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7 days passed.I'm getting better.There was an episode with fever yesterday but  got antibiotics and feel better now. Have another scar after a gunshot,  and I'm trying to sit on my own which still hurts. I'm awaiting the psychiatrist visit today, as I'm too weak to go see her and I need to know what's wrong.Meanwhile it's  H at the door.
"Morning. Better today?"
"Yeah. Fever lowered. Probably just an infection."
"Speed, living without spleen needs caring for yourself. Don't be to fast to go back to active work."
"I know. But it's 3 days and I still don't know anything."
"I know. I visited her yesterday".
"No reaction. She's just lying there "
I closed my eyes " how is this possible? "
"He must have led her to the edge, Tim. We don't know what happened".
"I know. I'd love to see her so much...she must think I forgot about her."
"No. She doesn't react to such news, I told her you're hurt and as soon as you're better you'll come to visit her".
The door opened and the tall man walked in." Mr Speedle?
I'm dr. Martinez. Wanted to see me?"
"I'd better be going. See you later"
"Thanks H. Yes, doctor Thank you for coming"
"I'm a psychiatrist at the ward. You're mrs Walsh' relative?"
"No, I'm her partner. She's got a brother but I haven't met him yet. "
"I'll try to reach him by the police."
"How is she doing?"
"How much do you know?"
"That there's no contact with her".
"Well that's partially true. She was taken in as completely unreacting, however she shivered at any shout or door slamming. Now she's calm. "
"Did she say anything?"
"No. There was a woman from CSI, who wanted to take her statement, Kally.."
"Calleigh Duquesne"
"Yes. But no luck. She isn't responding."
"Ok. So let me get it straight- her state is the result of the trauma she had in this house?"
"You were there right?"
"So did you see her acting different?"
"Yeah. She was talking like a robot. Walking slowly and mechanically, but I thought it was because of the gun stabbing her back."
"Did she talk to you?"
"Yeah. To me and my boss. The things HE made her say."
"Did she say anything apart from that?"
"We were talking in private for a while. She... begged me to kill her."
"Hmm... Did she ever say that before?"
"No. We were happy, just started a new life... Why would she?"
"That was the crucial moment. What did you tell her?"
"That I will get her out. "
"Was she talking nonsense then?"
"No. It was all connected to the moment. She warned me not to do some things which make him angry. "
"Ok...right... So, when did she start acting like this? I mean cathatonic?"
"I don't know. I went to the intruder and she stayed with my boss, who tried to calm her down.  He was to ask her that - in certain moment- she will fall down to the floor. We decided to attack the guy".
"What did she say?"
"I don't know. He turned me around which was unusual, as he kept everyone in front of him with his gun touching the back. I was kept right into my chest".
"How long before the shootout was that?"
"15 seconds"
"Good memory you have" he smiled
"No. We're to count to 20, that's why."
"And when did you see her in that state after?"
"At 20...Horatio fell her down and shot, and I hit the attacker's face  with my head. I felt the pain- which appeared to be a gunshot- and fell down. After a while I shouted to H if they're ok. He was next to me very quickly when I didn't respond back. So... Calling the ambulance and doctor's examination...I was being taken in the carrier when I saw her like this... Maybe 10- 15 mins, altogether?"
"Ok..Mr Caine said the she started acting like this when he pulled her down and it all started."
"That's the reason".
"Is she physically ok?"
"Yes. But we had to sedate her to undress her and change her clothes. "
"She was reacting violently to it."
"Was she....hurt by him?"
He hesitated.
"Come on, doctor. I'm a police officer and a former CSI. I've seen a lot and ain't stupid."
"You're also the victim's partner... Probably. We think so" . I started to feel angry.
"So...what now?"
"Easily were gonna withdraw the sedatives and calming medicines to let her fully awake. She's responding to drugs so it's going well."
"I'd like to visit her. "
"I was told you had your spleen removed...so you surely know it has to wait. I'll give you my number if you want to ask me something, and I'll  drop in here tomorrow and tell you how  she is after the meds are gone".
"Thank you very much. Her brother is a surgeon in NY hospital. Maybe that helps. She was operated there, it must be in her medical files."
"We'll call him. Take care. I'm being paged."
He left and I understood nothing will be like it was before.
The door opened and Harry slipped in. Immediately saw my  face
"what happened? anything wrong with you?"
"It was Courtney's psychiatrist...
She..." I couldn't say it aloud
"I know, Tim. Don't be so afraid. People get out of it. "
"Yeah? How do you know"
"I had a breakdown. I was at the psychiatric hospital. "
"You ? When?"
"Just after we heard about you. I was after the quarrel with parents and told them I'm gonna move out and get in touch with you. Father was furious. He hit me and I ran out to the street. Went to Brian's house and saw the news. I was devastated. I felt life was unfair. I actually knew that this 'talk' about getting in touch with you might be a dream,  as you probably wouldn't like to see me, but I wanted to try. And then they shot you. I had nothing left. So that's the real reason I wasn't in Miami that day. Brian called the ambulance, because I started destroying his house... I don't even remember it. Two weeks passed until I finally got to a normal state. Then psychotherapy- to face the fact I'll never see you again. And that's it. I sometimes feel depressed but that's rare. She'll get over it- the reason of her trauma is already dead and it's over. I didn't have that chance as I knew you're gone for good."
"Thanks Harry."
"No problem. I'm not saying you this to make you feel better, but to let you know she's not lost. She'll get over it soon. "
"I hope so. You're good here?"
"Yeah. Everyone is very supportive..Eric is great and Calleigh too..." he winked
"You're far too young for her" I said
"We had a drink the day before yesterday, and she told me about you and her. We'reVERY drunk though."
"There's no me and her, Harry."
"I know. So maybe let me try, huh? My looks may help" he laughed
"Oh, stop it... Calleigh is my friend"
"So what??" He smiled "I'm not that bad, Tim."
"I know. Good luck with Cal. I always wondered why she chose me... I'm not her type."
" well, I hope I am."
I looked at him closely. He was truly similar to me. Only his hair was more Miami style- dark blond, and he had no facial hair. Oh yes-and he was sporty and well built- not skinny like me.
" Be good for her. I wasn't."

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