Chapter Thirteen Randy Falls Deeper

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Randy and April are enjoying what is left of the night. Sitting on the sofa watching a scary movie they both like. Randy is holding her cuddling with her. Just enjoying theirselves. Randy leans over and kisses her. She smiles back at him.

Randy: Have I told you how much I love you? Smiling

April; Yes, but, tell me again? Smiling Biting her lip. I – I love you too.

Randy pulls April into his arms. He searches her eyes to see the truth and in her eyes hs sees she does love him. This makes Randy happy and he kisses her softly. April kisses Randy in return with so much love. She really does love him, but she is torn because she is in love with Michael too. April loves them equally and that is what is eating at her. She never said I love you to Randy or Michael before because she didn’t want to give either fates hope until she made up her mind. Randy though, she knew needed to hear the words from her and it wasn’t a lie because she does love him so . Both of them forgot about the movie  they were to wrapped up in each other.

The fireplace was going and the lights were off save for the television and movie playing. Randy picks April up and lays her on the fuzzy rug in front of the fireplace. Kissing her and caressing her. April was wrapped in arms of love. They took their time pleasuring each other with kisses. Randy kissed and nibbled April’s neck. They were so in to each other. Randy removed April’s blouse, as April removed his. They were enjoying the moment, Randy slowly let his fingers slide down her body feathery touches and soft caresses. His tongue worked magic over her bare skin. Randy cupped her breasts in his hands and nibbled each nipple, teasing and pleasuring her. April made soft moans and arched her back. She loved it because he always made her feel amazing. Randy was aroused and they both could feel it straining hard against his jeans. With every touch April was wanting more. Randy knew just how and where to touch her to make her breath quicken and heart beat faster. She loved how he touched her. Randy laid over her and began to grind on her. She loved when he did that. Kissing him deeply. She ran her fingers down his back ever so lightly

Randy couldn’t wait anymore. He had to have April. Removing the remaining clothes that separated them, they cuddled some more as the kissed each other and their fingers and tongues went down each others bodies. April loved to taste Randy’s body. He always felt and smelled good. Randy entered her and they were as one. Each time they were together it felt more right. She knew beyond any doubt her her heart that Randy really loved her. However, she still was in love with Michael too. If she never got this job she would not be feeling this way April’s heart belonged to two brothers and they were at odds over it. Turning her mind off and not thinking about anything. She wanted to focus on pleasing Randy and only Randy in this moment. Randy thrust deep inside her. Harder and faster into her honey walls. The velvety pink flesh enfolded him as he ground himself deeper into her. April grabbed Randy’s ass and drew him deeper inside her. Their hips rose and fell together as one. Randy took his time and made sure to touch and kiss ever part of her body. His fingers roamed the length of her body sending chills up her spine. April nibbled and bit his neck and shoulders. Her own finger tips slid down his sides and back. Rand couldn’t get enough of looking at her body. He put her legs over her his shoulder so he can really push into her. Looking into April’s eyes as he does. He can see her facial expression of pleasure and that drives him harder..

Randy; mmmmm.. April you feel so god.. so alive in my arms. I can’t get enough of my beautiful girl. I- I want you to be my girl, Just mine baby.

April; kissing him passionately. Returning every touch. Tears fill her eyes. Because she knows what he wants but she isn’t quite ready. Randy you are an amazing man. I love you. I want this like we are for now. Take it slow and easy just in just in case honey.

Randy; Okay baby. I won’t push. I know you have feelings for Michael. I get it. No pressure but I meant what I said. I want you for me so bad. Caressing her cheek lovingly as he continued to pount inside her deeply…

Randy thrust her harder. She could feel him sliding in and out of her body and it made her tingle all over. Is lips were so soft and gentle yet demanding. Licking her around her nipples and pleasuring them as she was nibbling on him and caressing his back and body until she was moaning louder. The harder Randy thrust into her the more she moaned in pleasure. Skin on skin could be heard echoing in the room. April reached down between them grabbing his shaft as he thrust and squeezing so when he pushed into her it was tight and sensual. She brought her fingers up and sucked on them giving them to Randy to lick and suck.

April’ Taste us baby…

Randy: sucking on April’s fingers. Mmmmm.. We taste so good don’t we? Smiling.

Their love making went on for hours until the predawn light. Randy rocked his hips harder really slamming deeply, He ground and gyrated himself deeper into April’s honeyspot. April was so wet for him. Faster, harder and so deep did her ram his shaft into her. Finally Randy had reached his peak. I’m cumming baby …the warm liquid filled April and she moaned out in happiness. Randy rolled over on his back and pulled her over him. They fell asleep by the firelight still coupled.


Michael.: April don’t forget today is the scene we had discussed on Saturday with the changes to Marshall’s Dilemna.

April; O-Oh today? O-Okay. I’m ready.

Michael; Me too, he smiled shyly.




‘But Marshall, I love you so. I have missed you”. “I’ve missed you too so much but, I had to get away. I needed to get my head together for myself so I could come back to you Lacy and be the man you deserve and need.” “Oh Marshall I would have loved you regardless.’ Taking Lacy into his arms they kiss and begin to slowly undress each other. Marshall picks Lacy up and carries her to the bed, Laying her down there, he lays over her and they kiss and caress each other. Soft touches and tender caresses. Loving kisses, They were naked and both worshiped each others body. “I love you Marshall.” “ I love you Lacy” Marshall pulls her tighter into his embrace kissing her passionately and enters her.

(While the scene was being filmed no one knew that they were really making love to each other except Samantha who was fuming inside over it and no one knew it and Randy whose heart was breaking as he watched them. He wanted to say something or do something but if he ruined the scene they would have to do it again and he couldn’t bare it more than once, so he left the set and went to the office as the tears fell. Damn bet!!)

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