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(A/N I'm sure you've heard the song above. To increase your feels experience I suggest that one. Sigh. It's a good song what do you want from me?)

--Two years, 5 months, and 3 days later--

-Levi's POV-

I collected my belongings and put on a t-shirt, coat, and some (horse) jeans. Once all of my things were in order I was finally released. I took my first step into the world as a free man.
It was a cloudy and windy day. I shivered and walked to the side of the road.

For about twenty minutes I just stood in the same place and waited.
I waited for the slight chance that I would see Eren driving to pick me up.
He would park his car right in front of me and quickly get out of the car. He'd run towards me and I would run to him like in those cliché romantic films and we would hold each other and cry in relief. I would smell his hair and kiss his cheek and he would look happy and healthy.
He would be happy to see me.
We would happy again.

After waiting for the car that was never to come I finally called a taxi to take me to my house. I walked towards my house with my head down.
I fished through my pockets and found my keys to unlock the door.
It felt weird to step into my house after so long.
I walked towards the kitchen counter and ran my finger across the cold surface. Then I looked towards the couch. I remembered the moments Eren and I spent together there. I remembered our first kiss and our movie nights. I remembered the sappy things Eren would say to me that made me roll my eyes but blush nonetheless.

I wish things could be the way they were.

When I turned my head I glanced at the door to the basement. The basement that was the cause of so much pain...but also the birth of so much happiness.
I'm sorry.
I looked at the empty and dark house and then suddenly noticed something strange.
The house was spotless.
It was clean.

It was up to my standards of clean.

There's no way the house could still be this clean.

I looked around for a moment for things out of place or dust on the ground but I didn't find anything. Then I walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was fresh food in it.

If there's food in the fridge....if the house is clean...then...it must mean...

I heard the front door jiggle and then open with a creak. Eren came through the door looking at the floor. He turned around to close the door.
My jaw was on the ground.
He tried multiply keys on his keychain and groaned a couple times in frustration. It must have been difficult for him to unlock the door because of the box of pizza occupying his other hand.
"Shit! Which one is it?!"
Finally he got the correct key, "Finally!" He exclaimed, obviously very proud of himself. He started to turn around and stopped dead in his tracks.
His eyes widened as he finally saw me. The keys he had in his hand dropped to the ground.
The pizza soon followed.

I hadn't seen Eren in over two years.

I don't think either of us were ready to see each other for the first time in that long like this.

We continued to stand there and stare at each other. My heart was beating in anxiety.

What's going to happen?
Does he hate me?
Will he be angry?
Will he be sad?
Will he....be happy?

Eren was still and his lips were parted slightly in shock. He looked like he had just been punched in the gut.
It must have been minutes but it felt like hours. Then he pressed his lips together.
I couldn't tell what he was thinking or how he was feeling. It was impossible. He took a step towards me and I started to to freak out.
"Eren...Eren I'm sorry."
He continued to walk to me.
"I-I know I hurt you...but I had to...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry."
Each step he look towards me made me even more scared. Tears started to stream down my face.
"I know you hate me...and I know you're mad. I'll accept...I'll accept it if you want to take it out in me...I get it...I-I deserve it." I started to cry harder. He was getting closer and closer.
"But...I love you. I-I still do. Y-you have to believe me. I did this because I love you, Eren!"
Finally he stood directly in front of me. I still couldn't tell what he was thinking.

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