14-Pizza and Netflix

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-Levi's POV-

"Eren I--" I started but was interrupted.
Suddenly I felt something warm on my lips. My eyes widened as I realized that the lips belonged to Eren. I completely froze.
I'm not good at this romance stuff.
Everything that I was going to say was wiped completely from my mind. I couldn't think anymore.
Screw it.
I closed my eyes and melted into the kiss-finally kissing back. I put my arms around his neck as he grabbed my hair. He deepened the kiss as his tongue slid into my mouth. I quickly lost the battle for dominance due to the fact I had no idea what I was doing.

This was my first kiss.
Well, with a guy...
I kissed this one girl I knew when I was younger but I hated it. It just felt wrong. I think her name was Petra but I'm not sure. She liked me but I never liked her like that.
I've pretty much always knew I was gay but because of the things I did no one...liked me.
I can't blame them. I don't like me either.
Who would?

And yet you're still here.

Eren started getting on top of me. I decided I didn't want to be dominated anymore.
I pushed him on his back and continued the heated kiss.
"Eren...I really...like you." I said in between kisses. He broke the kiss for a moment, pulling my head away from his lips. Eren looked deep into my eyes with a small smile, "I like you too, Levi."
Not even a second after he said that he smashed his lips onto mine again. It was a sloppy kiss this time. I could feel his desperation in the kiss. He  held me like if he let go for a moment I would be gone. I'm positive that he knew I felt the same way. I moaned and he smirked into the kiss. I would've broke the kiss in embarrassment, but I was enjoying it way too much to do that.

I wanted the kiss to last forever.

We kept making out on the couch until I tasted something salty in my mouth.
I pulled away and looked at Eren's face.
He was crying.
I sat up on the couch with Eren sitting on my lap with his legs at my sides. I cupped his head with my right hand and wiped away his tears with the other. "Eren, why are you crying?"I asked just above a whisper. Tears continued to roll down his face as he cried silently.
I felt a wave of guilt go over me, "I'm sorry...it's me isn't it..." His eyes widened in surprise.
"No! No, it's not you Levi. I just....I can't stop thinking about how you could've died yesterday." He tried to calm down but he was still crying. "I just can't stop." He put his hand on my hand that was holding his face and leaned into it. I took a hold of him and held him to my chest. "It's okay, Eren. I'm here. I'm okay. I'm okay because of you." He cried into my shoulder, "I'm s-sorry I'm c-crying. I-I don't w-want to bother you." I moved Eren so he was laying on me. "Don't apologize Eren. You never have to say sorry to me."

We stayed like that for a while. I don't know how long. All I knew was that by the time I looked at the time it was already 7. I carefully slid out from under Eren and fixed him so he was laying comfortably on the couch. I found some leftover pizza in the fridge and heated it up for us.
I was too tired to cook.
I walked over to Eren and gently shook him awake.
"Hey, Eren. I have dinner. Are you hungry?" He didn't budge. I rolled my eyes, "It's pizza."
Instantly his eyes opened.

He smiled at me, "I'll have a slice of pizza!"
"You like this pizza way too much," I handed the plate to him, "Here's your precious pizza."
"Thank you Leeeeeviii."
This kid is too cute.
"Yeah, yeah, just eat."
He took a bite into his pizza. "Even a day later it's good!"
I rolled my eyes again, "I knew you liked this pizza but now it just looks like you're making out with it. Use a napkin for god's sakes." I handed him a napkin and he cleaned his face.
"Haha, you're right."
He stopped and smirked at me, "Is the great Levi jealous of a slice of leftover pizza?"

I blushed.
Dammit stop blushing.
"No...of course not."
He put the pizza down on the table in front of the couch and outstretched his hands towards me.
"Awwwww! Poor Levi! It's okay, this pizza is nothing compared to you. Besides, you're a way better kisser." I gave him a grumpy look as I gave in and sat on his lap.
"Tch. I better be. Like hell I'll lose to a food. I mean I know I don't deserve you but I'd hope I was at least better than a pizza." He hugged me and kissed my forehead, "I really like you Levi but, stop saying bad things about yourself because it's not true." I hummed in response and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Do you want to watch a movie?"
I looked at him and then in front of us. "Well, I don't exactly have a TV so..."
He took his phone out of his pocket. He must've found it when I was out.
"I have Netflix. We can watch a movie on my phone or something."
He laid down on the bed and I laid on top of him. He held the phone so that both of us could see the screen and we stayed like that until the movie was over. Once the movie was over I noticed that Eren had fallen asleep because he dropped the phone. I put the phone on the table and stood up.
This time I was the one kissing his forehead.
"Good night, Eren."
Right before I walked into my room and turned around to look at Eren one more time.
"I think I might love you, Eren."
Then I walked into my room and went to bed.


Can't believe I just wrote that....
Sorry if it's bad....


Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

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