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"Hey, sir, are you ok? You're good?" I saw a paramedic next to me. I felt a headache. My jaw was in pain.
"Yeah... Fine. I'm fine".
I remembered what actually happened." Where's Henry?"
"He's right there. Next to the police officers, talking. "
I looked that way and my eyes turned a bit left. There was a woman paramedic. She was kneeling next to the boy we saw at the doorstep. The ME staff was taking the body out of the house. The boy stood speechless with big hazel eyes.
"Excuse me " I said "I'm really good. Thanks". Then I approached the boy.
"What's your name, boy?"
"It's Ethan."
"Hi, Ethan. How old are you?"
"I'm seven in June." Older than I thought.
"Don't look that way. Look at me. Look at me now, Ethan! You don't believe it now, and it seems like the end of the world, but you'll survive it. Survive and get stronger. Your mum loved you very much."
"Did she tell you that?"
"...yes. She asked me to tell you that she always will. Now get into the car." He nodded
"For god's sake take him outta here" I whispered. "He doesn't have to look at the body bag with his mom and brother inside! It's enough he's seen the the whole scene..."
Then I went to face Henry.
"Hi" he hung his head." I'm so sorry....Does it hurt?"
"Like hell. Starts to swell. You"re in trouble man"
"Will you report me?"
" Kiddin me? Of course not. But you will cover my ass whenever I'm late."
He smiled "sure thing."
"I thought you told me it's a quiet shift.. It was my first day... "
"I know. Shit happens. Ok, let's take you to the doctors."
"No need. I'll be fine. Can you pick me home?"
We drove in silence. Not a word.
"Did she...?"
"No. Neither did the boy."
"I didn't even notice it was the boy...he was so tiny..."
"She was 26 weeks pregnant. He might have survived if she gave birth at hospital. His lungs were premature to breathe on his own".
"Oh god...I've never seen a child so small...I've never seen a newborn actually...."
"Really? NEVER? "
"I saw my brother when he was 3 months for the first time...so no.
Even then nobody let me hold him"
"How old were you?"
"Quite a big brother"
"We don't talk to each other. For many years."
"He's alive????"
"Yep. Lives in NY. No connection now." I saw him open his mouth- and no talking. "Topic's over."
He dropped me home.
When I entered and stopped by the hall mirror I felt scared of what I saw. Bruise was forming and it was swollen.
"Geez what happened to ya?" Coutney went out of the bathroom.
"What are you doing here?"
"You gave me the key, remember? I wanted to ask how was your first day. Make it quick though, I'm almost late already." She was doing fast make up.
"I ate apple, listened about Henry's family and his dead partner" -she wrinkled her forehead- "then got a call to domestic violence, met a junkie with a knife threatening his pregnant wife, Henry's positive disarming him, woman's labour and at the end I delivered a tiny baby while trying to keep his blooding out mom and himself alive. I didn't succeed in both. Then I got hit by Henry whom I wanted to stop from beating the man to death. End of story."
She stood looking at me, horrified.
"God... I'm so sorry. Shall I make you something to drink or eat?"
"No. I feel sick. I guess I'll throw up." I ran to the bathroom. I took a shower afterwards.When I left the bathroom, she was still there. "Need to talk?"
"No. I'll be fine. Need some sleep. Will you come back here after your shift?"
"Yep. About 5".
I sit on the bed and .... woke up at the sound of her voice. It was 5.15.
"Hey...can I slip next to you?"
"Yeah". I moved.
"How are you?"
"Don't know. Hard to sleep after that ."
"Let me help you forget" she said. Moved closer to me and took off my t-shirt. And hers too.
And I soon really forgot.
At 7 I had to get up myself as my shift was starting at 8.
I got up quietly and made some coffee. Turned on the TV. There was this case on the news. The speaker said about many years of violence in this family and I saw the mother in the photo- she was really pretty. I didn't notice that yesterday. The junkie was arrested for murder. Nothing was mentioned about the boy or the baby but I knew the picture of the mother in labour will haunt me for a long time...
I switched channel and there was a SCI-FI movie there. I sat and sipped my coffee thinking about yesterday night and my coming shift at Alexx'. I'd probably see the two of them again there...
I heard C. moving in bed, so I made some coffee for her too.
I took the mugs and went to the bedroom.
"Hey, sweetheart."
"Hi. What time is it?"
"Early. I thought you wanted to sleep little longer today"
"Yeah I did....but I can't. I had a dream about Andrew. That he came here."
"Not possible, hun. Not possible".
"I hope so. Looked real. "
"You mean?"
"I woke up and saw him behind the window, in the rain."
"Still not possible. There wasn't any rain at night.... in Miami???? No way."
"Oh... "
"Don't worry about him babe. "Everything will be fine."
"I'm not sure, it was so real..he was standing there watching me with his crooked smile."
"You woke up from a nightmare. it always looks real." I hugged her. "Nothing to worry about. Eat something , yeah?"
"Yep. In a minute." She turned over to her left side and fell asleep again
I kissed her and started to get dressed. I took my things and walked out. The moment I saw my car was horrible- it was soaked with rain...
I closed the door behind me very carefully, checked my gun.
Looked around but saw nothing suspicious. I left to work.
In the morgue Alexx was eating a sandwich.
"Hi hun. Want some?"
"Nope, thanx. How's the night?"
"Awful as you probably know"
"Yeah. Are they here?"
"Will you...?"
"Yes.and I want you to help me. It's a good way to get over it."
"Let me change my clothes..."
It lasted 4 hours, four long hours. The good thing was I would be pretty sure now I couldn't do anything to save the woman . The labour started along with the hard beating she got before we arrived, and even being at hospital couldn't probably stop her from bleeding out. The boy had neat chances, too.
"Feeling any better?"
"The swelling is not so visible today so -yes, a bit better."
"Baby, I meant your feelings, not your body. I know you're resistable to injuries after all you've come thru."
"Yeah, Alexx...bit better"
"How's ms. Walsh?"
"Just fine?"
"What!? I have the right to ask if she's comforting you while such difficult situations" she winked
"Don't be nosy."
"I'm not!!!! So is she?" She smiled
"That's it?"
"Ok, ok... Bring her for dinner one day. Tomorrow maybe?"
"Sure" I chuckled "sure Alexx"
"Why not?"
"Well, everyone around treat her as a potential bomb, and you are inviting her to your house?"
"Well, don't be mad, the history of her relationship is scary....but I know it won't stop you so... Maybe we could know each other better than just CSI -ME talk in the morgue."
"I'll ask her. Thanks".
"Ok, see you tomorrow. My shift's over. Get cleaned and take the samples for CSIs from the last two victims. And Tim?"
"...I'm so proud of you about yesterday. Really am."
Before I could tell anything back she was gone. I called Court.
"Are you awake?"
"Yeah. Just get up".
"Maybe we could go somewhere tomorrow? I'm free, and you too."
"Why not. What are you suggesting?"
"We could drop by to dinner at Alexx'."
"Dr Woods??!"
"Yep. She invited us. If you want to."
"Well I don't know...let me think about it ok? I'm going shopping ad call you as soon as I get back."
"Yeah. Still here. See you."
"Yep." She hung up.
Did I scare her? Is it too early?
I started taking the samples not to think anymore.

Standing on my own Sequel To A New Life CSI MIAMI fanficWhere stories live. Discover now