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"Why is Speed like that Horatio? Why is he so mad?"
"Don't know Courtney. He's worrying about you. Feels you're not safe until he's free to go. "
"Do you feel the same?"
"Yes. He needs to be charged." "Courtney- YOU need to charge him. I'll help you, I swear. But you need to do it".
"What shall I do? "
"Make a final complaint at the police station. Charge him for assault."
"I don't know..."
"I'm going to question him altogether with the detectives."
"I was your boss then, so- yes. "
"Arent you afraid?"
"Of him? No. I'm not. He should be punished because of the assault".
"I'll call you after the questioning. Now forgive me but I have to go. "
"Sure. Thanks for talking to me"
Courtney left and Horatio saw Frank
"H. Are you ready? It's time."
"Sure. I'm coming. What do you think Frank?"
"I don't know. He's so sure of going away free. We need to do it really carefully. Walsh must be kept away now. Not talking to him or seeing him. "
"I'll make sure she will".
"...and Speedle."
"...I'll try. He's so anxious about this...he needs to calm down".
"The guy is a free man so cannot be arrested. Speedle must take it easy. And let me tell you one more thing H.- guy is dangerous.
So we must be careful."
When the questioning started I was standing behind the mirror wall. When they both entered the interrogation room, Martins and his lawyer were already there.
"Good morning gentleman. Mr Martins, I'm lieutenant Caine and this is detective Tripp. We're going to question you about the incident with your attendance.
You are now treated as a witness and answer as such. Do you understand?"
"Yes, lieutenant."
"We want to ask you why didn't you show up for our call and omitted Miami for such a long time?"
"I didn't know there's any case here."
Geez - I thought- this guy is arrogant as hell.
"You were being searched so don't pretend you didn't know." Frank got a bit annoyed. Well done Frank. "Your girlfriend was badly hurt by you!"
"No, no, no." Said the lawyer.
" My client isn't charged. He hasn't done anything you mentioned. Didn't see Ms Walsh at her home."
Frank sighed and said "Mr Martins, we both know you were there. And you almost killed her."
"We're leaving. Were done, gentleman. " The lawyer got up. "My client won't answer anything under these circumstan..."
"...where are the proofs, huh?" Said Martins with a nasty smile
"Where's the charge, huh? There isn't any. She won't charge me. So no case. Forget about it, lieutenant. And now if there isn't any more questions, I'm leaving."
"I won't give up, Martins. I won't. I promise you."
"Well Caine. You'll fail. Tell her to forget me or I won't fail next time."
"I could consider it threatening..."
"Stop it, lieutenant. We both know she won't do it. Let the sleeping dog lie...."
He omitted H and left the interrogation room.
I was standing at the corridor when he was leaving.
"I won't let you hurt her".
"You again? You're funny. What can you do, huh? Arrest me? Don't be stupid. Leave me alone or I'll make your life hell. I don't like anybody tell me what to do.
So let her remember what's it like to be with a real man, even if it means pain. "
Geez....I wanted to punch him. Right into that smiling face. Instead of it I said " well Mister Fantastic, if your wife was treated like that, it's better for her to be dead than to live with you".
He smiled and bent to my ear whispering "I'll destroy you for what you've just said. Watch carefully as you won't even know I'm near. "
Then he just left. I didn't know what to say.
"Hey what did I tell you? You shouldn't be here" I heard H.
"Sssorry.. " I mumbled.
"What did he tell you?"
"Nothing. Nothing special. "
"Speed, I know you. Did he threaten you?"
"Sort of. "
"Great. I wonder how to get this man saving Courtney's life, and now I also have to worry about yours".He was visibly angry.
"I'm sorry, H. Tell me why is he so self confident?"
"He's a son of one of the congressmen. Influencing. Lots of money. That's why he did get away with this. Another one is Courtney's not charging him."
"Shit... What a crap."
"Yep. Be careful. He's dangerous. We have to do it differently. "
"What do you mean?"
"We need to overlook every evidence. Let's gather the team".
"H.... I'm not part of your team anymore, remember?"
"Do you want to help? I don't need to employ you to let you think about the case. We will methodically go thru every piece of evidence to find a catch. And we will sue him. But we need to be patient, Speed. Calm. And you must be very careful- he is a devil himself. And I don't know what you told him, but it made him angry. So don't be stupid and stop annoying him. We need you aboard. "
"Ok. H. I'm sorry. When do you want me to come?"
"At 9. Are you free then?"
"Yeah. Be there. "
"And not a word to Courtney. It's only between me , Eric , Calleigh, Ryan and you. Ok?"
"Yeah. Thanks H."
"No problem. See you soon. "

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