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"Hi, H."
"Speed. How are you?"
"Fine. I'm fine. I'm calling you beca...are you busy? Am I interrupting? "
"No. I'm not. Finish the sentence." The tone was still formal.
"I'm calling you because I want to ask you for something."
"What can I do for you?" His tone got a bit warmer.
"I've got a shooting exam tomorrow. "
"I'll keep my fingers crossed"
"Thanks. Actually I want to ask for more." There was silence. Shit.
"You know I had to get 80% of the points to pass it. There are points for hitting the target, correct maintenance and the position shots. "
" 5 per a juror."
"Yes. The shooting instructor and Stetler can give me 5 points each.
I know. "
"I'd like to ask you for a favour. Alexx told me that a union representant can be another juror what would help me."
"That's true."
"I don't know any. So I've heard it can also be .... also be..."
"Your superior. "
"....yeah. But Alexx doesn't carry weapon and.."
"..it can be me instead, right?"
"Yeah. "
"So you want me to be a juror for you?"
"I'd love to."
"But be certain I won't handicap you. I will judge you as just as they will. "
"I know. That's why I'm asking you. "
"How are you progressing?"
"Fine. 19 out of 20 today. I'm not that bad everyone thinks"
"I don't. I need to be sure to give you 5 points- remember that." What's your weekest point?"
"Laying down position. Because of the arm. I'm working on it."
"I'm sure you are. How many?"
"17 out of 20."
"It's enough. "
"I know. But I'm scared anyway."
"I'll come. "
"Thank you. "
"You know I support you. We all do. Come by to the lab in the free time."
"I don't have much actually. Gym 9 to 10.30. Morgue from 11 to 6pm. Then CSI training...sometimes until morning.... I lack sleep.
When it's over- the exam. I promise. I miss talking to Eric.
I havent seen him for a long time."
"We all miss you here. Don't go to far."
"I won't. So tomorrow at 2?"
"I'll be there. "
"So see you. Thank you H."
"Take care."
I stood there thinking I don't deserve them. The ringing phone woke me out of my thoughts
"Hi Speed. Busy?I couldn't reach you"
"No Courtney. I was on the phone. Anything you need?"
"No I've got a free day so I thought we could get some fun"
"Well, I've got exam tomorrow... Need to practise gun maintenance."
"Need any help?"
"No... I'm ok."
"I could help you if you want".
'Yes please!!!! ' I thought but knew it's a bad idea.
"Maybe we could meet tomorrow?" "I'm working tomorrow... Have you eaten anything?"
"Not really I guess, I don't remember actually."
"So open the front door- here I am with the Chinese. "
I went to the door and peeped in.
There she was. Standing there with two boxes.
"Oh come on, Speedle!if you don't open now, fuck you mate."
I opened the door. Took the food
"Come in".
She came in and looked around.
"Furniture is a state of mind huh?" She laughed.
"Not really. I just didn't have anything to put here. "
"What did you do before you moved here?"
"I was dead."
"Oh yeah". She laughed. "I forgot"
"I have only one chair. We can sit on the sofa if you want. Sorry for the mess. "
"No worries. No furniture, no dusting right?"
"Something like that. So... What have you got?"
"Sweet and sour and noodles"
"Shit...can I take noodles?"
"Yep. You don't like sweet and sour?"
"Don't like beef or pork. Prefer chicken or veggies."
"Oh... No problem."
We were eating in silence.
When we finished I asked " how did you find me?"
"I'm a CSI remember?" She chuckled.
"No adress in the database though"
"Ok ok.... Alexx."
"Oh. I'll have to kill her one day."
"Please it's not her fault. She cares for you. "
"I know. Just joking. Did you enjoy yesterday?"
"I did. Very much. Thanks. You know what? I never say these things to men but you're great. Im not surprised all the girls in the unit gossip about you. And I'm sympathetic to Calleigh. It's hard to walk in her shoes in this situation."
"Why are you telling me that?"
I got little nervous.
"Cause I like you. Your cheeky look, your hair living its own life,  your stubborness. And your fantastic voice."
"My voice?? I asked. What's fantastic in someone's voice?"
"It's ...husky. I love it " she smiled.
"Ok enough of this show. Gotta go. It's so late." 
"Good luck tomorrow!!!!"
"Hey hey, wait." We were standing at the doorstep. I grabbed her arm.
She stopped surprised.
"Maybe... You wanna stay???"
I said silently.
"Don't flatter yourself Speedle! She laughed mechanically.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean anythong wrong."
"I"ll stay  -one night -I promise. Not just yet. Not ready yet. "
"Ok." I hugged her close. "You promised, remember". Thank you for everything.
I bowed and kissed her. She didn't give it back, I felt her hestitation.
"Gotta go".
Waved back and disappeared in the dark.

Standing on my own Sequel To A New Life CSI MIAMI fanficWhere stories live. Discover now