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The next week after eating breakfast Hanji left.


"Hanji, I appreciate what you did for Eren. You have no idea how grateful I am, but YOU HAVE TO LEAVE SOMETIME! LET GO OF EREN RIGHT NOW!"


Currently, Hanji is on the floor and holding Eren's leg for dear life.
She really doesn't want to go.

Eren looked down at Hanji not quite sure of what to do. "Hey, there's no need to yell," he looked said looking back at me, "But Hanji you should listen to Levi."
Eren sighed, "You can visit. I promise. You just have to go home now, okay?" Hanji shook her head no.
"Goddammit Hanji, let go of Eren. You can't stay here forever!" I said as I rolled my eyes.
I looked at her in disbelief.

And I thought I was going insane.

Eren looked at Hanji and pressed his lips together. His eyebrows furrowed like he was thinking of something.
His eyes lit up.
"What is it?" I asked.
Eren leaned over just enough for him to be able to whisper in my ear.

He repeated what he said.
"No. No way."
He gave me puppy eyes and pouted.
"Fine. But if this doesn't work I'll be pissed." Eren ignored me and called for Hanji, "Hey, Hanji!"
Hanji's head turned up from the floor and he look at Eren.
Eren reached over and grabbed my shirt. He pulled me roughly and fastly towards him and immediately locked his lips with mine.
I heard Hanji make a strange noise. Eren broke the kiss and looked down at her, "QUICK LEVI SHE LET GO OF MY LEG! SHE'S TRYING TO STOP HER NOSE BLEED!"
I quickly bent down and shoved Hanji out the door.
"Merry Christmas, Shitty Glasses. You are welcome to visit but Eren and I need our space. Now, GO. HOME."
Hanji, still holding her nose, groaned, "Hey! That hurt!" She held a hand to her head and started to sit up, "Ugh....fine. I'll see you next week."
She giggled and left.

I swear if she's not joking...

I closed the door and began to lock it.

Wait...isn't her car at the hospital still?

I opened the door again and I saw Hanji skipping down the road towards the hospital.


She'll be fine...

I closed the door and let out a sigh of relief, "Finally!"
Eren laughed and walked up to me. He wasn't limping as much anymore and his wound was getting a lot better, but I refused to let him go out until he was completely healed.
"Why were you so harsh about her leaving though? I mean she could have stayed a few more days."
"Well, I didn't want her to."
He raised an eyebrow at me, "Why? She wasn't all bad."
I sighed and pulled him into a heated kiss.
After a minute or two I broke it, "Because I couldn't do this whenever I felt like it, brat." He gave me a love drunken smile, "Oh, that makes sense. Although, I do prefer 'my love' over 'brat." I chuckled and he pecked me on the lips. Then I started walking towards the living room.
"Come over here, my love."
He tilted his head and looked at me confused, "What are we doing?"
"It's a surprise. Just get over here." I said annoyed.
"Okay, okay, I'm coming. Geez."

He sat down on the couch and waited for my command. I took out a small radio that I had hidden in the kitchen.
"What's that for?"
"Just give me a second."
I plugged it in and pressed play. Music played from the small box filling the room with sweet melodies. I walked up to Eren and held out my hand, "May I have this dance?"
He started to blush, "Levi...what are you doing..."
"I felt bad that I have never really taken you out on a date yet. Since I can't exactly take you out at the moment I thought this would be the next best thing. Now. May I have this dance?"
He smiled and continued to blush, "Okay...but I can't dance..." I smiled at him as I pulled him up and close to me in a dancing position. His hand rested on my shoulder and my hand on his waist. Our hands interlocked.
"It's okay, my love. Just follow my lead. I'm good at dancing."
I smirked, "I'm good at most things..."
His face went red, "L-Levi!"

"You...you....ugh never mind." He put his head down in defeat as we danced in time to the music. I lifted his chin so he could meet my eyes, "Eye contact is important in dancing. After all they say 'eyes are the windows to the soul'. When you're dancing you can show your emotion with the slightest movement. You just need to let yourself fall into the music."
He smiled at me with dreamy eyes, "You're so poetic, Levi..."
I shrugged and continued to dance with him. "How did you become such a great dancer?"
"I don't know. I wasn't kidding when I said I was good at most things." I said with a straight face.
"Yeah yeah I get it."
"I'm just saying."

We continued to dance together for some time more. It was nice. For a while we just danced in silent and enjoyed each other's company.

Eren spoke to me again towards the end of the song, "You know...you're a really good dancer...you know...considering..."
I raised an eyebrow at him," Considering what?" A huge, mischievous smile appeared on his face.
"Considering...how short you are." I frowned, "What did you just call me?"
He giggled, "I'm surprised you can even reach my hand."
"Oh, really?" I kicked his legs from underneath him and caught him before he fell.
He looked like he thought he was going to die, "Levi! Dammit, you scared the shit out of me!" I smirked at him, "I was tall enough for that. Wasn't I?"
This time he was the one rolling his eyes at me. "Oh, shut up." He pulled me closer to him and smiled as he kissed me.
"Thank you for the date, love." He smiled as he broke the kiss. In reply I pulled him back for another one.

That day was perfect.
It felt like this would be like this for the rest of our lives.
I couldn't wait.

But if course

I was wrong.


Well that's a cliche ending if I've ever heard one.
Sorry about that.
Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

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