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"It's not too good."
The words were tingling in my ears "Meaning? "
"Meaning the heartbeat is too fast. That's the worst thing connected with blood pressure- the high pressure can cause a heart attack, and the low can cause a stroke. They are both very dangerous at your age. Actually older people go thru it better."
"Which one I have?"
"None. You've got sth in between. It means that one minute your blood pressure is very high and the next is low.  you take the pill having 180/ 130, and it should drop to 120/90. But with this kinda problems your pressure  will drop naturally plus induced by the medicine, and it will turn to 60/30. That's not good. That's why you feel weak one moment, and fine the other. You feel dizziness and vertigo".
"What can be done?"
"We'll give you a holter- you must wear it all day and night long . It will-"
"I know what holter is.. I'm not only a police officer but also a lab worker. So, when?"
"Actually right now. Go to the nurse's room and she will adjust the equipment. And don't worry too much, well try to cope it".
"Thanks. "
"No problem "
I decided to call Alexx and ask her to come and visit me.
She came straight away as she had her shift.
"Alexx we need to talk. There's one small problem..."
When I finished she hugged me. "Are you worried honey? Dont be. There are lot of people living with it, coping with it. You will do that too..."
"I know. It's kinda surprising, that's all."
"Yeah. I know a good cardiologist I'll give you his number."
"Thanks...and Alexx.."
"Don't tell anyone..."
"I've been thinking about that all night. In the morning doc came with cardiologist. We had a short talk about the life I'm leading, my everyday activities and the diet. He told me I got my first medicine dose today, and we'll see how it works. He also told me that I may be signed out in two days. When Delko came to see me I was happy to tell him that.
"Great Speed, we're going to the beach together then. There's a party on Wednesday and we're all coming. It's good for you to have some fun after all the health problems." I nodded and we went ouside to talk in the garden
"How's she?"
"I haven't called her today yet. "
"You seem angry, but she did good. It's only few weeks and you'll see her again, completely fine.H told me it's a great therapist, dealing with PTSD in veterans' cases. He'll do it best."
"I'm hardly baring not to go there and take her back to Miami.."
"Oh...you seem to be more engaged than we thought.."
"Is that bad?" I barked
"Of course not...I' ve never thought I will see you so deeply in love,Speed"
"Well Delko...I've been thinking that maybe it's time to settle for good"
"Settle?...you mean start a family?get married?? Really? Speed, but it's a decision for life!"
"Yeah Delko, but we're not 25 anymore...I've been actually thinking about proposing to her.
I remember you saying you're never gonna have a family of your own..."
"I still don't. That's the only thing I'm afraid. Having children. "
"Because of your parents?and you childhood?"
"Yeah. I'm kinda freak. My child could be the same or even worse".
"But you realize she probably wants kids?"
"Yeah. But she's still young. So this probably can wait. However If she wants them, I'll give them to her, finally. I'm gonna wait with it as long as possible."
"The kid needs a loving house Speed,loving family...YOU should know that best. "
"Then I'll do the best I can. But not yet. "
"Talk to her about it before you decide"
"Thanks Mommy for the advise".
Eric cocked his head. "Oh please..."
"No, sorry.. I actually appreciate it. You know what, Delko,you're my best friend.I missed you so much being there..."
"Now you have me, H and Harry..."
"Yeah. I'm grateful"
"And Calleigh...though she's into your bro nowadays" he said with a crooked smile "Ok gotta go.think about what I said."
"I will. have a nice day."
Suddenly the phone rang.
"Hi, just wanted to ask how you were."
"Hi honey, I'm well, probably leave the hospital in 2 days. And you?"
"Fine. The guy is great"
"You mean the doc?"
"Yeah. I hope he's gonna help me fast. Will you come?"
"Maybe about Thursday, or Friday. We'll see. I miss you very much."
"Yes, me too. Andre  and Alex want to meet you too.
Andre is Alex' wife. She's French."
"Oh. I'd like to meet them of course, but It's you I miss so much."
"Tim..is everything ok? You sound weird."
"It's fine. I'm just lonely, yeah?
How d'you spend your time?"
"I meet my old friends, go to galleries...you know everything I don't do in Miami. But I miss the heat a bit. And I miss you, more than I expected. "
"It's ok babe. I'll call you soon to let you know about the scheduled flight."
"Ok I'll be waiting .bye for now."
"Ok.Be a good girl;)"
"You too".
I lay down and started to think if I can handle the flight just after the medical news.
The day passed I even didn't notice how fast. I was asleep for a long time, and the evening I spent with H. He came with the news that there's slight possibility I'll get my money back as he appealed for me in the FBI headquarters.
"How are you feeling?"
"I wanna go back to my life H...and move forward. I want to spend some time with people I missed so much being away. I need to fix the telation between me and my brother"
"He seems to be a nice guy. He comes everyday to pick up Calleigh- all the girl are smiling to him - and Calleigh seems happy I guess"
" That's great I guess... I couldn't give her what she wanted"
" Harry seems to be decent. We'll see. Speed I'm gonna take you home from hospital when you're due to. Just let me know right?"
" Sure H. "
"I know there's something you're not telling me. I want to just tell you I'm always here, ok? "
"OK, H. I just need time, yeah?"
"Ok. I'm very patient" he smiled.
" now. I'll take you to the garden for a bit, ok?"
And we left.

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