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-Levi's POV-

"Hey. I need your help."

"My, my, my. The great Levi needs my help?" Hanji said on the other side of the line.

"Its serious, Hanji. I need you." I said desperately. She stayed silent for a moment, "I haven't heard you call me by my name in so long....what's wrong Levi?"
I took a breath.
"Eren's in the hospital. He got stabbed and he was bleeding out. I don't have his blood type and neither does the hospital so I need you to get here as fast as possible. Didn't you say once you were o-negative?"
"Yeah, I am. I'll be there as soon as I can!"
"Okay thanks. It's the hospital near my house."
"Gotcha. I'll be right there."
"Thank you so much, Hanji."
"Anything for my babies!"
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, just get here." I hung up the phone and went back into the hospital. I told the doctor that I found someone and she should be here within the next 15 minutes. Thankfully he said that Eren should be fine then.

The nurses finally let me see Eren. He was pale and he had a bunch of needles in him. He also had a hospital gown on because they had to cut off his shirt. I knelt down beside him and kissed his hand. I stroked his head and waited for Hanji to show up.

"I promise you will be okay, Eren. I won't let anything bad happen to you anymore."

"Ma'am you're going to need to calm down."

I turned my head and saw Hanji walk in from the curtain with a doctor. When she saw me she ran up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back. "Thanks again, Hanji. You have no idea how much this means to me."
"It's no problem, Levi."
"Is she the person you were talking about?" The doctor asked. He looked out of breath from chasing Hanji threw the hospital. "Yeah. Now, please help Eren." The nurses came and began hooking Hanji up so she could donate her blood.

"Can I put in the needle? Pleeeaaasssee!" I could see the nurses beginning to get frustrated. "No, you cannot for the last time."
Hanji gave a long exaggerated sigh, "Ugh, fine. I don't see why you guys get to have all the fun though..."

I held Hanji's hand as they put in the needle in her arm. She winced.
"Ouch! Geez, can you be a little more gentle?!" They ignored her and I went beside Eren again. I held his hand and watched as his face slowly started to get its color back. I kissed his hand again.
"Awww, you're so cute Levi!"
I glared at her.
"What?" I sighed and turned my attention towards Eren again.
"Yeah?" I said never taking my eyes off of Eren.
"Did...did you do this?" This got my attention. She looked at me with both concern and sadness.

You think I did this...

I looked at her in the eye, "No. No it wasn't. I haven't had any withdrawal symptoms in over a month." She smiled in surprise. "That's incredible! I'm so proud of you. I knew you would make the right decision!" I nodded at her.

"You know...this isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be...I...mean they...said...that...I might..."Then she passed out.


Once the doctor was satisfied he took the needles out of Hanji and Eren. The nurses tried to get Hanji to wake up by putting wet towels on her head.

I don't think they wanted her awake to be honest.
I understand.

I looked at the places in his arm where the IV's were placed and I kissed them-hoping to magically take away the pain.
I held onto him. Then I felt something squeeze my hand. I looked up at Eren and saw his eyes starting to flutter open. I felt my face light up.
Slowly his eyes opened and he smiled as best as he could. It was a tired, lazy smile.
"Hey, love." I released his hand, "Eren! You're awake!"
I touched his face and made sure he was okay. I looked at his side to make sure there was no bleeding, I check to make sure he didn't have a fever, I would have taken his pulse if he didn't stop me.
"It's about time you woke up. You had me worried sick, my love," I stood up and kissed his forehead.
He gave me a huge grin, "Whoops! Guess I wanted to sleep in."
I smiled at him (a smile I only allowed him to see) and called the doctor so he could make sure Eren was okay.

"Looks like your friend--"

"Boyfriend." Eren and I corrected at the same time.
He looked at us for a moment and gave us a 'is this really the time' look.
He sighed and gave up, "Looks like your boyfriend here will be fine. I just ask that he stay the night just so he can rest and so we can keep an eye on him."
"Thank you so much, Doctor." I thanked him.
"Oh, there's another thing." I looked at him with a confused look. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong but you still haven't said how he got stabbed in the first place."
Since I want to kill Mikasa I had no problem telling the truth.
"Well, his sister--" I stopped and looked at Eren. Just by looking at him I could tell he didn't want me to tell him about Mikasa.
After all, she still was his sister, and as much as I hated her, I loved Eren a hell of a lot more.
"His sister was out of town and we were cooking. He had a knife in his hand and fell on it. I managed to stop the bleeding but about an hour later it started up again."
The Doctor looked at us suspiciously. 
"Okay...well I hope you feel better Mister..."
"Uh, Jeager."
"Mister Jeager. Okay then, I'll check up with you again tomorrow, Mr. Jeager."
We thanked him and he left.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.
"I'm okay, love......Who's that?" He pointed to a still passed out Hanji.
"Oh, that's my friend Hanji. She donated her blood for you."
He turned his head so he could get a better look at her, "Wow...I need to thank her when she wakes up."
I nodded, "Yeah..." I looked down at me feet, "You know I wanted them to take my blood...I just didn't have the right type." He looked at me a moment before smirking, "Are you jealous.....of Hanji?"
My face went red.

Goddammit not again.

"No....I just wanted you to know..."
He laughed and pulled my arm slightly-letting me know to get closer to him. Once he was happy with my location he spoke up again, "As much as it flatters me that you're jealous, you don't need to be. I love you, Levi. You're the only one I love." I smiled at his words.
"You're the only one I love too, Eren." He smiled and I leaned my face closer to his. He leaned in closer to me and began to close his eyes. I could feel his warm breath on my lips. I tilted my head to the side and closed my eyes. Our lips were about to touch.

Then there was a flash.

We both stopped and turned our head to see what the flash was.

"Shitty Glass...." I growled.
Hanji was wide awake on her bed with her phone in her hand.
She was taking pictures.
Eren laughed at her actions but I gave Hanji an annoyed look. "Can you not take pictures of us? That would be great."
Hanji grinned at me, "Nope!"
I rolled my eyes at her and looked at Eren. He raised his shoulders up and then down.
Then it hit me.
All of a sudden it just hit me.
I realized that I really wanted to kiss him.
I wanted to kiss Eren.
I wanted to kiss my boyfriend.

I don't give a shit anymore.

I grabbed Eren's face and kissed him. At first his eyes were open in surprise but he quickly started to kiss back.

While we kissed there were several flashes.

We ignored it.

All that mattered was that Eren was here in my arms, and I never wanted to let him go.


Another chapter done.
Thanks for reading.
Peace out.

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