8-An Unwanted Guest

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-Eren's POV-

About a month passed since Levi had seen me crying in the basement. I'm not sure what to think about it. I mean...it seemed like he actually cared. For me.
After that night things went better. Every night after he came from work he would cook dinner and bring it down to the basement for us to eat together. We talked about random things and laugh.
Well I was the only one laughing but I would bet anything he at least had a smile behind that mask. If I didn't know any better I would say that I would be excited to hear his footsteps above me when he came home from work...

But I wasn't.

Was I?

Things were different after that night. At first I was terrified. When he grabbed me I thought he was going to beat me for being a baby or getting my tears on his spotless floor....
But he didn't.
Instead he comforted me and held me close. I remember feeling myself surrender to his warmth and I just let it all out. It felt good to feel wanted.

"Then I'm glad I'm a disgusting, crazy, monstrous, pshycopath."

I smiled at the memory of his words. Of course I knew that he could have meant he didn't want me to die in order to feed his...addiction...but I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, he truly wanted me alive. Maybe he even likes me.

I was laying on the basement floor looking up at the dealing waiting for Levi to show up. A few minutes later I heard the familiar sound of the front door opening. I quickly got up and waited for Levi.
About ten minutes went by before he came to unlock the door. I heard him unlocking the door and walking down the steps.
"Hey, brat, I'm home from work and I brought some pizza." I smiled, "Really?! Awesome!"
"Tch, don't get too excited brat."
"Sorry, it's just that pizza is sooo good!"
He chuckled and handed me the box. "Here, why don't you--"
He was interrupted by the sound of knocking on a door. He looked up toward the door of the basement, "What the?" He walked up to the door and peeked out. "You've got to be kidding me." He sighed and turned to me, "I'll be right back...an unwanted guest has arrived." He groaned and closed the door.
Of course I was curious so I walked up the stairs and put my ear against the door. I don't know how I feel about Levi but I do know I don't want to be trapped here forever. This might be my chance to escape.

-Levi's POV-

When I peaked through the door I could see a brown haired someone peeking at me through the window by the front door.
Shitty glasses.
I walked to the door, threw my mask on the couch,  and answered it reluctantly.
"LEVI!" She embraced me in a suffocating hug.
"What the hell Shitty Glasses?! Get off me!" I said as I pushed her off me. "I'm sorry, I just haven't seen you in so long! How have you been doing?" I shrugged in response.
"Have you still been--"this time it was Hanji that was interrupted.
Interrupted by the brat.
"HEY, IS SOMEONE THERE? HELP ME! HE KIDNAPPED ME!" Hanji raised her eyebrows in surprise as she looked over my shoulder to see where the sound was coming from. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
Eren's yells we're followed by banging on the basement door. "Levi...you did not..."she said in disbelief. I looked to the floor in shame and nodded my head. "Levi you can't just do this!" She started making her way towards the basement door, "Is he okay??? How long have you been hurting him, Levi?!" Before she reached the door I lightly grabbed her arm.
"He's fine. I promise. I haven't touched him in awhile..." I told her quietly. Hanji was one of my closest friends. Despite her crazy personality I've always somehow liked her. She must have been worried about me and come to check on me-without letting me know like always. She's the only other person I've told about my...problem.

She looked at me surprised, "A while? How long is that?" I averted my gaze from her again, "About a month and a half." This time she grabbed my shoulders and made me look at her in the eye. Her face was so close to mine my breath could have fogged her glasses. "You kidnap someone in order to torture them and you haven't tortured them in over a month?! You start to show withdrawal symptoms after about two weeks!" I didn't say anything.
"Have you been trying to get over this?" Once again I didn't reply. She looked at me again. Her eyes started at my toes until she made her way back to my eyes-examining me-trying to dissect me with her eyes.
You're so weird Hanji.
"No, if you were trying to stop then you wouldn't have whoever that is in your basement..." she thought for another moment, "You sound like you've hurt him only once...but why?" I looked down at floor once again. I couldn't look at her anymore. "Unless...wait no...no no...it couldn't be..."she looked at me and her eyes widened. "Levi, don't tell me...do you...do you have feelings for that boy?" I didn't answer her. I knew my silence was all she needed.
I didn't mean to. I didn't want to...but I think I did.
A huge grin appeared on her face, "OH MY GOD I SHIP IT SOOOO HARD!!!!" This got my attention. I gave her my best glare. "What? I do!" Soon her grin fell to a small smile on her lips-a sad smile. She put her hands on my shoulders again and forced me to look at her. "Levi, regardless of how you feel about him now...there's only three ways this could end." I felt tear threatening to spill from my eyes but I forced them back. "Either you keep him here and continue to torture him, turn yourself in and let him go, or...." I already knew what she was going to say. "Or...you are going to kill him. Whether it's on accident or on purpose you will kill him. I can promise you that."

"I know," I managed to choke out. She gave me another sympathetic look and made her way towards the door. "If you need anything just give me a call and I'll be there. I trust the decision you make." Right before she closed the door behind her she turned her head to look at me again, "You can't have what happened to Farlan do this to you forever, you know. At some point you need to let go." After that she closed the door and left.


So last night I started this chapter and this morning I finished it so I managed to get another chapter to you guys.
You probably don't care...
Seems legit.
Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

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