Randy's Falling in Love

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Randy couldn’t take his eyes off April nor could she off of him. It was as if they were frozen. Randy wanted so desperately to make love to April here and now and knew if he did’t get up off of her soon, he would. Normally he’d say fuck it, but not this time. Before he realized it he was kissing her again and grinding harder on her. April loved his kisses each time he kissed her she felt more for him even knowing she had feelings for Michael. Back of her mind she knew she had to stop this before it want further this was only their first date but when Randy started to grind on her she responded hungrily. Moving her legs so he could lay between them. Randy was pushed near the edge of no return when she did that. He reached down and unzipped himself while still grinding on her. Pushing Aprils skirt up to her waist and kissing her passionately a low gutral groan escaped his lips as he just about went for it. Their bare skin touched and she was almost going to push himself into her. Slowing his kiss up and pulling away slowly.. he looks her in the eyes and sees she is as aroused as he is and soothing else too. Was it love he saw or wishful thinking. Could she love him. Randy thought, I know I started this to teach Michael a lesson they are made for each other but, dear god in heaven, let her love me. Let it be me she wants. I am in love with her and I , I don’t’ even know how it happened I just know, I want to love her. .After a moment then got their emotions under control and in April’s heart she is thinking oh god how can this happen, I love them both and I am so torn. How can I love two men brothers and so fast. This isn’t me, I don’t do this king of thing and we almost made love here and now. Both started to speak at the same time.

Randy: April I-

April; Randy I-

Both giggle and try to calm themselves. Randy leans in and kisses April softly. She responds just as softly. Randy looks at her and smiles sweetly at her. The tells her to go first. April smiles at him and says. Ok.

April; Randy, you are a wonderful man and I had fun with you tonight I truly did. I love kissing you very much. I – I just think we are going to fast. Is all. ‘biting her lip” I’m sorry.

Randy; Don’t be. I honestly was going to say the same. I think you are an amazing woman. You’re beautiful and hot and you make me feel things I have never felt before. It wouldn’t take much for me right now to push myself into you. I almost did. But I want this to be right for you. I want to make t his special not a one night stand or a wham bam adios Sam. I’m not like that and it would be wrong to do it especially to someone as beautiful and sweet as you. I could kiss you forever and never tire. I want to get to know you some more as well. Can I see you again? He smiles at April.

April: I’d really like that Randy. I want to see you again. She smiles at him.

Randy; How about Friday? Dinner and a movie? Dancing? 

April smiling: That would be perfect either one.

Randy; 7 pm?

April; 7 pm it is.

Randy.; Good. I’ll be here. Smiling.

April: I’ll be ready.

Randy paused before getting up off of her and he could not resist it. Bending his head down to kiss April again and this time he pulled him deeper into his arms. Moaning in his throat. Randy swiveled his hips and rubbed himself against her and both were instantly heated again. Randy so wanted to enter her. He though he’d be able to control himself if he just entered her No thrusting. But in his heart he knew if he buried himself inside the woman who has stolen his heart so fast he would not be able to stop until he made them both feel so good and cum together. Randy kissed April passionately their tongues exploring each others mouths and tasting the flavor that was their own. His heart raced. Hers was like a brass drum in her chest. Her body tingled as his touch. Randy stops again looks at her. Apologizes and tells her he better go before the go to far their first night. April smiled and nodded. Randy caressed her cheek and whispered ‘So beautiful” Then got up off of her fixed himself and started for her door. Turning at the door, he walks back to her as she had gotten up too and was heading towards the door. Randy pulled her into his arms and kissed her. His hands were all over her rubbing her sides and caressing her body and she responded equally with passion. Randy moaned and kissed her once more. “I have to go or we are in trouble. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Smiles and then was gone.

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