17-A Sister's Devotion

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-Mikasa's POV-

[A month and a half ago]

I hadn't seen Eren for two days now and I was freaking out. One day I came over to visit his new apartment and he wasn't there.
A day later I finally got a phone call from him. He seemed fine and told me he was with a friend of Jeans.

Oh okay he's safe.

Wait a minute.

Jean doesn't have any friends...

Except Marco...
But Marco lives with Jean...

Time to freak out.

I quickly grabbed my jacket and keys and got into the car. Frantically, I drove into the night. I drove for hours searching for him. First I went to a few cities near where we lived and then I went further.
It must have been 3 in the morning when I finally stopped at a motel to sleep.

Eren where are you?

I cried myself to sleep.
The next morning I got another call from Eren.

"Hey, Mikasa. Just calling because I thought you would freak out if I didn't."


"W-why do you mean? Of course I'm fine."

"No you're not! Where are you I'll come find you!"

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

"Listen, Eren, if you are being kidnaped just give me a sign."

"Why w-would you think that?"

"Are you being held hostage?!?"


"Eren, you said you were with a friend of Jeans. He doesn't have any friends."

He was silent for a moment.

"D-did I say friend of Jeans? I-I meant to say well...."

"Eren, what's wrong?!?!? Did someone kidnap you?! Did they hurt you?!?"

"No...no...I...ummm...I lied."

"So you are kidnaped?!?! I'll call the police right now!"

"No! I...I mean I lied because I ran away. I'm fine. I'm staying in a...a motel."

"A motel..."

"Yeah I needed to...clear my head...well I have to go. I'll call you soon. Loveyabye!" He blurted out the last part and hung up the phone.

There's something very very wrong.
I don't believe a word you said Eren.

I jumped into action once again. I spent the entire rest of the day looking for him to no avail.
The police would probably not believe me.
For the next week I searched and searched for him. I went from city to city and town to town but I found nothing.

At one small city I stopped and rested at another motel. I got a phone call.
It wasn't Eren this time.

"Hello, this is Mikasa."

"Hello Mikasa, it's Karen."

Shit. My boss.

I worked at a local clinic as a nurse. Since I've been trying to find my brother I haven't been at work for a few weeks...



"Mikasa, I know you are one of the best nurses here but...I'm going to have to let you go."

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