Chapter Twelve Mixed Emotions and Frustrations

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April and Randy looked at each other and went into the other room. The room was empty and Michael was gone. They heard tires squeal away outside. Both knew that was Michael speeding off. April felt bad he was hurt but didn’t know exactly what it was that hurt him. Randy didn’t know either but he felt it was him. He loved his brother but in this he wasn’t going to yield. He was in love with April and that was all there was to it.

Randy; Now where were we? Oh yes, lowering his head to her. Randy kisses April so sweetly.

April: That’s not exactly where we were. We were in the kitchen putting food away. Smiling

Randy: Oh is that what we were doing? He giggled. Taking her hand walking with her back to the kitchen.

April; giggled. Yes it was.

As they were finishing up in the kitchen and starting the dishwasher, Randy pulled April to him and kissed her again. He held her and caressed her lovingly as they shared their love with each other. Randy cupped April’s face in his hands and kissed her again. He loved to touch and caress her. April loved Randy’s touch very much. Inside she knew that she had to make a choice but hurting either of them was the worse fear she had. They both meant so much to her. Randy and April went back to the living room and were oing to settle in for a movie and cuddling.


April looked at Randy and frowned. It was 8 pm at night and she wasn’t expecting anyone. Randy looked at her and saw the concern. He got up and answered the door April stood back.

Randy:Oh! it’s you.. Smiling nicely. April it’s Samantha!

April walks over. Samantha?  Hey what brings you by here at such a late hour? Smiling genuinely.

Samantha; Smiling at April genuinely and smiled at Randy but it wasn’t as bright and warm. I was in the area and wanted to see how your list was coming.

Randy felt odd at that look she gave him but decided h was being silly. “ I’ll let you ladies talk a moment. I’m going to pour another cup of coffee. Samantha would you like some coffee?”

Samantha. Keeping her tone light, No thank you Randy.

April’ I have been writing in the journal as you said to. See? Giving her the journal to look at. Smiling

Samantha; opens the pages and she reads. Nodding. Very good. I see Randy has more pros then cons. Do you feel yourself ready to make that choice yet or is there more you are contemplating with them?

April; There is more, but I think I will be ready soon. Smiling

Samantha hands her back the book. Would you say you are more leaning to Randy or Michael?

April; I’d say Randy to be honest. I really love him. but I have love for Michael too. I guess  I need more time but I have decided in 2 weeks I will make my decision because I don’t want to hurt them anymore and I can’t keep dragging it out. They are brothers, family they should be united but because of me, they aren’t

Samantha; when Michael’s name was mentioned her anger near consumed her, Yes you are right it’s time and they are brothers. Love is what s key regardless if they don’t always see eye to eye. She said while trying to control her anger. Forcing a smiie.

April; nods, I agree. Thank you for helping me with this, Randy is a blessing to me and he’s funny and caring Michael is wild and sweet and sexy and makes you want to just share moonlight walks and talks and well, shrugs they both make me feel so good. Michael is ..I’m not exactly sure, but Randy…

Randy; What? I am what? Smiling drinking his coffee., leans in and kisses April.

April Nothing smiling and then looking at Samantha.

Samantha licking her lips giggles somewhat forced. Well dear, I’m going to go. I only wanted to see how the journal was coming.

April and Randy both sensed the big change in attitude the moment Michael was mentioned. Neither said anything to the other thinking they were imagining it. Samantha said her goodbyes and left quietly.

Michael arriving home in a fowl mood. He threw a vase across the room. So Randy has told April he loves her huh? I’ll kill him if he hurts her. I won’t give in this easily. Tomorrow I’m going to sweep her of her feet. A smile touches his face, as he lays on his sofa to watch An Affair To Remember on AMC Classics. Some time later he dozed off watching the movie with visions of he and April making love. Long, slow, sweet passionate love. Waking up with a start it’s still early. Fuck this he says and goes out to the local bar. It didn’t take him long to get himself a sweet sexy honey. They kissed and whispered sweet nothings in each others ears. Michael takes her hand and leads her to his car. Both had a bit too many drinks in them so Michael drove slow and got home a few moments later.

Michael; God you are sexy! Did I tell you that?

Girl from Bar; Yes but tell me again, because I know you are sexy. I can feel it. She is rubbing his crotch. He looks at her and moans. Loving how that feels.

Michael; mmmmm….girl, you are turning me on! Want to ride my disco stick?

Girl, what do you think I’m doing here? She rubs on him.

Michael can’t take it. He’s so horny and she is making his dick hard and hot. He pulls her to him and begins kissing on her and feeling up  her body. The girl returns every touch and move. Michael lays her on his bed and is pushing into her. She spread her legs hungrily for him. Kissing on him and nibbling his neck. Michael pounds hard and fast into her.

Michael; sssss ooohh. God yes. Oh .. April You feel so good…I love you so.. mmmmm…April….yessssssss.

Girl;  huh? April? Who is that she asks in shrill voice. I’m Linda!

Michael; in mid gyration, sober now, opens his eyes , Huh? Wha---

Linda; You called me April, I’m Linda, baby now get back to fucking me.. your dick feels like magic. It’s the magic stick. She tries to get him going again.

Michael; looking at her. Oh god!! What have I done? I- I don’t want this life anymore. I want April…he pulls out of her fast and fixes himself. Go! Get out! Leave me alone would you?

Linda; trying to get him to make love to her again.

Michael; I SAID NO!! GET THE FUCK OOT OF MY HOUSE!! I i DON'T WANT YOU!! (covers his face mumbles, I want April)

Linda gets up grabs her clothes and storms out. Michael can hear the door slam. He falls down on his bed and cries.

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