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"There's nothing here" Eric sighed over the files. "Really nothing..."
"Maybe blood samples? "
"No. Nothing. Like an usual case it is completely unfinished ... why?"
"No idea...have to ask H."
"What do you have to ask me Eric?" Said H entering.
"I don't understand why there are so little things to process. No samples, no trace, no biological - he looked at me - trace.
Were there any other things, H?
"Not really. Just the things you can find here. "
"Why's that?"
"She was transported to NY just after stabilizing and we didn't get much back. Just what you have here and photos from the crime scene. Nothing much."
"I will talk to her" I said.
"Maybe I will do that". Calleigh said." It's a girls talk. She won't tell you everything."
"Will she tell YOU?"
"I hope."
"I'll try Cal. If I don't succeed, I' ll let you know"
"So what now?"
"I'm gonna repeat the trace" said Ryan.
"I'll analyze the prints but there are thousands of them there..." "The place is empty now so Speed- you're gonna take all the photo- shootout. Take the camera and do it today. Please".
"I will. Thank you. For everything H."
" go and talk to her. She's feeling guilty."
"I don't think she will listen to me. I think she should see the psychologist."
"Maybe, H. I don't wanna fight with her but that must end. Or..."
"Or what?"
"Or I will end it".
"Don't be stupid, Speed. There are courts for this. Not you. Not me."
"But he hurt her."
"Yes. But it's her who has to finish it."
I left and sat down on the staircase. What shall I do?
I dialled.
"Courtney? "
"Speed, I'm so glad you're calling. I'm sorry. I'm sorry , I will sue him. I'm just scared."
"Where are you?"
"Can I drop by?"
I was there in 15 mins.
She opened the door, her face was changed. She was crying.
"Please do come in. I'm sorry for the mess."
I sat down on the sofa.
"I brought your favourite pink wine " I took it out the bag.
"Thanks. Want some.? "
"No I'm driving."
"I' ll have one glass." She poured it.
"Ok. I'll tell you everything but I don't want you to interrupt me. Nor ask me questions ok?"
"I'll try."
"I met him in NY. We attended the same party. My brother was invited and had no pair. So he took me instead. He met some  friends from uni and left me alone. Andrew approached me and started talking. I didn't know then that his father was throwing this party. He was nice to talk- it soon turned out that he's a cop, so we had some more topics to share. My brother didn't like him from the beginning- he thought he was arrogant- but I thought it's brother- sister talk so didn't pay attention.
I soon moved in with him. It was great at the beginning- he was much older than me- I felt special. Flowers, movies and wine... I was soon in love. He was transferring to Miami so he asked me to come with him.
I sent my CV and got a job here as night shift.
My brother protested, but I didn't listen. We moved in here. It started wonderfully, but gradually I started realizing that he was very bossy. Moreover- he was badly jealous. He couldn't see me with other men, my colleagues. I loved him, so I'd never cheat on him.
Day by day he was shortening the leash I was on. He was driving me to work, and waited for me when I finished. I couldn't go for a coffee with my friends, couldn't talk to guys on the streets- like hot dog sellers or waiters. He didn't let me invite my brother- now I understand why.
He slowly separated me from all my friends and colleagues and became very agressive. I couldn't do anything without his permission. I lost weight and stopped eating.
Then my brother got a promotion and invited me- just me- for a party. I was afraid but couldn't miss it. So I went to NY. Slept at my best friend's house and came to Miami next day. He said it's no problem, smiled and asked me how it was. I was really happy.
I made a special dinner and waited for him. When he came home I knew there's something SO WRONG... He slapped me, called me a bitch and said' You'll pay for this I promise.'
I knew then that it's the last moment to escape. When he left for the kitchen I opened the door and wanted to leave. It was too late. I only remember him, pushing my head to the floor, and..."
She started crying.
"If that's too much, stop. " I said silently.
"Did he... " I couldn't say it aloud.  Instead I came closer and hugged her. She jumped at my touch.
I was so surprised that I moved away. "Courtney... I'm not him. I'd never hurt you. I'm not a violent person, just trying to be supportive."
"Nor jealous?" She asked looking me straight in the eye.
"Maybe a bit. I'll work on it. I could never hurt you. I trust you and want to protect you. Can you carry on?"
"I guess...So- yes, Tim. He raped me, too. The good thing is I don't remember it. I screamed and it probably saved my life. We still don't know who called the ambulance that day. Maybe him? They transported me to hospital and then I was taken by the helicopter to NY.
He disappeared.
All the story."
She sat stiff, not even moving.
"What a dick... " I said. "I could kill him for this."
"You said you aren't violent..."
"I'm not, I'm sorry. But I'll do anything to nail him. Me and H.'s team. Now- I'd like you to stay with me until we do this".
"No. No way. Actually I guess you might be in danger too, Tim. He hates me, but he hates men around me more. Even now, when he doesn't care for me anymore. "
"I'm not afraid Court. Stay at my place. Two people with guns are better than one;)"
"Let me pack some of my things, will you?"
I waited while she was gathering some of her stuff. We left half an hour later.
Only because I was busy with calming her down, I didn't notice the car following us.

Standing on my own Sequel To A New Life CSI MIAMI fanficWhere stories live. Discover now