Chapter Sixteen The Falsely Accused

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The huge fan rolled toward April and Randy grabbed her out of the way. Pulling April into his arms holding her tightly as the huge fan crashed into the trailer to the side of them and damaged it heavily. Everyone came running. Michael was there in moments and he was very concerned this was twice in one day. He called for security to come and walk the perimeter immediately.

Michael; Are you okay? Rubbing her back.

April; I am okay thank you.

Randy; I got this Michael don’t worry.

Michael; Looking at Randy I can see that he said curtly and walked away.

Samantha; Omg! April twice in one day?? How the hell?

They canceled filming the rest of the day and everyone went home while security for the studio check and recheck. They found nothing out of the ordinary. Michael watched as April went to her dressing room and Randy was with her. He decided that he wasn’t going to give up and he would be with them all the time too. It was going to be a threesome from now on. Going into the office to grab his jacket he locked the door and headed to April’s dressing room.

Randy; I want you to stay at my place for a few days. Something isn’t right and I don’t want you alone.

April; Well, they haven’t done anything at my home. She looked at him a bit confused.

Randy: No that’s true but I don’t want to wait until they do. Please, humor me?

April; soft smile. Okay if it will make you feel better.  They left together.

In the shadows the figure watched and was pissed. So far, she’s been lucky but everyone’s luck eventually does run out and this bitch will have her day. The figure slips away undetected. By the time Michael got to April’s dressing room she and Randy had already gone.

Michael; Fuck!! Okay Randy! It’s on! He heads to his BMW. Drives over to April’s house.


Randy,  Baby you want to take these with you?

April; No Randy I’ll only be there 3 days then I’m coming home. You know I really am uncomfortable with this. Why can’t we stay here? You stay with me? I haven’t made up my mind yet and me staying with you makes it seem as I have. I love you both and I know I have to choose. I will choose by this coming Friday but staying over at your house will just make the tension stronger between you and Michael ad the three of us! I don’t want to hurt either of you so please, let’s stay here!

Randy: His feelings a bit hurt because he wanted April to himself and knew Michael wouldn’t show up there as easily. He loved April so if this was her wish, he would do it for her. Okay baby, I’m just scared for you is all.

April; I know you are honey.  And I am scared too but my love for you both and not wanting to add more or cause you both more heartache and pain out weighs my fear.

Randy pulls April into his arms and is kissing her and holding her. They are getting heated in their kisses and love. She loved kissing Randy she really did. But Michael was a phenomenal kisser too. Both men left her body tingling. Randy was feeling her body up when the doorbell sounded.


April started to go to the door and Randy pulled her behind him and he answered the door instead.

Detective Rogers:  Hello I’m Detective Rogers, I’m looking for April Bradley? Is she home?

April; Stepping out from behind Randy. Yes Detective. I’m April Bradley? How may I help you?

Detective Rogers;  May I come in? It’s in regards to the accidents at the studio. Two in one day.

April invited him in and they walked to the living area. Just as they sat down there was a knock at the door. April got back up and answered the door.


April; Michael? What are you doing here?

Michael; I wanted to check on you? I’m worried about you. I love you. Soft smile

April; I love you too. Opening the door and letting him pass.

Michael walked into the living room and there was Randy and the detective. Michael introduced himself and producer director. They all sat in the living room both Randy and Michael on either side of April and both were holding her. Letting her know that she was safe and no one would hurt her as long as they were there.

Detective Rogers; Is there anyone who would want to hurt you?

April; No. I stay to myself pretty much, there and outside of the studio.

Detective Rogers, Maybe a grudge or jealousy over either of these two men? Your closeness perhaps?

April; thinking, No she shakes her head, not that I know.

The detective asked several more questions and told her not to go anyone on studio grounds or on the set alone not even to use the bathroom it’s safer if she has someone there always. April told him the people that she mostly associates while there and the list was all of 5 names.

That night everyone slept together this way there would be no jealousy or fighting. Nothing sexual happened but they all shared April’s bed. Randy on one side and Michael on the other. They both held her all night, cuddled close to her, She had kissed them both but not the way the wanted her too.  Although they were civil about it.

At noon, everyone was breaking for lunch. When several police men walked in with a search warrant and Detective Rogers walked over to April, Randy and Michael who had already told April that they would be a threesome until this was over and April made her choice. Showing the search warrant to them first they searched everyone’s dressing room. Michael and Randy watched and from the shadows the figure watched.

Detective Rogers; Samantha Cole?

Samantha: Yes? Looking at them puzzled.

Detective Rogers; You are under arrest for the attempted murder of April Bradley.


Detective Rogers. We found this in her dressing room. Showing us pliers, wire cutters, tools and a piece of pictures of you with holes in them.

April; It’s not true. April raced after Samantha

Samantha, I didn’t do this! I’m April’s friend. Get your filthy hands off me you dirty pig!!

Michael and Randy both came to April’s side and held her. At this point they didn’t care who saw them or knew that both were in love with her and both called her baby. None of them could believe that they were taking Samantha away. They knew there was no way Samantha would ever hurt April. This had to be a freaking set up!

April: SAMANTHA!!!!!! Tears falling 

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