grabbed his car keys and headed to the door……..

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