9-A Shattered Mirror Beneath My Feet

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-Eren's POV-

I was shocked by the words I had just heard. I had no idea what to think. The disappointment of my failed escape attempt seemed like nothing now.
For one Hanji literally said Levi could kill me, so that's terrifying. The other....I couldn't believe it...
Levi...has feelings for me?

How could he? He did all of these things to me and now he has feelings for me!
That's complete bull shit! He doesn't get to do that! Not after what he's done...

And yet, when Hanji said that my heart skipped a beat. I have know idea why.

Levi opened the door to the basement and walked down the steps. It suddenly clicked in my head that I had just attempted to call for help and escape.
I ran to the back wall of the basement and stood there in fear. I watched as Levi walked towards me. We might have been getting along well so far, but this was serious.
"L-listen, Levi...I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done it! I-I...umm I swear it won't happen again! I swear on my life!" I pleaded.
That's it...he's going to kill me. Just like that Hanji girl said.
He was about a yard away from me and I could feel my hands starting to shake. I still remembered the feeling of the sticks going into my nails.
He took at a step towards me and I flinched. When I did this he stopped and took a step back. I felt a tear fall from my eye.
"I'm sorry Levi...please don't hurt me...please don't kill me." After I said this he stayed put and watched me silently for a moment.
"It's okay, Eren, I'm not mad at you. I expected it, it's not your fault." He looked away from me and then at the floor. "I'm sorry if I scared you."
With that he walked up the stairs and left, leaving me with my own thoughts.
There was only one thing going through my mind.

He called me Eren...

-Levi's POV-

I rushed to my room and ripped off my mask. At this point I was so overwhelmed I couldn't take it anymore. I ran into my bathroom and splashed water onto my face. I looked at myself in mirror and flinched. With the faucet still turned on, I continued to splash my face with water.
Over and over and over again.
Every time I looked back up to my face I wouldn't be satisfied so I'd splashed water on my face again.
I was falling apart.
Finally I stopped as I gasped for breath. I dared to looked up to the mirror again and saw something horrible.
Blood all over me.
I looked at my hands-hands covered in blood.
Who's blood is this?

"Or....you are going to kill him"

I gasped.
I yelled and scrubbed the blood off my hands with water. Hot tears ran down my face.
When did I do this?! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't know, I didn't know!
I scrubbed my hands raw but the blood still remained. I panicked and continued to scrub. I started to hyperventilate.
After what seemed like forever, I looked at myself in the mirror again. The blood was gone.
My heart was still beating fast and I felt another tear fall to the floor.
What's wrong with me? I'm going insane...
I clenched my trembling hands and tried (and failed) to block out the endless echoes of guilt in my mind.


"I wanna know why the hell I'm here, you psychopath!"

"Or....you are going to kill him."

"Levi, help me!"
"Levi, they'll hurt me!"
"Levi, stop!!!"


"I'm sorry, Levi....please don't hurt me...please don't kill me."


"Don't tell me you have....feelings for the boy"

"I swear I won't do it again!"


"Please. Please don't do it again."





"You are going to kill him."

"AHHH!" I punched the mirror in front of me and the glass shattered. I looked at my still shaking fists and saw blood dripping onto the floor along with my tears. This time the blood was real.
But I didn't care.
I wiped away my tears and walked to my bedroom. Gently I picked up my mask and placed it on my face. I bent down and grabbed the gun I always keep in a small box under my bed. After I stood up I checked the chamber and loaded the gun. I walked to the basement door and unlocked it.
Time to end this.


So maybe I will be able to update everyday because lately I have found time at night. I don't know. I hope this last scene wasn't confusing.
It would be a cool scene in a movie...
Sorry that this is shorter than the other.
Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

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