27-A Hero's White Noise

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-Eren's POV-

After Levi and I danced we sat together in the couch. I put on a show on my phone and we watched it the entire day.
It was an amazing day.

Levi was sitting up on the couch and I was resting my head on his lap. While we watched the show Levi played with my hair and made several comments.

"That literally makes no sense." Levi said annoyed.

"What do you mean it makes no sense? Have you not been paying attention?"

"Yes I've been paying attention. That scene didn't make sense. Why would she go back to get the asshole? She could have escaped and less people would have died."

I sighed and turned my head upwards so I could look at Levi, "She went back for him because she's the hero and that's what heroes do, Levi. I mean maybe he could change. Revenge won't solve anything."
He gave me a side frown and his eyebrows furrowed, "Yeah, but if she hadn't went back for him at least she would have survived."
"Maybe, but would you be able to do that? I know he was a dick but how can you leave someone to die like that?"

"But he was such an asshole to her..."
I ignored him and continued to watch the show. After a few minutes into the episode Levi stopped making comments and stroking my head. He felt stiff.
When he didn't answer I sat up next to him and shifted my body so I was facing him and sitting with my legs crossed. He still hadn't moved.
He had a sad and shameful expression on his face and he avoided eye contact.
"Levi, are you okay?"
For a moment he was completely silent. He just sat there and looked at his hands. I don't think he could even hear the show anymore.

"Eren...why did you do it?" He asked quietly.
I tilted my head, "Do what?"
He still didn't look at me, "Why did you go back for the asshole?"
My heart sank at the sadness of his words.
"What do mean?"
He ran his fingers along his hand. It looked like he was trying to mesmerize each and every crevice and line on his hand. His eyes darted back and forth as he studied them.
"You should have left me. Once I told you to leave you should have left. You should have ran home and called the police."
I felt my entire being die at his words.

Was this a trick?
Did he lie to me?
Does he not love me anymore?

I was speechless. I couldn't talk. I could feel my eyes starting to tear up. He noticed my silence and finally looked me. Once he saw me he didn't seemed shaken at the fact that I was about to break down. He placed his hand on my cheek and looked at me with eyes full of longing.
"Eren, you should have left me to die...but you didn't....why?"

My heart stopped.

Why. Why. Why. Why. Why.
Why did I do this?
Why did I want to do this?
I don't know. I don't know.
I didn't leave.
I couldn't leave.

"I-I didn't want to leave another person to die. I couldn't do it. I c-couldn't leave. I couldn't." My voice shook as I said these words but I didn't cry. Levi stroked my cheek with his thumb and continued to look at me with the same longing in his eyes.
"When I turned back to look at you I could see all your pain and confliction. I could see how hatful you were. I could how much you could truly hate." He looked away from me in shame.
"I could see how much you hated yourself. I could see your rage. You were angry. You were so angry." I grabbed his hand which made Levi look at me once again. "But above all of that I could see your sorrow. You were conflicted, hatful, spiteful, angry, but you were so full of sadness. When I saw your sadness I wanted to stop it. I wanted you to be happy."
I felt my eyes starting to water as I looked into Levi's intense eyes. He looked at me with eyes full of wonder. It reminded me of when a little kid sees a magic trick. The way their eyes lit up were the way Levi's eyes were right now. I could tell he was having trouble comprehending it.
"...I-I'm glad I didn't. I'm glad I didn't leave. I'm glad because I couldn't imagine a world that didn't have you. I love you." Levi looked deep into my eyes. I couldn't tell what he was thinking as he continued to stare.
A few moments went by and Levi pulled me closer to him and he hugged me. I hugged tightly back.
"Eren, you're my hero."
We continued to hug as I retaliated, "Levi, that's not true... I'm not a hero. I'm definitely not a hero..." He pulled away and placed his hand softly on my face again. This time his thumb ran along my bottom lip before finding its place on my jaw.
"Eren, you are my hero," he repeated, "You saved me. You saved me from myself." We stared at each other for what seemed like hours. As we stared the sounds from the episode on my phone slowly started to fade until it was nothing more than white noise.
Nothing more than white noise and the two of us.

I love you, Levi. I love you.

I watched as Levi's eyes dart down to my lips. Mine darted to his. He started to lean towards me and I closed my eyes. He pulled my face towards him as I slightly parted my lips. At this point we were so close that I could feel his lips just barely brushing up against mine. Right before he closed the gap completely he softly whispered against my lips so quietly I almost didn't hear him, "You saved my sanity." (A/N Roll Credits *ding*...sort of...close enough...)

As soon as our lips touched the front door slammed opened. We jumped and looked towards the door.



Cliff hangers because that's what people do.

Hey, I didn't  make the rules you're just gonna have to deal.


Anyone else feel dead inside?

Well...I think everyone on Wattpad is dead inside...

I'm bored as hell.

Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

[Ereri] The Screams that Saved my SanityWhere stories live. Discover now