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"Yeah, I'm coming!"
"Tim , we'll be late.."
"Gee Harry it's a party, not a wedding. I"m almost done."
When I left the bathroom Harry looked at me surprised. "You shaved! It was high time."
"Yeah I suppose so...Harry, it's party. Beach party. Don't you have shorts? "
"I do but only the black one...aren't they too gloomy?"
"No...put on a bright t-shirt and it will be ok. Look at me- I've got green shorts and green t-shirt"
"Yeah so I see...I've never seen you in green..."
"I've just bought it.All my things  are either too warm, or too big. I like green, but never wore it.  Ready? Let's go."
I took him to my nissan and we got there just after the set time. Everyone except Alexx was there- H.,Delko, Cal, Valera, Tyler, Belmontes, Wolfe and Natalia. Some of them brought somebody too. So quite a bunch. Everyone looked so relaxed I had to smile.
"Look- Speedle twins are here!" Delko shouted to the company. Yep. First beers were surely out.
"Don't call us that. "
"Speedle when you shave, and he cuts his hair so they look darker, it's really hard not to see you're brothers."
"We're similar to mum, except the eyes" said Harry. "And Tim has dad's curly hair" he explained.
"Come and dance then" said Calleigh taking his hand.
I was left alone."Oh,come on Tim" said Delko. "Don't be sad. Not today. Tonight is the night of laughter and joy."
We sat at the beach bar and ordered beers. H.joined us after a while. "Havin fun gentleman?"
"Yep. My bro is so tense that it's actually kinda funny."
"Who's funny?"said Alexx from behind
"Harry ;)" they laughed.
"Did you bring somebody Timmy?"
"No. Courtney is in NY for a while. So no. But I'm enjoying myself anyway. I missed that. Did you come with Jeff?"
"No...I'm a good girl and he allows me go alone, not like other husbands and wives" she winked
"Whoa- Speed it may be the end of your crazy days soon" Delko said aloud. Fucking chatterbox.
"Why?" Alexx wanted to know that, looking at me closely "Timmy are you gonna propose?"
"Well, been thinking about that"
"Well, congratulations" she hugged me, but I saw her worried look.
"It's a tough decision right Speed?" H. Said quickly. "Yeah...kinda. and I'm not getting younger. "
"That's true" he smiled but I knew he was thinking about previous conversations and my feelings about getting married or having a family.
"Congratulations then. Have you got the ring?"
"No. Not yet. I'm also not sure if she loves me enough to be my wife."
"I think she does, Timmy" said Alexx. "You're a great guy. " But she was still concerned, her eyes sad.
"When do you want to ..."
"This weekend maybe. If I have enough courage and have enough time to buy a ring".
"She's coming here?"
"No, were flying to NYC... "said tired Harry from behind keeping Cal's hand.
"FLYING??!?" Alexx said suddenly and looked at me the special, angry- mother look. "But you.."
"ALEXX!"  I said loudly enough for anyone to hear. They all looked surprisrd and Delko was too drunk to understand what she was going to tell me aloud
"Can we talk about it later?"
"Yes". She said visibly furious.
"Ooo...k, let's dance everybody" said H and I was so grateful for that.
"Tim..."Cal took my hand and stopped me "can we talk?"
"Yeah" I said surprised. She pulled me aside and we sat on the beach close to the sea. I noticed she was actually a bit drunk and I felt a bit weird.
"Cal, you wanna talk.?"
"Yeah." She sat." I've heard youre gonna propose to Courtney. "
"Yeah. I'm considering it. "
"So... It's not gonna happen? I mean...anything between us?"
"I'm sorry. I know I'm hurting you, but I'll always love you as my sister Cal, not as my girl."
"Fair enough" she didn't look too sad. "I just wanted to know what to expect flying with you and Harry to NYC."
"You like him, yeah?"
"I really do. He's much younger than me but seems to be very responsible and funny".
"But you don't hang out with him because of me?"
"He thinks so. He's afraid of that."
"No...he's a good guy- young, optimistic, hard-working... He's brainy of course ,but not as much as you" she laughed putting her hand on my chest. "And he's so good in..."
"...Cal,  stop. I don't wanna know such things about my own bro, ok?" Yep. She WAS drunk.
"Sure. I sometimes wonder how would it look like to be with you."
"Don't, Cal.It won't happen. I love Court and nothing's gonna change it. And please don't do it to Harry, better cut it loose than do it ."
"No, of course not" she became very serious at once. "Courtney is a good girl and a good CSI. I really like her - even if she took you away from me..."
"I wasn't WITH you Cal, not the way you mention."
"I know..but I had to ask to be sure."she abruptly moved up on her knees and feet and kissed me. It wasn't a cheek kiss or a friend's one... I reacted automatically at first, but after a moment of surprise I moved away. Held her arms and said
"Cal... It's not gonna work"
"I know. Sorry. " She suddenly got up and ran away. I turned my head into the direction and saw H standing there, watching me. He nodded his head gently and went to find Calleigh.
I sat there startled. I took out my phone and called.
"Hi baby where are you?"
"I'm at the cinema with friends and you?"
"At the CSI beach party. Wish you were here..."
"I'd love to. Next time yeah? Tim?
"Yeah, I'm here.I can't wait to see you- tomorrow at 8 pm."
"I'll get the three of you from the airport."
"Thanks. I love you, you know?"
"I do. Me too. Til Tomorrow then."
I hung up and when I turned around I saw H .
"She's ok. Don't worry. You did good. "
"I hurt her."
"That's better than giving false promises. She will get over it. Your brother seems much engaged too."
"I know. But won't she feel rejected after this...kinda kiss?"
And I must admit I was so surprised I reacted the way she wanted at the beginning..."
"Like a normal man, Speed. You know what I think? She won't remember it tomorrow. Don't remind her and I won't either.
Shes drunk and brave tonight ;)
Your brother took her over just now. He seems to be pretty drunk too, so they will enjoy the evening. " I looked their way
"Well they seem to be pretty busy with themselves ;)"
"Don't worry...it's a party isn't it?"
He laughed. I liked him relaxed like that.
"Yeah it is ;)" I said.
"Let's have a beer then".
"Give me a minute H ok?"
"Yeah. See you. Don't take too long."
In 2 minutes Alexx joined me.
"Hey babe."
"I know what you want to say Alexx... No way I'm not going."
"You shouldn't be flying. Not yet.
Until your medicines are finally settled."
"I need to see her. I can't stand being me here, and her there. I want here here as soon as possible."
"Oh my...I see youre lost"she smiled. " be careful then"
Then she gave me something.
When I opened it was a ring. Onyx with simple pattern and few black stones." It's for you if you want it. Forgive me giving it to you without a box."
"Alexx... I can't accept that."
"You surely can, darling. When I turned 18, my granny gave my three rings she got from her mum. It was very precious then, she got it and kept it. My brother died early so I got all of them.
To give to my children, when it's time. One's for Brian, one's for Tina and one's for you. When it's time, your wife will give it to her child- to wear or to give to someone with love. That's the aim of it."
"But you're still wearing it...."
"Like the other two.. " She showed me her fingers-"but I think this one will suit you best" she smiled.
I took it to my hand. Beautiful. Not diamonds or so, but very beautiful. I hugged her tight, closing my hand on the ring.
"Thank you. Thank you so much. I love you Alexx. Very much."
"I know Tim, I know. Now get some fun before you get yourself handcuffed for life" she laughed.
I followed her

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