Chapter Seven Randy And April

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When Randy saw how beautiful April looked this morning his heart melted. It did flip flops in his chest. He couldn’t help but to smile. All he wanted to do was sweep her off her feet and forget that bet. Now he was playing for his hearts sake and not some stupid bet. He’d let Michael think its for the bet still because he wanted Michael to understand he can’t keep treating woman as he does. It’s wrong and hurtful. He’s hurt so many over the years by his womanizing ways. Granted Randy knew he was no innocent but he never led them on to believe there was anything more than a one time thing because that would be wrong to do. Sighing inside she shook those thought’s off and focused only on April and their date tonight. He caught her stealing glances at him all week as well as Michael. All he wanted to do is hug her and kiss her love her and show her his heart is true. Randy almost told her he loved her the other day and to be honest wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep from say it.

Randy; smiling 15 mins April okay. Michael wants to start early today.

April;  smiling. Thank you Randy.

Randy; licking his lips, Umm, .I.. um.. looking at April smiling and blushing

April;  Smiling at his nervousness and shyness, What is it Randy?

Randy; It’s really none of my business and I.. well .. I….

April; You are wondering about the date with Michael aren’t you? Taking his hand. Don’t worry Michael behaved. He didn’t hurt me and it was rather a pleasant evening.

Randy; Good. I’m glad I was worried he had tried to hurt you or force himself on you. Brining his hand up to caress her cheek. Leaning in he kissed her.

April; smiling and returning his kiss. She had to admit his kisses made her crazy. No Randy he didn’t force anything on me. I promise.

Randy pulled her into his arms and help her closing his eyes thanking god she is okay and he didn’t hurt her. Randy loves his brother but knows how he can be and that worried him where April was concerned. April wrapped her arms tighter around him and held him. She loved holding him. Deep down she thought it felt right.  Again Randy kissed her and she willing accept his kiss with one of her own in return.

Randy; I’d better go before Michael and everyone wonder where I am. Caressing her cheek once more. until tonight. smiling.

April; Tonight, she smiled.

Walking from her dressing room smiling slightly and speaking to everyone as she normally did April headed to the set. Michael was off to the side looking over some camera equipment and papers. When he looked up and saw her coming, his face lit up. He was nervous and so happy to see her. Michael’s heart beat like a dram in his chest. It was all he could do to keep from pulling her into his arms right there on the set. Instead he winked at her and smiled as she passed by.

April ; Good morning Michael. She smiled

In the shadows a figure watches them. The more this figure saw and heard the more mad it became. An evil plan forms and as they think of it and how to do it, they sit, watch and listen. They will pay of this it was certain.

The day went by quickly and each scene was flawless. Michael was very pleased with everyone’s work and he said so to everyone. This shocked many because Michael never said thank you to anyone unless he really chose to. Michael looked at everyone and said that he was going to let everyone go home a bit early as there was no time for a complete scene. The cast and crew were very happy about this and thanked Michael for it. They hurried and put their work away and got ready for the weekend. As the cast and crew started to leave little by little, Michael saw April finishing up her own things and preparing them for Monday before she left, he thought that he was lucky to have her here and in his life somewhat anyway. He let his mind wonder thinking am I falling for her or is this just another conquest. She beautiful and he feels so good around her but could she love him. Or does she love Randy? I guess only time will tell he thought.

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