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-Mikasa's POV-


I saw Eren walk into the bar holding hands with a smaller man.
He was short and had dark black hair.
That must be him.
I was about to jump over the counter and pin this guy to a wall but I remembered that Eren still thinks he's in love.
Quickly, I hide behind some shelves and watches as they took a seat at the bar. Eren was smiling and holding on to the other Levi's arm. The raven haired had a small smile on his lips as well.

That bastard.

I saw as Eren got up from the bar and go towards the bathroom. Historia was asking Levi what they wanted to drink and asking for ID.

Wait...he doesn't know what I look like.

I walked up to Historia, "Hey, it's okay I'll take this one." She gave me a surprised look and nodded her head after telling me his order. I poured the drinks I went to serve them.

"One whiskey for you and one ice tea for your friend."

He placed the glasses neatly on coasters. "He's my boyfriend actually."
I felt my blood boil.
"Oh, that's nice." I looked at the drinks, "Does he not drink?"

At least Eren's not drinking anymore.

"Hm? Oh, no. He's underaged so he won't be having any alcohol tonight."
"Oh, okay." I faked a smile and quickly scurried off before Eren came back and sit next to Levi still smiling and laughing.

It'll be okay, Eren.

I watched as the Levi took his first sip of his drink.

I smiled.

I already have a plan.

-Levi's POV-

After the incident with the dirty alley guy we went to a bar to have a drink.
Well I was the only one drinking because Eren is still under aged and I'm not letting him. I drank my drink very quickly and we walked home.
The walk was long but it was nice.
We held hands the whole time and I could tell that Eren hadn't stopped smiling. He made me smile.

Once we finally returned to my house I opened the door. My head started to mildly hurt.

I shouldn't have drank that drink so fast.

Before I could complain I felt someone grab my shirt. Then I felt lips on my lips.
I smiled into the kiss.
Eren pulled me closer to him and I pulled at his hair. I won the battle for dominance and explored every inch of his mouth. The kiss gradually started to get more heated until we ended up in my bedroom. My head still throbbed.

Dammit. A drink has never done this to me. At least not one...

I ignored it and turned my attention towards Eren. Somehow, sometime, his shirt was taken off and was now on the floor.


I marveled at his six pack and toned body.
Not as toned as I was but still.

Then I looked at his sleeveless arms. They revealed small, thin, scars.
Scars I gave him.
I ran my hand very delicately across them. Once again I felt tears coming to my eyes.
"Eren...Eren I'm so sorry." He grabbed my hand-pulling it away from his arm-and kissed it.
"Hey, I'm okay now. I forgive you. A million times I forgive you."
Before I could reply he pulled my neck towards him and we joined lips once again. I melted into another heated kiss.

All of a sudden something hit me like a freight train.
I felt tired and I slowly started to stop the kiss. My arms started feeling heavy and I felt like I was going to fall asleep right then and there. Eren broke the slow kiss and sat up, bringing me along with him. I was sitting on his lap with my legs on each side of him. I held my throbbing head and groaned. Eren looked at me with eyes full of concern.
"Levi, are you okay?"
I felt my eyelids getting heavy. I looked down in my daze and noticed my shirt was off as well.
Strange I didn't notice that either.
I winced again as my head felt another jolt of pain.
"Y-yeah...I think I downed that drink too fast, that's all." He felt my forehead, "Well, you don't have a fever. Maybe you're right."
He laid me down on the bed and put the covers over me.
As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out cold.

Sometime in the night (or maybe early morning) I felt something very weird on my arm. My head still hurt.
I lifted my arm and felt it run down off of it.

What is this?

I opened my eyes and tried to make out what it was. It was too dark and I didn't want to wake Eren by turning the lamp on. Then I realized something was in my other hand.
This thing didn't feel like a liquid.
I was so drowsy still, I couldn't think straight.

I touched the liquid substance with my hand and brought it up to my nose and smelled it.

My heart stopped.


I heard Eren shuffle in his sleep and then wince. Then I heard a groan. I immediately turned on the lamp.

I watched in horror as I saw Eren open his eyes and give another groan of pain.

"Arghh! W-what is that?!"

His side was full of blood and he was bleeding out.

"EREN!" I placed my hand on the wound in an attempt to stop it from bleeding. He winced again.

"L-Levi...what...happened?" He groaned. I looked around the bed for answers when I saw it.

I felt my heart drop.

On my side of the bed there was a knife.
Covered in blood.
Eren's blood.

That's what was in my hand this morning.

Oh my god.

I bursted into tears.

"No...no...no no no no...this can't be happening." Eren looked at the knife and then at me.
"Levi...did...was it...."
I got out from the bed and got my medical kit. I began frantically cleaning and closing the wound.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I practically sobbed these words as I felt my entire being die inside me.

Every time he winced in pain my face went paler.
Every time he groaned in agony my heart died.
Every time he told me not to cry I cried harder.

"This is all my fault. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!?" I yelled as I finally stopped the bleeding and wrapped his side up.

"L-Levi...you didn't mean to do it...y-you must have had an episode in y-your sleep." He winced.
I could tell he was scared.
Scared of me.


"Levi, it's okay. It was just a graze I'm okay now. We can ju--"


He stared at me in silence. He looked like he was going to cry.

"I HATE MYSELF!" I yelled desperately. Eren reached for my hand, "Levi, don't say that--"

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I snapped my hand back and moved away from him.

He looked at me with big eyes.
He looked hurt.
I felt another lethal pang of guilt in my heart.

This is your fault, Levi.
This is what you get for thinking you were anything more than a monster.

I took a deep breath in and lowered my voice.


You need to leave.



This is getting intense.
Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

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