31-Visitors, Prosecturs, and...Hanji

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-Levi's POV-

Sometime in the early morning I was awakened by banging on my cell and yelling.

"WAKE UP! YOU HAVE A VISITOR!" The large man yelled as he walked past my cell. I slowly lifted myself off of the stiff mattress I 'slept' on and rubbed eyes. I had only slept for a couple hours that night. When I put my feet down, the cold floor sent a shiver up my spine. They hadn't given me shoes. I shook my head and realized what the man had said.
Maybe Eren came to visit me again today.
As much as I didn't want him anywhere near a place like this, the thought of seeing him again made me excited.
I fixed my hair as best as I could and waited intently on the edge of my bed.
After a minute or two I was sadly disappointed to see a very tall, short haired, women.


"Let me in his cell please. I have other things to do today believe it or not," she said bordly to one of the officers. He quickly complied and opened the door. She looked at me and then back at the cop, "Jesus Christ, can you at least give the guy some shoes."
"W-well...umm..." he stuttered.
Why is everyone so scared of her?
"That wasn't a question."
He opened his mouth and quickly closed it again. When he came back after leaving he brought me a pair of black tennis shoes and white socks. Finally he closed the cell, locked it, and left.

"Thanks," I said as I tied my shoes.
She took out some more papers and started shuffling through them, "Yeah, whatever, we have things to do in the short time I have to speak with you." I rolled my eyes and leaned my back on the wall behind me. My arms wer folded in front of my chest, "So, do you have any news?"
She continued to shuffle through her endless packet of papers, "Yeah. Don't worry it's good news. Looks like I can bargain you a plea deal." My eyes lit up.

The faster I get out of here, the faster I can go back to Eren.

"Yeah," she said with a bored voice.
I saw some of myself in her.
"Basically you were in for a whopping 10-20 years plus because of how many assaults and the attempted murder but I got them to drop the attempted murder charge in exchange for you to plead guilty. When it comes to law, in reality none of us want to go through an entire trial. We're all lazy bastards." She paused and looked at me, "Well, a trial would mean more money for me but I don't want to go to trial for your case. No offense but you are pretty guilty."
I sighed, "Yeah, I get it."

She shrugged and went through some more papers, "So, are you taking the deal?"

This wasn't a very difficult decision. Even if I wasn't guilty it still looked pretty bad.

She clicked her pen and scribbled something down, "Cool. Well, I'll see you in a few hours for your hearing. Make sure you get something nice to wear from someone if somehow we end up going to trial. Wear white. The defendant always wears white."
I nodded my head.
Another officer came and unlocked the cell door. Right before she walked out she stopped and looked at me, "You know, just because you are being charged doesn't mean you can't charge others."
I tilted my head at her in confusion, "Yeah, I know...why?"
She raised an eyebrow at me, "I know that bloodied face of yours wasn't a clumsy mistake." With that she left.

She's talking about what the cops did to me...
I can't press charges.
I deserved it.

A few hours later a cop led me to a truck filled with other prisoners to transport me to the courtroom. A lot of them were big and muscular. Most had a lot of tattoos and all of them didn't look happy at all.
I was no exception.
A few were smaller but not as short as me.
Once we got to our destination they led all of us to a larger cell to wait together.
The bigger guys were not very nice to the smaller ones.

Luckily for them, before they could say a word to me an officer had called my name.
I met Ymir at a desk next to where the grand jury would sit.

"You ready?" She asked still seeming as uninterested as me.
I shrugged, "I guess."
While Ymir shuffled through yet another set of papers I watched as the grand jury made its way to their seats.

These people are going to decide when I get to be with Eren again--

"OOF!" My thoughts were interrupted by yelp and a thud. Ymir and I turned our heads to the back of the small courtroom to see what the hell made that noise.


Hanji quickly bounced up from the floor and fixed her glasses and hopelessly messy hair. She looked around the room until she locked eyes with me.

"Ma'am we're going to have to ask you to be quiet." Security said to her. She said something that I couldn't hear and finally she sat down.
As I was turning my head to look at the jury again something caught my eye.
I turned my head back towards the doors and saw him. He was walking quickly into the room and fixing his hair as he walked in. He stopped before the seats and tucked in his untucked shirt and fixed his tie that was very, very, crooked.
After he was satisfied (or just given up) he finally looked up. When he looked at me I could see that his eyes were still red and I could just make out how dark his bags were under them.
He's been crying and not sleeping.
When he saw me his face lit up and he smiled. I gave him the best smile I could manage (which wasn't very big) and waved back.

'Are you okay?' He mouthed to me.
I nodded my head and mouthed back, 'Are you?'
He nodded his head.
And you called me the liar.
'I love you," He mouthed again.
'I love you--" before I could finished I heard the loud bang of the judges mallet on wood.
I turned my head and saw the judge and the jury. There was also, what I could only assume to be, the prosecutor. He looked old and he gray hair.
Regardless, he looked like he meant business.

I looked at Ymir to see her reaction. She looked up towards the ceiling and whispered to herself, "Dammit, not this old hag again." She turned to look at me and whispered again, "He doesn't know how to shut up. Ever. He'll do everything in his power to make sure you get what he thinks you deserve." We both looked at him. He had his head down and his hands were folded in front of him. His eyes were closed. Then he outstretched his arms above him while looking at the ceiling.
"What's he doing?"
"He's praying."
"Oh, what is he then?"
"No one really knows. He's sort of obsessed with it though."
He started praying out loud. It was...weird.
"I think it's a cult," she said still not taking her eyes off him. The man walked to the other side of the room, put both hands on the wall, and kissed it. Then he walked back and returned to his place.

....okay then....

I pried my eyes away from the strange and looked at Eren. He was also looking at the man in disbelief. Once he saw that I was looking at him he looked at me with the same expression and gave me a 'did that just happen' look. I moved my shoulders up and then back down again. Then I suddenly realized that the judge hadn't spoken yet.

When I turned around I saw that the judge was looking at the man as well with a puzzled look. Then he shook his head and hit his malet again.

"Uh...Order in the court!"

This was going to be a long day.


I'm back.
Miss me?
Ha nah I'm kidding.
Thanks for all the cool comments.
Some of you guys put a smile on this bored girl's face.

But you guys are hilarious.
I read all the comments btw so if you are wondering I do see them.


Glad you guys like it so far.
Thanks for reading.
Peace out

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