Chapter Eighteen Working Through The Heartache

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April: Runs to Samantha, Oh god!! I was so worried!! They let you go?? What happened??

Samantha: Cries in relief on April’s shoulder hugging her, They let me go. The fingerprints on the items they found were not mine at all. I have never been so scared.

April; I know I was so made and devastated. I knew no way you couldn’t have done it.

Samantha; I’m so glad you believed in me.

April: Always honey you are my friend.

Michael and Randy see Samantha and walk over to her and April. April sees them coming and tells Samantha she had to go. Samantha looks at her and then at them. Instantly she knew Bullshit! Something is up. She was going to help them and that is that.

Michael; hugs Samantha; Welcome back! Thank god you are free. My lawyers are ready if you need. They already have a Writ of false imprisonment ready

Samantha; Thank you Michael. Smiling. I appreciate that. Truly. What’s up with you guys and April? Yesterday you were all together the three of you now??

Randy; hugging Samantha. I’m so glad they dropped charges or we would really give them a fight. Randy was fighting rears of heartbreak.

Samantha could sense the tears just below the surface. Looking at them she as thinking okay this is going to be difficult but I can do it.

Samantha; Neither of you answered my question. What is going on? I want to talk to both of you separately.  Randy come on.. now.. pulling him with her.

Randy; Samantha there is nothing to discuss. April hates me, hates uuuuussssss…he burst into tears.

Samantha; I don’t think she hates you. I know she is hurting. She loves you and Michael and is just having trouble choosing. Either choice will hurt one of you and that is killing her. I knew this would happen if you all let it go too long. Have you sat with her and really talked about this?

Randy; NO! It isn’t that.. he cries harder. Sh- she—We were fighting last night Michael and I and .. covering his face. We....I….let it slip out…

Samantha: Frowning, What slipped out?

Randy; Well, god I feel so awful. So lost! I really love her! I’m in love with her. I want her to be mine forever…. Crying harder

Samantha rubbing his back. What? What slipped out Randy?

Randy: Well, Michael and I made a bet. See, I got tired of Michael walking around thinking he is king cock and I noticed he was checking out April, so I said bet you I can get her to love me and kiss me before you can? Crying harder.

Samantha: Oh Randy you didn’t. No wonder. Randy What you and Michael did was wrong. So wrong.

Randy; I know, we know. I’m not even sure if It was I who actually said it or if Michael did. The point is we did it. I didn’t think I would fall in love with April. It wasn’t my intention I did it to teach Michael a lesson at the same time be matchmaker for them. I know she likes him too. But he was such an ass so, I thought maybe you know. If I won, I get to direct the next films in a row for us completely and Michael got my complete servitude and a trip out of it if he won plus love. a real love not a shallow affair. Crying harder.

Samantha; I see the reason but I don’t think that was the appropriate way. Now you have lost her. You both have. I saw it on her face. I need to talk to Michael and her too. Maybe we can at least salvage a friendship out of this and patch up you and Michael’s live’s too. She rubbed Randy’s back as he cried.

Randy; I don’t want to lose her. I love April I really was thinking about asking her to marry me. I even have already been looking at promise rings.

Samantha; Oh Randy. Sighing. Okay well, look let me talk to them too and see where everyone’s feeling are and maybe we four can sit down and work through this. I know she loved you both dearly and I can see your heart is hurting deeply. I feel the love but what you all did was wrong. I’d be pissed too. You really want to marry April don’t you?

Randy; wiping tears. Yes… I do.. very much.

Samantha: Well let me see if I can figure a workable solution for all of you.  This isn't a game Randy. She leaves the room.

Michael; What is it Samantha I really don’t feel like talking about it. Looking back out the window.

Samantha; Maybe not but we are going to. I can see you love April. But are you in love with her. Truly, deeply or is it a competition between brothers? I know about the bet. So you need to tell me how you feel. Do you love April? Do you really truly want her? You owe her the truth after this fool bet between you and Randy and then you two can’t fight with each other for something you BOTH started. I know April loved you both and never wanted to hurt either. Why do you think she was having such a hard time choosing? Either choice would have hurt one of you so? And you both play her heart like it’s your own personal dartboard!

Michael; OKAY!! ENOUGH!!! I KNOW I SCREWED UP!! I- I didn’t mean to hurt her!! I didn’t Yes I love her deeply. I want to be with her. She’s in my every waking thought. I feel empty when I don’t have her in my arms. I swear I never meant for this to happen. Michael sits at his desk and cries. I- I suck!! I’m a douche!!

Samantha; You aren’t a douche but you can’t live life treating woman as prizes and trophies. We aren’t eye candy. We aren’t sperm depositories. We are human beings. This isn't a game!

Michael; I know that!! I love her Samantha DAMN IT!! I do!! Wiping tears.

Samantha: Well, I hope you do because you really screwed up and I honestly don’t know if I can help you all fix this. I will try though. Just think about what I said. I’m going to talk to April and see if there is hope at all and then we all will sit and talk. Hugging Michael. Maybe we can save a friendship and reunite you and Randy.

Michael; Okay… wiping tears looking back out the window.

Samantha. April come on. I can’t bear seeing you this way. You are my friend first and foremost. But we need to work this out. Ssssshhhh….Don’t cry. They love you. Remember I said you would have to choose soon didn’t I?  Come on talk to me hon..hugging her.

April; I can’t choose! I don’t want either! Never ever!! Look, they did all this for a bet! I’m a FREAKING ASS BET!! THEY LOVE ME?? YEAH! LIKE LEPROCY!!  Throwing a vase in her dressing room, covering her face in sorrow. I …

Samantha. What they did was wrong I’ll admit and how they did it was really wrong. April can I tell you something?

April I feel use. Like a whore!! I let it happen. God I loved them both, now, I want nothing from them. Crying.harder…..yes sure..

Samantha;  Do you still love them? Would you be willing to sit and talk to then as a group, face to face maybe you can all salvage at least a friendship if nothing more?

April Crying. Okay.. I just hate them.. I’m a bet a freaking dirty game whore bet!!

Samantha; hugging her. I promise you, you aren’t. You are beautiful and I know they thinks so too. They say they love you and I have to believe they really feel they do. This group session may just show it.

In the shadows the figure watches and listens. “Soon “ The figure thinks to themselves. This bitch will die I vow the shadow figure says. And sneers before walking away.

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