Chapter Six Michael Makes his move

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Michael; Wow! You look beautiful April. His eyes widen in pleasure

April; Thank you. I didn’t know where we were going so I tried to dress in between.

Michael; Well you are Beautiful, he kisses her hand and then gives her the white and red roses bouquet.

April. These are very beautiful, Please come in. I want to put them in water so they don’t wilt.

Michael; okay sure. Walking in closing door. You have a very nice home. Smiling as he looks around

April  Thank you Michael. April hurriedly gets flowers in vases and sets three around the house.  Okay Michael; I am ready.

Michael; Smiling at her. Okay let’s go. As she closed her door.

Michael was the perfect gentlemen. Waited until she got in the car was polite to her as they drove asking neutral questions. They laughed and when a song came on the radio she started to sing low to it as it was such a natural thing for her. Michael loved her voice and he even joined in with the song.

Michael: You have a very lovely voice. You should sing professionally

April; blushing a bit. I’m too nervous for that. But thank you.

Michael; Nervous? Come on you are in front of a camera all day.

April: True but I am interacting with someone so it’s like a normal conversation. So I don’t let it get to me. Singing is so different. Smiling.

Once at Le Grande Restaurant in Malibu, the valet took the car to park it for them as Michael and April walked inside. The hostess came to them and asked if they had a reservation.

Michael;  Jackson table for two.

Hostess looking at her ledger. Oh yes. Here you are. Antonio will be your waiter. Table 12 with the ocean view as you requested. Right this way Mr. Jackson.

Michael looks at April gently takes her hand as they walk to the table and are seated. The view is absolutely breathtaking and April’s eyes light up. She looks out at the waves as they roll in.

Michael; You like the view April?

April; I-it’s breathtaking.

Michael; Looking at April, You are breathtaking, he said softly

April heard him looking over at him and smiled Thank you. You are kind.

Michael; No, I’m not. I’m just being honest.  You are very beautiful and I’m glad you are here with me tonight, honestly. His eyes were intensely looking at her and this time unguarded for a moment. The soft glow from he candle light at the table showed that he looked at her with love in his eyes.

April  blushed thinking so he does have feelings for me too. Now she wasn’t sure what to do. She also had feelings for Randy. It really wasn’t anything that Randy did exactly. Just his whole personality. He’s sweet and kind and you always feel good around him. Michael you never know what to expect of if what he says is true half the time because he’s always sleeping around. “Well I do appreciate your kind words. You are very sweet when you want to be. It’s nice. It really is. “She smiles genuinely at him and something inside flip flops for Michael. He thinks he could be falling for her and they really don’t talk or know each other but she is so beautiful. Michael thought I better do this right. I don’t want Randy stealing her from me before I ever had a chance to find out for myself if she could be the one to finally show me what love really is.

They ordered fish platters and ate and talked. Michael found April to be witty and strong and very intriguing in conversation. He was amazed at her knowledge of different topics.  They spoke of politics, dreams, vision of the perfect scene for a movie. Also spoke of family and children and religion. As they finished dinner and dessert music had been playing in the restaurant but until this moment neither had paid much attention. Michael heard a nice song come on and wanted to dance with April. He held out his hand to her and she took it.

Michael; Dance with me? Smiling.

April; smiling softly. Yes, I’d love to. Taking his hand and standing.

They walk to the dance floor and Michael holds her to him and they sway to the music playing. As one slow one ends another begins. Lady in My Life comes on and Michael held her closer. Staring into her eyes he was losing himself. Licking his lips. He lowers his head to kiss her softly. In his head he was not going to tell Randy. He wanted to see her again and soon. His thumbs gently rubbed the small of her back as they danced and kissed gently, he wanted to pull to his hardness that was getting harder by the second. But didn’t….Yet.

Michael didn’t want to break the kiss but the song was ending and he didn’t want to push to hard to fast or he would lose his chance. As they pulled apart the people in the restaurant closest to them clapped at them. April blushed as did Michael. No one saw that in the shadows of the restaurant someone watched with hateful eyes.


Michael; walking April to her door. I had a lovely time tonight.. smiling. I truly did. May I see you again. Maybe, pausing Saturday?

April: smiling,  I did to. Really. I did. I’d like that. Same time?

Michael; Same time. Smiling.

April: Would you like to come in for a moment?

Michael; Ummm.. well, okay sure. Inside he’s saying yes yes yes.

April: Great. Smiling. Would you like some coffee? She asked but in her mind she’s thinking I wonder if he will try anything with me too. I want him too but then I don’t. I don’t want to be another notch or conquest. He’s so sexy but I’m not a sperm receptical either.

Michael stood watching her wondering what she was thinking and then decided better not focus on that and only focus on her. He said he would like a cup of coffee. She started to turn away to go make some when Michael called her name. she stopped.

Michael; April, I- he deftly picked her up in his arms and kissed her deeply and passionately. Walking over to the sofa he laid her down on it. Never stopped kissing her. His hands roamed her body a bit and he was getting harder and harder. He wanted her now so bad, but did he dare. Taking his hand and rubbing her wetness he could see what he made her feel. Unzipping his pants and pulling himself out .Grinding on her. April loved this and she wanted him to continue but like Randy he took it to a point and stopped. Michael had actually pushed his tip into her but stopped himself and was breathing very heavily. Knowing if he wanted her to really fall in love with him he had to stop him old ways and be the man he once was. “I’m sorry” he mumbled got up and fixed himself. Ran his fingers through him hair. “it’s not you. It’s me.” Michael left. April was on her sofa left with her thoughts as Michael walked out the door.


Randy laid in bed trying to sleep and couldn’t. He was nervous and scared that April could fall in love with Michael. He had never ever in his life coveted anything his brother had until now. And he wasn’t even sure if he had her. Randy knew his brother and knew he could charm a snake. That’was what really worried him. Randy felt the prick of tears in his eyes. Closing his eyes yet again he keep the one thought in his head. Please love me April like I love you. Please love me. I love you so.. a single tear escaped Randy’s eye as he drifted off to sleep.

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