Chapter Nineteen Group Confessions- Cards On The Table

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Samantha” Okay. Since There was no place very private but Michael’s office. We will sit here. Everyone pull up your chairs and listen. I brought you together to straighten this mess out. You all have to come to some sort of adult agreement or something because going on as it is? Isn’t working or happening. It’s affecting everyone and everything around you. You all have done stuff to hurt each other and you need to stop it. Now, today.

Michael But-

Samantha: holding her hand up, For me personally, I want to help you reach some sort of peace of mind here. The stress will kill you all in some way or another. You all are under enough pressure with this film and now with the strange events. You don’t need this too. It’s a time to come together and be a part of the solution, not the problem.  Looking at the three of them who nod in approval.

Randy; You are right. We do and I want that very much.

April: As do I.

Samantha; Since we all agree, I think we should get started wouldn’t you agree.  Randy, would you start us off please. She fumbles with her scarf as he gives Randy the go ahead.

Randy; Looks at April, and glances back around the room before turning his full attention onto her. April, I know we messed up. We never should have done this the way we did. I honestly don’t know who said it. But the bet for me was my way of teaching Michael a lesson. Woman are not things or eye candy. I knew he liked you and despite what you said in the beginning I knew you had some feelings towards him too. I want to bring you two together. I’- tears falling down his cheeks, I fell in love with you immediately even before the bet, but I thought you could only love Michael so, ‘looking down” I didn’t say or do anything. Then the bet sort of became my way to show you me. Show you Randy. I love you. I am in love with you and I knew no, I know you are the girl I am going to love forever. I think about you all the time. All I want to do is hold you, love you, keep you safe, make you laugh, share my life and my love with you. I love kissing you, I love holding you. You make me laugh and my heart feel so alive and full. I want to cherish you as my own. I want the world so see us and say such a loving couple. I’m a lot of things but with you I’m the happiest man in the world and nothing matters to me but you. When we make love I felt free, like we were soaring on angels wings of love. I don’t every want to hurt you and I know I did and I will live every day making it right, I love you and I want to marry you. I can not see me without you. There is not Randy without April. I know in my heart that when we are apart I will always long to be by your side and in your arms. I will never hurt or desert you. I love you April and in your arms and love is where my paradise lies

Michael looks at Randy and is fuming mad. He balls his fist up ready to pound Randy to pieces. Samantha grabs it quickly and pulls it down.”Don’t even think about it Michael! We are talking and opening up as adults here” He puts his fist down and returns to sit quietly. April and Randy are stunned at his reaction. Samantha thought good thing she learned how to grab fast in Kung Fu or god only knows what Michael would have done.

Samantha; April, would you mind speaking next? Michael has some thinking to do I can see yet and there will be no anger outburst or mess here.

April: Okay. Sighing looking down, April pauses.

Samantha; Just speak your heart. She smiles.

April; When I first came here almost 6 months ago I met Michael first didn’t realize he would be my boss. I thought cute but what an ass and left it at that. Then when I found out he was going to be my boss, I wasn’t happy about that because we had already gotten off on the wrong foot. But part of me thought if she can drop the arrogant womanizing tyrant act, maybe he wouldn’t be so bad. Yes I did have feelings for you Michael; I just honestly at the time didn’t know what they were, except I thought you were sexy. I met Randy and from the beginning. He showed me kindness and friendship. Spoke to me not at me. His smile is infectious. At Charlie’s that night, for our get together with everyone. That was the night I started to see Randy in a different way. At first I though it was the alcohol because I had so much of it. Then,when Michael walked in with that lady. I was hurt and mad and couldn’t explain why. So, licking my lips, when Randy offered to take me home because I did have too much to drink, I agreed. What I didn’t tell Randy is, I wasn’t drunk or even tipsy, I really just didn’t want to be alone. I wasn’t looking for sex just friendship someone to talk to and you were always so easy to speak with besides Samantha that I thought okay why not? He a great guy, he’s kind and loving and funny and he makes you feel safe and at ease so easily. I had no intention of kissing him but when we did at Charlie’s something in my stomach fluttered but it did with Michael tooI just had no idea I would fall in love with Randy too. That night at my home. I wanted you to stay so badly, but, I didn’t want you to think I wa easy or anything so when he wanted to go and take it slow I fully agreed. My date with Michael; showed me a whole new Michael and I began to wonder if this was the real Michael but then I saw him with the women again and knew that Michael wouldn’t change at that point. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and pray maybe he could, but would he break my heart? Could he be loyal? Anyway, I didn’t want to fall in love with you too, but I did. I did and I knew that you two are brothers and I knew that it would tear you two apart. Case in point, look at us right now. You both are glaring at each other. I can feel the tension and I know it’s my fault. I can’t help my heart and I can’t change what has already been. I do know I need to make a choice but no matter the choice one of you will be hurt and I can’t bear that. Maybe it’s better if I let you both go, because I can’t watch you too tear at each other for my not being able to choose. Love is one thing but family is forever. You are brothers and look at you now, and that is my fault lie to yourselves if you wish but you know it’s true, if yuu two hand not made that bet and I had not started up with either of you we would not be here now. ‘tears fall down her cheeks”

Randy; Please don’t say good bye. We will get our selves together it just will take some time

Michael; I may want to beat his ass right now, but, Randy’s right, don’t leave us because we can’t control our alpha male testosterone levels.

Samantha; Let her finish okay guys? They nod.

April’ I love you both deeply. You both make me feel so , wow.. Randy. You make me laugh and smile, We have fun together. I feel safe with you, protected. Cherished and loved. Really loved and wanted. I love everything about you. Making love to you is my paradise on earth. I love being held my you and kissed by you. You are smart and you listen and you don’t judge or get angry when I say anything. No subject is off limits. You dance wonderful We share so much. Michael. You are a great dancer and like Randy you are sexy and handsome, classy. You are smart and funny and I enjoy our conversations. You make me feel loved and protected. Your hugs are amazing. When we make love its like nothing I can describe with words. But sometimes you make me feel like you would rather be elsewhere or like I’m a prize in a competition not a human being. The other day, that scene, even though I love making love to you. It made me feel like a cheep whore. More like a porno then a love scene in a movie and I know you did that on purpose. I went to the movies sponsors. Why would you do that? Do you know how cheep that made me feel. That’s why the last few days I’ve been pulling away from you. I’m not a competition door prize to dangle in front of Randy or anyone. I am a human being. Tears falling. I will make my choice in two days, by Friday. I am in love with you both.

Samantha; Good job.. Okay now, Michael you need to say what you are feeling and maybe you all will walk away from here as friends…if nothing else… go ahead Michael

Michael; sighing. Fumbing with his fingers and shuffling his feet in his chair, looks up at April and has tears in his eyes,  I love you April, You are the one I have always loved. I was with those woman and it was wrong but from the moment I saw you, it was you I wanted, I just thought you would never want me, because we started off so badly. When I was with those women, it was you I was seeing, you I wanted. At Charlie’s, seeing you dancing with Randy, I know my brother, I was jealous because I knew he was really falling in love with you and I could see you were enjoying him holding you as he did. So, I did some stupid things and I was wrong. I gave you, no we gave you a bad impression of us, of me with the bet and the sex with ladies who meant nothing to be because all I wanted was you. I’ve always wanted to love you. To cherish you and give you my love, my heart, my life. I want you to choose me. I need you to choose me because you have changed me, You have made me a better man. I want to share my life with  you my world. Will it be Randy or will it be me? I need to know you want me. I love you. I am in love with youi and I swear I will never give you pause to doubt me ever again. Please choose me. Michael gets up walks across to her and kisses April tenderly aon the cheek. Be mine, be my forever, he whispers.

Samantha; Okay. Now we have all had our piece to say. Everyone take hands/

The group takes hands and holds tight. Looking at Samantha as she looks at them.

Samantha; From this moment the past is the past. It’s a new day a new beginning. We are no children we are adults and we can be friends and agree to disagree. We leave here as friends Michael and Randy you will behave as brothers do regardless of whatever choice April makes. April you will not act any different to them. You will be the loving woman we all know you to be.  And we are as we were, friends and you three love each other endlessly and unconditionally They had a group hug and then were getting ready to leave. April left the room first after hugging and kissing both Michael and Randy. Hugging Samantha and thanking her for everything.


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