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"We're having guests tonight Timmy" said Alexx during lunchbreak.
"Oh" I said "Do you want me to get lost for the night? I was gonna go home by the way so no problem"
"That's not the point."
"So what is?"
"I want you to join us"
"Oh, I don't know Alexx..."
"They're dear friends of mine and you have to meet people. Alive people." She smiled.
"But not.."I suddenly felt weakness in my knees..."not H? And the rest?"
"No. I don't know why are you so scared of them...but no. A pair of doctors - Jeffrey's friend with his wife. They are in Miami for two days and it's a rare opportunity to host them here.it's very important to me."
"OK... If you want." I felt obliged to do what she says, but visitors? I'm not the most social person in the universe...
"Do you want me to do the shopping for you?"
"Would you?"
"Yeah sure. Just tell me what to buy I haven't got that social skill of yours ;)"
"I'll make you a list OK?"
"Yep. Would be helpful".
So I went shopping. Buying vegetables I almost had a stroke- few shelves away I saw Calleigh. She was buying fruit, watching them closely;)' A CSI is shopping'
I thought with a smile. And then it happened- she turned around and looked straight at me.
I froze. Unable to move looked at her, thinking 'please, dont do it...don't come here'
She smiled this incredible smile and...did nothing. Stood there giving me opportunity to act. A chance to change the sick situation I created.
So I did the only thing I could think of at that moment. I hung my head and ran.
Paid for the shopping and drove away.
I must have stopped on the way home. I was pretty shaken by her sight. She smiled so she's probably not mad, right? However I don't understand why is someone nice to you when you do something like that...
"I met Cal at the shop." I whispered
"Well? And?"
"And... And.."
"And you did nothing, right?"
"Yep" I said.
"Can you tell me why?"
"'Cause I wasnt ready yet."
"You know what, Tim? You act like a baby you know that?"
"You KNOW THAT?" She repeated
"Yeah. I know that."
"Ok. Thanks for shopping."
"No problem. I'm gonna have shower ok? Then I'll help you in the kitchen."
The doctors came by in an hour. I was kinda surprised they were rather my age than Alexx'.
"Hey Alexx" said the tall lady hugging her. "It's great to see you again."
"Hey Ellie. Jeffrey's not here- conference. I have someone else instead. Ellie, James- this is Tim Speedle. "
They looked at me surprised. I didn't know why- was there sth wrong?
"Hello Tim, I'm James and it's my wife Ellie" the man said first.
"Nice to meet you James, Ellie"
I nodded my head.
"Is this the man who was shot to death 2 years ago?" Ellie looked at Alexx quizically.
"Yeah I'm the one "I said loudly before Alexx opened her mouth. "How d'you know?"
"I was here just after your death and found Alexx broken... But how...???"
"Witness protection" Alexx said quickly. "Tim is staying with us until Jeffrey is back.He's my bodyguard" she chuckled
"Yeah right" said James looking closely at me. However nice to meet you, man."
They went to the living room and I rushed to the kitchen to give them time to talk about me without me. I opened the wine and took the glasses. I wasn't gonna drink as I used little alcohol since the adventure with drinking,but I realised it's the best way- to get drunk or leave now.
I brought the wine and poured some into every glass. The conversation was mainly medical stuff , so I didn't interrupt. Ellie asked me once or twice about my work at the morgue, and I sat quietly afterwords. However I saw she was watching me closely. After two bottles they were a bit drunk and so was I. Alexx sent me for another, so I went to bring it. Ellie suddenly entered the kitchen.
"Need help?"
"No thanks. It's just wine and glasses. "I noticed she wasnt going to follow me to the living room
"Tim? Do you know how much Alexx suffered after your... death?"
"Yep. I do. But I never asked for that.I didn't want to leave. It was FBI decision."
"Yes..yes...do you intend to stay here?"
"You mean here at Alexx' ?"
"No, it's temporary. Until Jeffrey's back. I have my own condo".
"Good....cause it looks strange."
"Strange? What way?"
"Alexx' husband leaves and you happen to stay here for the nights...."
"Are you suggesting.... Are you suggesting anything more than a friendship? Do I understand it right? Alexx is like a mother to me. I love her more than my own . Jeffrey is great. I owe them a lot now and for many passed years. So tell me what gives you the right to say this shit, huh?
"She's my friend"
"Mine too.I'd never hurt her or Jeffrey any possible way. And you know what? Why don't you ask Alexx and stop attacking me instead?"
It must have been loud cause I saw Alexx coming in, frowned.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing sweetheart. Nothing. Were just talking"
"Everything's fine." She looked angry- "I want you two tell me about the problem. NOW!"
"Alexx... It's nothing really. Ellie has mistaken, right?" I looked at her.
"Yes. It's all right Alexx.Let's drink some more."
They turned back and went straight into the living room.
"Alexx I need to take some stuff from my apartment. Be back soon ok?" I whispered
"Sure. Stay safe, honey."
I left the house. Walking into the night I thought 'Do I look like a psycho? What do people want from me?'
I took a bus home. One thing she was partially right- It's time to stand on my own and be a man

Standing on my own Sequel To A New Life CSI MIAMI fanficWhere stories live. Discover now