Chapter Twenty Old Flame Pain, Close Call and Lost Babies

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Black smoke filled the room and they knew April had just walk out there. Randy was the first out the door.

Randy; APRIL!!!!!   He was terrified. What if something …..

They all raced out of Michael’s office into the smoke. There was April on the floor with heavy equipment over her.body. the explosion blew stage rigging onto her She was bloody and motionless. Randy screamed for them to help him free her..

Samantha’ I’ll call an ambulance

Michael; Oh god. NOOOOOOOO!!!  Tears fill his eyes….

Everyone was there helping to uncover April so she could get help. Studio security went racing to try and find out who did this. Soon, they had April unburied from the debris.

Randy; tears falling down his cheeks. April…come on baby.. come on!! Wake up! Wake up… he cried. April please baby.. please.. don’t leave me.. don’t……

Michael; Tears streamin down his cheeks, tried to hold her too. They were so upset. April…come on love.. come on…please… we love you.. please.. wake up .. open your eyes for us. 

Samantha; tears down her face. The paramedics are coming. Someone had already called but they are coming. They took the call again.

Stage hand; They are here. I’m going to guide them in, he races off.

A few minutes later the paramedics race in and they begin to work on April. Randy over heard one say it didn’t look good they needed to get her to the hospital now. They put April on the gurney and raced out with her. Randy ran with them.

Paramedic; Who are you sir?

Randy; I’m her boyfriend;

Michael; we are her boyfriends, it’s complicated and not time to explain. But we are going with you. They shove into the ambulance.

Samantha; I’ll drive over and meet you there!! She raced to her car.

The ambulance took off with lights and sirens to the hospital which gratefully only 14 min away. The hospital had been alerted to what was happening.

Paramedic;  She’s crashing! Pulling out the paddles.. I’m charging.  THUD FFFSSSSSSSTTTTT




Paramedic; She’s back. Barely but she’s back.


The paramedics race in with April and they immediately take her into surgery. Michael Randy and Samantha were left to wait in the waiting room. No one could sit still. They paced and paced and cried. Samantha tried to comfort them even though her own heart was breaking. After 2 hours they were waiting for word from someone, a policeman walks in.

Police officer Stanley: Michael Jackson??

Michael; That’s me? Frowning

Police Officer Stanley; I need to talk to you. Do you know a Lisa Marie Rowe?

Michael; I think so. An old girlfriend. From 2 years ago. She got a little crazy and did things that left me feeling uneasy so I gently broke it off and have had two girlfriends since then.

Police Officer Stanley; She hasn’t tried to contact you in two years?

Michael; No, why?

Police Officer Stanley; Well, it seems she is the one who is responsible for todays’s explosion and probably all the strange events prior.

Michael; But two years later?

Police Officer Stanley; She was in a mental institution for 18 months is why. She has only been out 6 months. So she must have self admitted right after you broke up and they released 6 months ago today.

Michal; Omg!! It’s my fault. My past is coming back to hurt her. His tears of heartbreak and rage stain his cheeks.

Police Officer Stanley; I’m sorry sir. We did find her and arrest her. She will be put away with the criminally insane now. You shouldn’t have anymore problems.






Samantha; Randy we don’t know if that’s her. Relax…she holds him and Michael holds them both.

Nurses and doctors run from everywhere into the surgery room. No one would answer Michael’s questions.

A little over an hour later the doctor who worked on April came out.

Dr. Klien;  Are you here for April Bradley?

Randy and Michael both jumped YES!!

Dr. Klien; Well, it was touch and go. She had a crushed rib, ruptured spleen and her hip was severely bruised. I’m afraid we could save the babies.

All three;  BABIES???!!!!

Dr. Klien: Yes She was 3 weeks pregnant. We couldn’t save them but she can have more children. Her uterus was not damaged. She will be sore a while and she has a concussion so she is unconscious but you can see her just let her rest and keep the time limited.

Samantha;  Thank you Dr. Klien.

They all went to see April Michael and Randy sat on both sides of her and held her hands. They were so upset. Tears flowed both begged her to waken. They stayed for hours until the nurses made them leave and go home for some rest.

Randy: I love you April, you are my life, come back to me please bsby.

Michael; I love you so much April. I can’t be without you.. please come home to me.

Both kissed April good bye and said they would be back in the morning. Samantha drove them home. No one said much. They all were shocked about the events of the day and the revelation that April was pregnant. Neither knew who the father would have been but it didn’t matter they loved April and they were going to stand by her no matter what or her choice. With tears in their eyes they hugged Samantha as she dropped each off.

Randy laid in bed but couldn’t sleep. He got up got dressed. Randy had to go back to the hospital to be with April.

Across town, Michael was just getting up from a fitful sleep. April was his one thought. I’m come baby girl………

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