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Trigger Warning-this part has some more vivid stuff in it so if you don't like then don't read.

-Levi's POV-

At this point his pleas were useless. Once my mask goes on I don't take it off till I'm done. I twirl the scalpel in my hand, trying to decide what to do with it. This is my first guest at my house. I've never used the instruments I've collected over the past few months. I usually go into town and find some drunk guy and beat him up in an alley or something. Maybe I'll break a few of his fingers or pull his hair-it depends.

I gently press the tip of the blade on his neck. He instantly stops moving, in fear that I might end him right here. I smirk under my mask and move the blade to his arm. Enough playing around. I press the blade down just hard enough to break the skin and then move it slowly down his arm. At first he whimpers but soon after he starts yelling. Louder. I see hot tears run down his face as he screams in agony. I feel the same feeling in my stomach. My throat tightens again. I shake my head and continue.

I wipe his arm with a towel and make sure he won't bleed out. Having him die defeats the purpose.

"Please! Please stop! You're hurting me!" This time I heard his cries. 
Strange. Whenever I'm doing...this...I can usually only hear their screams.
I ignore him and do the same thing to his other arm, but this time I cut him twice. I see the warm blood trickle down his arm as he wails. I click my tongue and go back to the table holding my instruments. I grab a few thin wooden sticks.
This is more like it.
I walk back over to him. This time I look at his eyes again. They are full of fear and pain, but...they are also beautiful. I've never been so entranced with anyone's eyes before. It's almost like looking up at the sky from under water. Beams of light manage to find its way to you and you can almost touch them.
I turn away from him quickly and burry my face my hands. Why is this happening?!? Just focus! Spinning around I quickly kneel down and grab his left hand.

"Wha...what are you doing?" He's still crying. Once again I ignor his question. I examine his hands for a moment. Such beautiful hands. I banished the thought. I grabbed his pointer finger firmly and lightly placed the stick in between his nail and finger.
I saw realization flicker in his eyes. "Wait! Wait please! Don't do this!!!" I shoved the wood deep in his finger and he let out a scream.


He screamed in between sobs. I listened as the screams echoed in my brain. I waited for the familiar feeling of pleasure after the horrible guilt. He continued to sob and the pleasure did not come. Frustrated, I placed another piece of the wood on his thumb. "Scream louder!" I yelled. I pushed in the wood and he let out another wail. I watched as blood poured from his finger, and the wood pushing his fingernail up. His fingers were shaking and his head was faced upwards. I listened to his screams but nothing happened. Why is this different? I grab another stick and place it in his middle finger before shoving it in. Instead of begging again he looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

He spoke just above a whisper, "Please. Please don't do it again." My hand shook. Usually I found some joy in the cries of my victims, but this was different. I felt guilt...but it didn't feel good. I felt another tear fall down my face.
I looked at him again. His eyes swirling with emotions-to many to read. I couldn't continue like this. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I pulled back the wood and pushed back his hair. Maybe tomorrow...
I gently pull of the other pieces of wood out. Each time I do he winces. Once I throw the used pieces of wood away, I return with a medical kit. I place it beside me and take a hold of his right arm first. "Thank you," he whispers. I feel my heart jump in surprise.
"For what?"
He looked up at me, "For stopping." I look back towards the kit and grab some gauze and peroxide. "Tch."
Once I finished cleaning up both of his arms I turn my attention to his left hand. His fingers were bloodied and he winced as I cleaned and wrapped them in bandages. "Why are you doing this to me?" I ignore his question again as I rinse his face and hair with a wash cloth. "Hey, answer me!" He spat. I dried his face off and started packing up the kit. "ANSWER ME GOD DAMMIT!"
I stopped and turned my head towards him with no emotion.
He looked like he wish he could take back his words. I stood up and grabbed his chin. "Like I said, I'm addicted to the wails of pain and shrieks caused by my hand." As I see the fear in his eyes I feel the same tightening in my throat. "I simply can't help it." I roughly removed my hand from his face and stood up straight, "Do you have any requests for tomorrow's meal?" He stayed silent. I shrugged and walked up the stairs with my mask still on. As soon as I touch the doorknob I hear Eren call out to me, "Can I have the pizza again tomorrow?" I turned my head, surprised, and saw Eren with his head down avoiding eye contact. "What? You asked me for a request didn't you?" He said harshly. I chuckled. I haven't laughed in awhile. "Sure, brat." I locked the door behind me and went to my room. I took a shower and rinsed all of the filth off of me and placed my mask under my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to forget about the horrible things I've done.

But that night I couldn't sleep.

All I could think about was the boy whose screams I didn't want to hear.



So I've been posting everyday for this book...
I just felt like it.
It won't always be like this tho. I will probably get lazy a few days so you're just gonna have to deal.
Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

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