Chapter 30: Battle to the Death

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Sasuke Gif

Raise Hell by Dorothy


Chapter 30: Battle to the Death

The duo follow the voice of their enemy and see him standing on the pillar, free from any wounds he's received. Tsuki stands a little distance away from the Uchiha as she silently seethes, but instead of lashing out, she's keeping her calm while trying to focus on a plan. Yes, she wants to ruthlessly murder the elder in front of her and give him a painful death, but she needs to keep her head steady. Because if she lets her emotions run wild, she'll waste her chakra and be the one who dies instead.

Sasuke, who's more hotheaded than the Haruno, glares upon the elder as he reactivates his Mangekyo Sharingan. Since Danzo's on the other end of the stare, he gets surprised as a murder of crows suddenly appears from behind Sasuke.

Looking around in alarm, he watches as the crows surround him. But that's not what surprises Danzo. No, it's the fact that Itachi Uchiha is standing behind him, alive and healthy. As the Uchiha glares at him, Danzo stumbles back with fear.

"T-this is," Danzo mutters, stepping back.

"Die," Itachi states, activating  Amaterasu as blood rolls down his right eye.

In that instant, Danzo is swallowed by a large gust of black flames. Immediately, he checks his right arm and watches as the eye doesn't close. Upon noticing this, realization smacks him across the face as he acknowledges the illusion.

"I'll commend you for actually trapping me in a illusion," he states, still covered by the painless black flames of a Genjutsu.

Just as the flames start to disperse, Sasuke appears behind Danzo and runs towards the latter, trying to pierce him with his katana. Danzo smirks.

"However," he muses, just as Sasuke's body becomes paralyzed.

Standing still in his spot, katana inches away from cutting into Danzo's back, Sasuke is filled with shock. Trembling, he's unable to move and that frustrates him.

"Sasuke, now's your chance! Don't stop," Karin shouts from below. Tsuki, who's also witnessing this, runs into the action.

"Compared to Itachi's Tsukuyomi, where he could alter your perception of time at his whim, you're as far below him as the land is below the sky," Danzo continues, stating the difference between brothers.

"A seal that binds the body's movement, he must've placed it when he choked him," Madara concludes from earlier observation.

Is Sasuke paralyzed, Karin questions, before mustering up the courage. Since she's closer to the pillar, she jumps up and runs towards Danzo.

No need to bother with any special techniques on this one, Danzo states, looking at the incoming Uzumaki. Just as she nears him, Danzo lifts his leg and kicks her away. Since he infused his foot with chakra, Karin flys a great distance away from the pillar.

A plain old kick, huh. He must be trying to conserve his chakra...well, not for long, Madara muses as he watches Karin crash into a tree before switching his gaze towards the Haruno.

Using that as a distraction, Tsuki appears in front of Danzo and brings down her fist. Stepping back, he avoids the chakra infused fist. Slightly stumbling, Tsuki keeps up with her entourage of attacks. Dropping to the floor, she sweeps her leg towards his feet. Jumping back, Danzo dodges it once more. Rushing towards him, Tsuki jumps up and delivers a roundhouse kick which he blocks, making the man stumble back. Pushing him back with her legs, Tsuki flips and lands on the pillar. Sending him a glare, she smirks before making hand signs and running towards him.

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