Chapter Eleven; The Tension Builds

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Randy was excited about dinner at April’s. He was hoping to spend another night of love with her. All he wanted to do was make love to her and make her his. She filled his ever waking moment. And this time April asked him to come over for dinner and, well, he didn’t know but he hoped it was to tell Randy that he was the only man for her. Randy has never wanted anything so bad in his life until now. He want to shower and get ready to go over to April’s early.


April walked over to answer the door assuming it was Randy and he was a couple hours early. She hadn’t even started making dinner yet. As she opens the door she gets the shock of her life.

April; Michael?

Michael; Hey, I wanted to come and see you.

April; Oh, what about?

Michael; licks his lips, about us…uh, well, about everything and I wanted to talk to you about the script. There is gong to be another rewrite of the love scene. They want it more steamy and more real.

April; What do you mean, more real?

Michael; rubbing the back of his neck. Well, the writers and sponsors of the film don’t think it’s hot enough. They don’t think Tim makes a good Marshall for this scene and well they um…..

April; They what Michael. What’s the matter?

Michael; They want me to play Marshall. And they want the scene to look really real, Um which mean nudity and showing some of the actual action will be shown. Like showing us actually performing the act. “shuffling his feet” Showing me actually entering your….body.

April; Oh you are kidding right?

Michael; No. I was I was but, shaking his head. No. I’m not.

April; Oh jeez. Well, at least it’s with you. I’m not happy about it at all that’s private for us you know?

Michael; Agreed, but if this is what they want, for us to continue the filming then this is what we need to do.

April; Sighing heavily. You are right.

Michael; Can I have something to drink? I’m sorry my throat is really dry today.

April; Sure what would you like?

Michael; Um.. what do you have that’s ready or easy to do? Thinking that while she’s getting my drink I’m going to make myself really comfortable and purposely spill drink on myself so I’ll be shirtless. She won’t be able to resist my body.

April; Well, I have ice tea, hot tea, coffee, soda, water. Whichever you want all are easily done.

Michael; I guess coffee would be nice. Smiling

April; Okay, smiling coffee it is. April went into the kitchen to make Michael coffee thinking she had not started dinner yet Randy’s due over in 90 minutes. And on top of it all now a sex scene coming up with Michael as Marshall. How am I to fake that? Because if he enters me I’m lost. There will be nothing fake about the way he will make me feel or my moans. Bites her lip. Walking back out to the living area.

Michael; Oh wonderful; Thank you taking the coffee and taking a sip. He went to set it on coffee table when he pretended he heard something and jump spilling it on the front of his shirt. OUCH!! Damn!! Umm, I’m sorry do you have paper towel for something to wipe this up. Jeez. Butterfingers….

April; Oh sure! Michael are you okay? The coffee was extremely hot. Looking at him

Michael; Yes I’am. Just very embarrassed. Shaking his head.

April; it’s fine. Having Michael take his shirt off so she could wash it quickly.

Michael: Sitting on her sofa with just his pants and his bare chest he knew would make her hot. April, I really am sorry. I am all thumbs tonight.

April: It’s fine. I have company coming so let me start dinner and well be good to go. You shirt should be ready in about 30 min.

Michael; Okay. Thank you; Smiling would you want some help?

April: No, I got this you can sit there on the bar stool and keep me company though.

Michael; Okay. Smiling

April turned her back to Michael so she could prepare dinner. She was so nervous what if Randy was early? What if Michael is still her at dinner time.? This is going to be an awkward night. Michael and April talked about silly things and talked more of the changes to the script. Michael could tell she wasn’t happy about the changes. Walking up behind her, he wraps his arms around her in a familiar way and kisses her neck. He let his hands roam her body and she did nothing to stop him. It felt good and she loved him too. Trying hard to focus on the dinner was near impossible. How April did it she wasn’t sure but dinner was now cooking.

Michael’s hand roamed up and down her body and he continued to kiss and nibble Aprils’ neck. Pressing his hardness against her sexy ass he slid his hands down and rubbed her clit. This sent tendrils or ecstasy through her. It was all she could so to keep from moaning. Michael knew he was getting to her he could feel her breath quickening and body tremble. He had pull himself out of his pants and was getting ready to position April so he could slide into her when someone knocked at the door. April knew how it was. Randy. April was never so relieved. She loved Michael too but right now it wasn’t a wise thing to make love to him when she had invited Randy over. Although, her intentions were to follow the advise from Samantha.

April; Opens the door. Randy come on in

Randy; Hello beautiful, he kisses April’s cheek and she blushes. He hands her the roses.

April; Dinner will be ready soon. She smiled

Randy; Great I’m starved. It smells great. He smiles at her lovingly

Michael walks out of the kitchen with no shirt on. Randy’s eyes saw fire and his nose flared and Randy jaw clenched. Both brothers looked at each other. Now there was no denying that both had won the bet and both were continuing it because both wanted to win April’s heart and would do it anyway they could without hurting her ofcourse.

Randy; Michael; I didn’t expect to see you here. He said a lot more calm and pleasant than he was feeling

Michael; Nor I you. I came by to let April know about more rewrites and script changes involving Marshall’s character itself. We were talking and I spilled my coffee so she is washing the shirt for me.

April; I’ll just go check on dinner. Slipping out of the room quietly. Michael watched her go as did Randy.

Randy: in low tones, What the fuck are you doing? You think she’s a side of beef? A token prize to satisfy your sexual needs? I’m not going to let you hurt her Michael. Fuck the bet. You win but you aren’t getting April.

Michael; why is it you are so quick to assume I mean to hurt her? That I am playing around with her. I’m not. I am in love with April and as soon as you accept in lil’ bro the happier you will be. Trust me on that.

Randy; You don’t love her Michael! You just don’t want me to have her. You don’t want me to love April and be happy. Tell the truth and shame the devil.

April walked back into the room with the dinner. She told them to come and sit and enjoy. The three sad down at the table and ate and laughed but there was still a heavy tension in the air. When the men spoke to April they were genuinely kind and loving but to each other, they barely veiled anger. April did all she could to ease the tension between them conversation and laughter.

April cleared the table and put all the food away. Randy helped April as Michael wiped the table and put things back in order. Randy stole a kiss in the kitchen. He whispered, “I’ve been dying to do that since I came, I love you April so much.” Michael heard him say it and was beyond pissed. So Randy has already professed his love to April huh? This isn’t over, not by a long shot! Michael thinks


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