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-Levi's POV-


Levi please help me!

They'll hurt me Levi, please!

I woke up abruptly with sweat running down my face and eyes watering. I was breathing heavily and I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. (A/N could Levi 'hear his heartbeat'...sorry I had too) Dammit not this dream again. I got up from bed and washed my face. The bags under my eyes wear as dark as ever and I looked awful.
Curse my insomnia.
I took a shower and put on another shirt. After eating something I walked toward the front door, when I stopped. For some reason I thought I should check on Eren.
I looked at my watch to make sure I had enough time and went to the basement door to unlock it (after grabbing and putting on my mask of course). I walked down the stairs and saw Eren with his head down again. "Hey, brat."
As soon as I said this, he lifted his head up to look at me with pure terror on his face. I felt my face twitch. Not again. "Relax. I'm not going to touch you today, you have my word." With those words Eren loosened up, although he was still hesitant when speaking-or even looking at me.
"Why are you all dressed up?"
"I have a job, you know. How else do you expect me to pay for the pizza." He rolled his eyes at me. "Funny. Even psychopaths eat pizza." I ignored his snarky comment and remembered something very important. I walked up to him and showed him his phone, "Listen. I know you must have someone to care about your shitty ass so you need to call them and tell them you're fine. We can't have anyone looking for you, know can we?" His face fell to a frown. "Remember, if you do anything funny, I can always change my mind about not hurting you today." His eyes turned downward to look at his bandaged hands. He nodded.
I placed the phone against his ear after he directed me to one of his contacts. The name said Mikasa. "Hello?....oh, hey Mikasa it's me Eren." Eren squinted his eyes and turned his ear away from the phone. "Jesus." He muttered under his breath before he got back on the phone. "Stop yelling okay! Listen I know I haven't answered my phone for the past couple days and I'm sorry.....No it's just my phone was dead and I couldn't find my charger....yes I'll buy one later....can you make sure Armin knows I'm alright too....thanks....ummm....I'm staying at a friends house.....it's ummm a friend of Jean's. You wouldn't know him....yes I'm fine....I'll call you later....yeah....I know.....love you too...bye." I hung up the phone for him and put it in my pocket. "There, I did it," he spat, "Happy now?" I ignored his comment, "Who was that? Your girlfriend?" His face twisted in disgust.
"God no! She's my sister!"
He looked down and away from me and muttered under his breath, "Plus I'm gay so...."
"Really? Me too." He looked up at me in surprise, "Really?!?"
"Tch, yes. Do you have a problem with that?" He coward away this time. "No," he whispered quietly,

I rolled my eyes and looked at the time, "Shit." Eren tilted his head at me, "What's wrong?"
"I'm late for work." He pressed his lips together. I let out a sigh, "Well, the boss will kill me if I'm late so I might as well just stay home today and say I was sick instead I guess."
He rolled his eyes, "You are sick. Sick in the head at least.."
That smart ass...
"I get the memo, kid. I'm a psycho, monster, disgusting, freak," I said harshly.
This time he didn't reply. I went upstairs and put on some more comfortable clothes and brought down some cereal with me for him to eat. I knelt down and fed him. He scarfed down the food and chugged the water I helped him drink. Wow. This kid must have been really hungry. I helped him wipe the food he got all of his mouth off him and sat down in front of him. He looked at me with a confused look. "What? I'm bored. I'm sure you're bored too." He nodded in agreement and we both sat in silence.

Of course the silence didn't last long because this brat likes to run his mouth.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked me sheepishly. I clicked my tongue in response.
"Why do you treat me...like a normal person?"
"What do you mean, brat?" He pressed his lips together again.
"I mean in movies the person kidnapped is treated...well like someone who was kidnaped, they're given horrible food-if any food at all, and are beaten severely. I mean you have beaten and tortured me...but you also clean my wounds and give me...actual food. I don't really get what you're trying to accomplish."
He's not wrong. I could be treating him terrible right now.
"I told you already. I never wanted to do this. It's an addiction. I can't help it. If I have to hurt you why starve you and leave you filthy and bloody too?" He nodded his head. After a moment he looked at me again, "Why are you addicted...to umm....this." I felt my hands clamp up and my heart starting to race. You know what? I almost answered him.
For some reason I felt like talking to him.
I felt like sitting there and sobbing. I felt like telling him everything and letting it all out.
But I didn't.
"I don't want to answer that question." I thought for a moment he would protest but he didn't. He gave me a quiet 'okay' and then fell silent again. A few minutes went by if us just looking at each other and around the room until this brat decided to ask more petty questions.
"What's your name?"
"What? Why would I tell you?"
"I don't know...I just wish I could call you something." He looked at me again with puppy eyes. What can I say?
The brat was adorable.
I sighed.
Telling him my name couldn't hurt. I mean how does he even know I'm telling him the truth?
"You can call me Levi."
I stood up and walked towards him. I grabbed his head and he flinched with fear. I ignored him and smelled his head. My face twisted in disgust. "Ugh, you smell awful."
"Hmmm I wonder why, asshole."
"Tch. Smart ass. You are taking a shower because you smell like roadkill."
I stood in front of him with my arms crossed, "You are going to take a shower. You. Smell. Like. Shit." His face turned bright red, "Are you going to have to watch me like in the movies..."
I smirked, "Only if you want me to."
"Tch, relax. I was kidding. You can shower by yourself." He sighed in relief.

"Remember, if you even try to do anything to get away I'll bring out the sticks again." He gulped and nodded his head.


Time to give the dog a bath.



I wasn't going to write another chapter today...but I thought what the hell.
Hope you enjoy whatever the hell this is.
Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

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