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In the morning I decided to shave. I actually don't know why- I remembered Cal's sentence 'presentation's everything'.
I didn't feel well with a clean shaven face. Hope it will shadow soon.
I changed my usual clothes into sports ones- combat pants and longsleeve. I felt hot in them, but that was the rule.
When I was drinking coffee my cell rang.
"Hi Speed". It was Eric." I know its your exam today."
"Yeah. I'm actually getting ready"
"Me , Cal and Ryan will keep our fingers crossed. "
"Thanks, Delko. For the fingers. And for the call. I appreciate it, really. H. will inform you about the result. Then I'll get my gun and a badge back, so I could work as a cop again."
"Yeah. Good luck man."
"Ok. Gotta go".
He hung up. I drank the rest of my coffee and left.
H was waiting outside the training facility.
"How are you doing?"
"No. A bit tense maybe."
"Concentrate on the skill and everything will turn ok."
"SPEEDLE!" I've heard the voice in the distance. "COME INSIDE TO GET READY! " That was Mark Brown- the firearms expert.
I entered the building.
"Ok. I'm Mark Brown juror one, Lt.Richard Stetler IAB juror two and Lt Horatio Caine- your chief supervisor- MDPD Crime Lab- juror three. We will judge your skills for 5 points each. You shoot standing, kneeling and laying. 3 shots in each. To pass, you need to get 80% so 12 out of 15. Understood? "
"Yes sir."
"Good. Let's start. You can pick the weapon- Smith and Wesson or the one you previously used -Jericho. So?"
"Smith and Wesson."
"Great. Here are 10 bullets. One if sth went wrong. You're on your own. Prepare and shout READY."
I put on the headphones and glasses and closed my eyes. There are so many people counting on me... I can't let them down. I can't let MYSELF down...
I stood straight, hands in front of me. One, two, three- done. All three in target.
I knelt on my right knee as I still had problem with the left one. A bit inconveniant as I'm right handed. Aimed. One, two, three- all in target.
When I was laying down I felt anxious. I thought- I can do it. Aimed-  one, two, three...one missed. Shit. 8 out of 9.  Now gun usage. I did all the steps in good time and put it together back. I shot once to check whether it's been done corretly. In target. Now cleaning. I did it fast but methodical.
Then put the gun down and took the glasses of.
"Ok. Sit."
After a while I heard him again.
"Congratulations, Speedle. You passed the test 14 out of 15.
Lt Stetler will give you your badge back and you can come tomorrow to collect your gun.
Do you want your Jericho back? Or maybe prefer the Smith and Wesson?"
"Jericho was unlucky for me. So SW will be better."
Stetler came near me with a false smile "Congratulations. You can come back at the station as a regular cop."
"Thank you, lieutenant. I will think about it."
They both left and I was left alone with H.
"So... Congratulations."
"Thanks. Did I do good enough?"
"Yes. Just As I expected."
"I could do that since the day you gave me the cleaning kit, H"
"I know. I knew it then. Really. "
"Hm.. Have some spare time?"
"Yeah. As long as you need".
"I'd love to take you for coffee if you don't mind. And talk."
"Ready as you are. Let's go".
We went to the nearby cafe. We ordered two cups of coffee and something quick to eat.
"So... your great comeback starts now Speed."
"So it does, I hope."
"Did you decide if you're coming back to the station or stay with Alexx?"
"I didn't. Think about it. What would you suggest?"
"I don't know. Working with Alexx will help you deal with crime scenes and evidence. Regular police work will give you a little more thrill. And better money".
"I know... It's hard to decide. I'm sure of one thing- that I'll work with Courtney for a while, until I pass my exam."
H smiled.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure. I guess personal?"
"Kinda. Are you involved with Ms Walsh?"
"Yeah...that's rather personal... Kinda, H. I guess we have a lot in common. She's great girl, funny smart...and beautiful. And she likes me. She seems to have a good time with me. I.... I actually haven't been with anybody since Allie. So.. Yeah. I'd like to try. With her. Now I know what you're gonna say - what about Cal? And I must say- Nothing, H.
I don't feel anymore than a friendship."
"I wasn't gonna ask you that. It's your life and your choice. Nobody should interfere. "
I was shocked-"Really?"
"Yeah. I want you to be happy."
"Now my question , H. Personal."
"What is her story with your? I mean why isn't she working with you?"
"Hmm. Ok. She's my friend's daughter. When she moved from N.Y. I promised her father to keep an eye on her. I met this guy of hers few times. He looked abusive- and it was finally true.
I told her to keep away from him as it can finish bad. But she didn't listen- young and in love. Then he hit her in front of someone I know. When I got to know about that, I paid her a visit. Told her to leave him, report him- he was a detective for God's sake!!!!
She laughed at me. Told me to leave her house. And that he will change, that it was the last time....
I didn't have any ideas to convince her. So I went to his chief and reported his abusement myself. He was fired. The same day he found her. Shot her, because she betrayed him to me. I fucked up, Speed. I fucked up. It could cost her her life.
I found her bleeding. Called the ambulance and started the haunting for him. But we didn't find him. So now she lives in fear of being threatened. So am I.
End of story. " he finished silently.
I was watching him while he talked. He seemed deeply moved, feeling guilty. Now I understood why they are so cold to each other.
"You did good ,H. I'd do the same".
"Messing up with somebody's life isn't a good thing, Speed. Nobody has the right to do it."
"Maybe... But in good cause?"
"Ask her if she's happy with my messing around. She will tell you. "
"Thanks for telling me H."
"Be careful, Speed. If you want to date this girl, be careful. Cause it's really dangerous."
"This guy may be dead by now H."
"...or may still wait for his chance. Please. Please, be careful. And if you can, ask her to forgive me."
We greeted and I left. Went straight home and called Courtney
"Hey Girl! Where are you?"
"Speed! You're back? How was the exam?"
"Well...I can go back to police work tomorrow ;)"
"Great!!! I knew it! Congrats!! Where are you? "
"Cooling the wine for us at my house. Be here in 10 mins."
There was silence, and then she said "Ok. Give me 15."
I was amazed, but happy. When the bell rang 20 mins later, I was ready to celebrate. I opened the door- she was wearing black top and a jeans mini skirt, flip-flops on her feet. A small box was in her hands.
"Hi !!! "She hugged me so tight I could barely breathe
"Court... You'll strangle me..."
"Sorry... Here's something for you. "
I invited her in and opened the box. There was a beltholster.
"Thanks a lot. You needn't have to.."
"But I wanted."
"Thanks. Wine?" I said bringing glasses.
"Yes. She said. Yes. Now we can drink together as you got your licence back ;)" she laughed
"You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not him."
She looked at me "You know right? You know everything....?"
"I do."
"And still... Want me to be here?"
"I want to know you closer, Court."
"How.... How close?" She asked
"The closest can be. If you let me."
"But I... "
"I know about this guy. I can protect both of us. Believe me. Just give me the chance."
She said nothing but gave me a kiss. Then we opened the wine, and then another. Last thing I remember that night was the beautiful mini skirt.
Lying on the floor.

Standing on my own Sequel To A New Life CSI MIAMI fanficWhere stories live. Discover now