Chapter Four For the Bet Or For Love?

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7 PM.


April walks in and some of the crew and actors have already gathered. They welcomed her in with open arms. They cheered her for her actions with the director the other day. Saying it took guts to do as she did and she was right about him. April ordered her drink of a Margarita and sipped it. Watching as others filed in.

Randy; walking up behind her, taps her on the shoulder.  Hey! He said softly

April turns around and looks at him. Wow she thinks this man is gorgeous. Hey Randy! So glad you could join us!

Randy: Licking his lips, looking at April thinking omg, this woman is hot. I really could fall for her. April is sexy and all over fine, curves all in the right places. Thank you for inviting me. I appreciate it. He kisses her cheek in a friendly greeting but felt his stomach get butterflies and he went instantly had with it straining against his tight jeans.

April; smiling not knowing what is happening to Randy physically in her presence. Why don’t you order yourself a drink?

Randy; Yes. I’d like one. he says but thinking, I need one.

Miles; So how do you like the role so far?

April; I love it. It allows me to put some of my frustrations in general into the character.

Miles; I think the script is well written but there are some parts that should be updated or changed a bit I’d say. Overall, it’s a decent one.

April; Really like what part?

Miles: Well. There is a love scene coming soon and it’s written as if we are teenagers in the backseat of my fathers car. Maybe should be developed a bit more.

April; Do you think that maybe they left it as such for the actors meaning su to take it in a direction of real life?

Miles; I kind of thought that too but then dismissed it. Maybe when we get there we can improvise a bit and see where the scene takes us? Turning to Randy he says Do you think Michael would mind it? It may give the scene and movie that added flare?

Randy: I don’t see why he wouldn’t. smiling.

Miles: Great!

Everyone sat and was just starting to eat as their food was arriving enjoying the laughter and atmosphere when Michael walks in with a blonde painted on his arm. She was wearing clothes that were too tight and you could see her crotch quite well. This made even Randy sick. April for some reason was bothered by it. She started downing her Margarita drinks. Randy saw her reaction to Michael and his umm.. Yeah his lady friend and knew now she had feelings for him which is good he wants that for them but he still has this bet to win first.

Randy; April would you dance with me? He smiled at her

April: Smiling Y-yessss.. her words slurred a bit. I’d love to.

Randy led her to the dance flower where a soft song came on and Randy held April close to his body. He loved the feel of her against him. Randy told himself be careful you could fall for her too and that would be a sticky situation. But in truth he couldn’t help it. April made him feel things he never felt before and he liked it. He liked it a lot. April loved how Randy held her and was enjoying the dancing and being held. Michael on the other hand sat at the table with his lady smiling outwardly at her and everyone but inside he was fuming. Michael kept saying that should be me holding her. That should be me whose body is pressed to hers. Randy won’t win this. I won’t let him. I want her and I will have her. Michael stood with his lady friend and went to the dance floor started dancing with her sexily. They were all over each other and this made April so mad. She went back to the table and had 3 more margaritas’ Randy felt so bad for her and was mad at how Michael was behaving.

April; I-I’m ggggoing hoooooomee nnnowwww.. she was slurring her words and was having trouble to walk straight.

Randy knew he couldn’t let her drive this way. April let me drive you home please? I just want to see you make it home safely. Biting his lip shyly

April; realizing he was right, agreed. Pppleeease Rrandy. Ii ttthhhiinnk it’s a good idddea. She was tipsy but it had not escaped her how sexy Randy is too. She blushed at that thought.

Randy: Here. helped her to his car and put her in the passenger side of it. She leaned on his to walk and once inside the car she started to apologize for being so much trouble. She usually doesn’t drink that way and knew in the morning would have a hangover from hell.  That’s fine. I don’t mind I just want you to be safely at home. Reaching to caress her cheek he dropped his hand quickly didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

April; Well this is it. She smiled.

Randy. Helping her out of the car, Can you make it?

April; Yes I can. I’m sobering up now. Then she stumbled.

Randy in a flash was at her side and caught her. You are not okay. He smiles and carries her bridal style to her door. She hands him the key and he unlocks it and gets her inside.

April: I am so embarrassed sorry about all this it’s not me.

Randy: Sat with her on her sofa. Don’t be you are a nice woman and I don’t want to see you hurt. Besides, I like being the knight in shinning armor. They both laugh

April: I had fun with you tonight Randy. Looking at him thinking wow, he is sexy and I love his smile too. She licks her lips not realizing she did. A strong urge to kiss him. Just to feel a mans touch again would be heaven to her. Looking into Randy’s eyes, he’s got Michael’s eyes but he’s sweet and kind, She enjoys being around him and they laughed so much tonight even after Michael showed with his whore. Um.. lady friend.

Randy; So did I April. I really did. We must do it again just the two of us? Looks at her and is captivated by her smile. All he wants to do is kiss her. She licked her lips and then back up at him and he was fighting to keep from doing anything but couldn’t pull away either. Leaning in slowly, till their faces were inches apart he could feel her sweet breath on his cheeks. Randy lightly brushed his lips over hers, praying she didn’t pull away. She didn’t

April; I’d love that. She felt his lips brush over hers and melted. They were so soft. April didn’t pull away. She stayed right there

Randy couldn’t help it. He kissed her tenderly at first and then the kiss became very deep and passionate as he pulled April into his arms. She went willingly. Both loved how it felt and needed this. They couldn’t explain why just that they did. Randy caressed her back as he held her and the kisses deepened. Swirling tongues tasting one another. Randy was hard and it was hurting him because his jeans were very tight. Soft moan escaped their throats. Both pulled away, breathless. Wow was all the could manage. In the back of Randy’s mind he knew he had won this bet already and felt guilty about it because he loved his brother but he was also developing feelings for April. Randy knew he needed to stop it. But he want to see her again, she is so beautiful. Maybe, I can make her love me? He hoped. All he knew is that Michael would not know about this kiss and he would continue to see April for a while. See if she fell for him too as he did for her.  Randy kissed April again and she quickly responded to him. he didn’t even think about it only that he loved how good she felt in his arms, pushing her back on the sofa she willingly went and soon Randy was laying over her body with his own. Making love to April right now would be perfect but he wanted it to be a special night for them. Doing it right is what he wanted for her. It was just the feeling of her body under his that drove him wild he started to grind a bit on her. April was loving this and his kisses were wild and so sensual and yet there was love in them she could feel it and knew the difference than just sex. As he began to grind on her her body heated up wanting him to go farther, She could feel him throbbing in his pants against her. But he held himself back. After 30 minutes the both pull away breathless and wanting more but knowing in their hearts too soon, too fast, April had feelings for Michael as much as she hated him with his womanizing manor she realized she did and this was his brother. It wouldn’t be fair to Randy to lead him on. Yet, she loved Randy too now and knew that she would have to make a choice depending on Michael. Randy looked at April and knew it wasn’t infatuation but love. real love, the question was, does she or could she ever love him and not Michael?

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