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At 3 p.m.I couldn't sleep.
I took a shower and ran to the gym. It became my morning routine before going to work. There were no visible results yet, but I felt much better. It also helped my still weak hand to strenghten.
Just after that, I went to the hairdresser's- my hair grew really long... And cut my beard a little. I don't like myself clean shaven, I prefer 5o' clock shadow.
Looking visibly better I ironed my clothes- fresh shirt and clean jeans and went to the morgue to see Alexx.
"Hey. Am I interrupting?"
"Never Timmy. Well look at you! Let me guess- a date?"
"Yeah. That's why I'm here"
"A bit. I don't remember dating a girl lately."
"Well, be youself. That's why she agreed. Cause she likes Tim Speedle."
"You think? "
"I'm sure of.good luck."
"Thanks. "
"Be a good boy!!" She shouted behind me. I just turned and waved.
It was barely 7.30 and I was waiting outside the restaurant.
She came 10 mins.later. She changed a bit- her hair was let loose- it was quite long- and she was wearing a long green dress.
Looked stunning.
"You're early..."
"You too. So... Shall we?"
We entered the restaurant, sat by the table. We both ordered pizza and I asked "would you like a glass of wine?"
"I don't drink. "
"I didn't know."
"I need full control over myself."
"I understand. A Coke maybe? "
"Sure. "
We were sitting there for two hours talking mostly about work and laughing at each other's jokes. When we finished and left, I asked "did you have a good time?"
"Yeah. Great time actually. It's good to sit with somebody, doing nothing, talking about silly things."
"Can I walk you home? "
She hesitated. I've seen it in her eyes.
"Court..don't compare me to this guy. I'm not like that. I just want you to be safe. If you're not sure, I'll call you a taxi. But I want to be sure you're safely home. "
"Ok. Walk me home."
We were walking in silence along the beach, when she said " let's sit by the sea for a moment. "
"Sure, but...aren't you afraid?"
"Of you? No. Of him. He's still out there...have you heard of Hagen?"
"John Hagen? Yes. Why?"
"He commited suicide in the ballistics. "
"I've heard. "
"Few fays earlier he put a gun to Calleigh's head."
"I didn't know that...geez. Poor Cal."
"Yeah. I thought then that it would have never happened to me. I was mistaken."
"They haven't cought him yet?"
"Yeah. I was thinking then that the suicide in her crime lab was the worst that Calleigh could face, but then I wished Andrew did the same. I would be sure I'm safe and I can live without fear."
"Court...you can't live like that all your life."
"I know. I'm shooting at the range to protect myself. I bought and registered a gun, although I hate it."
"Wait 2 more days- my exam is due then. I will be carrying a gun whenever on duty."
"Will you pass it?"
"Yep. 18 /20 shots in target."
"Great! "
"Yeah, I know. I've always been a good shooter but nobody ever knew that- I rarely used it. I CAN protect you. "
"Thanks" she smiled sadly. "It's here."
I looked around- it wasn't the same place.
"Kidding? It's not! It's not th..." Then I understood." You won't show me your place location right?"
She nodded.
"Is that close I hope? "
"So call me when you get there. And Walsh..."-she turned around- "had a lovely evening. Thank you." I bowed and before she even noticed I kissed her gently on the cheek.
She moved back and told me that wasn't necessary.
"I know, I said. I just couldn't resist...don't be mad."
She approached me and hugged me. Then she did something I didn't expect- she just kissed me standing on her toes, climbing.
It wasn't just a short kiss, it was a deep, passionate embrace. I was kinda shocked. When she moved back she said." Bye Speed."
And she was gone.
I turned around and went to a pub. Courtney called me to tell me she's home. So I ordered a couple of beers and drank them with unknown people. I didn't notice the guy who was standing in the shadow of a window watching me closely. Anyone would quickly notice his annoyance and anger.

Standing on my own Sequel To A New Life CSI MIAMI fanficWhere stories live. Discover now