38-The Girl with the Broken Glasses

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-Levi's POV-

For weeks an officer would notify me that I had a visitor. Each time I would tell them I didn't want to see them.
Each time I would lie to them.
I hated to picture how Eren felt each time he was told that I didn't want to see him.
I want to see you! I want to but I can't!
If I didn't Eren could be seriously hurt. Not everyone that I hurt were drunk idiots with no ability to fight back.
Some could pack a punch.
And I know that a few of them aren't afraid to do more than just hurt him.
Hurt him to hurt me.

Once Hanji came to visit me.

"Why have you been doing this to Eren?!" She said practically yelling.
I sighed,"Hanji, people are threatening him because of our relationship. If we continue to see each other he could be seriously hurt...or worse."
She looked at me sadly. Hanji doesn't visit me as often as you might think. She knows when it's the right time to show up...even when I don't know it myself. That's why we've been friends for so long. Although she irritates the hell out of me I really appreciate her.

Like Eren, Hanji also stuck around.

"Hey! My name is Hanji Zoe! Want to see my pet lizard?" I looked at her strangely.
Why is she talking to me?
She tilted her head, puzzled by my silence, "Can't you talk? I saw you sitting here alone for awhile. Can you not talk? Is that why you have no friends?"
I looked at her for a moment before turning my head away and ignoring her. She walked to the other side of me and knelt down so she could see my face. She had tape on her obviously broken glasses and her brown hair was in a messy ponytail, "I can be your friend."
"I don't want a friend," I snapped.
She put her hands on her hips and  pouted at me, "Hmm...you are very stubborn....wait...I'll be right back!" With that, she ran off. I rolled my eyes and continued to sit in the corner of the local playground. About five minutes later I saw the same girl running towards me. Once she arrived she stopped to catch her breath. I turned my body away in an attempt to hide the blood that was on my shirt.

"Look! This is Bean, my pet lizard!" As she said this she opened her hands and shoved the lizard in my face. I moved my face away in disgust, "Hey! Get that thing away from me! Why the hell do you have a dead lizard?!" As I looked at the obviously dead lizard Hanji's eyes widened.
"Dead?!?" She looked down at the still lizard.
"BEAN!" She brought it closer to her face and poked it, "BEAN WAKE UP! THIS ISN'T FUNNY! DON'T SCARE MOMMY LIKE THIS! WHAT WILL I TELL SONY?!?" She quickly got up and began running around in circles frantically.
"What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" She mumbled this over and over again. As she continued to run I noticed a small kid holding a snow cone walking towards her. He was on his tablet and Hanji still was too lost in her endless panic to notice.

"Hey, watch out!" It was too late to say this as I saw the two collide. The snow cone went all over Hanji and the lizard flew into the air. I watched as the lidless lizard started falling through the air and finally landing....

....on the small boy's face.

"AHHH GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!" He screamed and ran away as fast as he could, while waving his arms and crying. I looked at Hanji and she looked at me. We were silent for a moment before she bursted out in laughter.
"Ha...ha ha...hahahahaha," Soon I started to laugh too. She wiped her shirt and her tearing eyes as she walked up to me.
"So you can talk!" She smiled. I quickly stopped laughing realizing what I was doing. She sat with her legs crossed in front of me and tilted her head to the side so she could see my eyes, "Your name's, Levi, right?" I looked up at her and shrugged.
"You're the boy that's always getting into fights with everyone."
I turned away from her in shame.
She laid down on the ground so that her face was directly under mine. She really wanted eye contact and it irritated me slightly.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to call you names. You seem nice enough. I mean you have to be doing it for a reason right?" I looked at her in surprise.
No one has ever said anything like that before. No one has ever wanted to even approach me since what happened with...Farlen

"I don't think you are crazy. Well...maybe a little but so am I. I think we are all a little crazy...don't you think?"
I tilted my head in curiosity at her words.
Are we all crazy?
"I think...I think you're special...it just takes certain people to notice it."
My mouth dropped in awe with the words she said.

Me? Special? I'm nothing but a freak. How can I be special?

"Plus the people that you get into fights with make fun of me so I like it when you kick their ass." I chuckled at her words. Despite how weird she was...I didn't mind her presence.

She stared at me silently for a moment before speaking again, "Are you going to be her tomorrow?"
"....yeah," I whispered.
She smiled, "So will I then!" She quickly got up and waved to me, "See you tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the next day after that one..." she continued on and on as she walked off into the distance.

Hanji Zoe....

She fixed her still broken glasses, "Oh....I guess you're right. Those people that you get involved with are crazy. It's just...Eren is miserable. I check on him sometimes and he looks horrible." I looked down at my hands sadly.
"I know."
She pressed her lips together in thought, "Well...I trust you...I promise I'll make sure he's okay. But...but I can't promise you that he'll be here waiting for you when you get out."
I felt my heart break a little at the reality of her words, "I-I understand." She nodded and started to leave when I stopped her, "Hey, Hanji."
She tilted her head, "Yeah?"

"I can be your friend."
"I think...I think you're special."

I gave her a small smile. She and Eren were the only people in this world I would allow to see it."I think you're special. I think you're a really special person and I'm glad we're friends."
For the first time in a long time I saw pure shock on Hanji's face. Usually nothing surprises her like this.
I'm not completely sure but for a moment I could have sworn that I saw Hanji's eyes begin to water.
I'm sorry I never show how much you really mean to me.
She snapped out of it and gave me a giant grin, "Why, thank you Levi! I do try!" Then she skipped away.

I smiled at her and returned to my cell once again.
I sat down on my bed and quietly whispered to myself, "Two years, 5 months, and three days left to go. Two and a half more years in hell."

Two years, five months, and three days...


Sorry that updates are slow once again.
There won't be that many chapters left.

I'm talking one or two.

By the way I'm doing one last call for a Q/ A. Just want to make sure if any of you wanted one that you got a chance to say it.
Once again I think it's boring but if you want it I will do it.
And his Q/A won't be like asking me what my favorite color is (but I guess you could ask if you want) you guys can ask anything about the story/my writing/something that confused you/or you can ask characters questions directly if you want too.

Well, I hope you are still enjoying whatever the hell this is.

Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

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