Chapter 35: Training Pt.2

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DISCLAIMER: WHHHOOOOOOOOoooooooo! I'm back, but I will never own Naruto because the universe hates me! Insomnia_queen blasting off again~! *disappears into the distance and becomes a star*

Carry On by Cœur De Pirate

Itachi gif



Chapter 35: Training Pt.2

TSUKI HARUNO could only think about the prophecy that presented itself to her, the images running rapid in her head. She knew that they were only possibilities, not facts. The future isn't written in stone, prophecy or not.

Sighing, she lets her fuchsia eyes settle on the goddess before her. It's been a day since she revealed what she saw, and Tsuki isn't going to allow that to stop her from the training she's meant to do. Crossing her arms across her chest, she speaks up.

"So, what's next on my schedule?" Tsuki asks with a quirked brow.

Cerridwen looks to her host. "Are you sure you're ready for the next step," she questions with slight concern.

The Kunoichi smirks, determined. "Whatever you throw at me, I'll be ready for it. I won't back down, not now. Besides I don't think I'm allowed to," she states with a laugh.

"Your funeral," the goddess scoffs before smirking.

"Well, that counts for you, too. If I die, you die as well. Just momentarily at least, until your essence regenerates again," Tsuki states knowingly.

"Ah, you're right. But let's move on from this morbid topic and get to the explaining of your new training! These next two weeks will consist of you learning the techniques of the Dark Arts, also known as the Underworld jutsus, and the property of Life energy, that includes the Healing Arts. You know how whenever you heal someone with Life Remedium and become blind? Well that's because you haven't learned how to properly channel it. It's a bit different from Medical Ninjutsu, but somewhat similar. Though, with this training, you'll learn how to channel it and you'll be able to heal without losing your eyesight," the Goddess informs with a sincere smile.

The thought of healing someone without risking her sight, Tsuki grins at the whole idea, feeling a good sense of giddiness. She's used the Life Remedium twice now in the past, and both times she almost died because of her blindness. Remembering the strategy of using a Blood Clone, she still felt the sensation of pain when it was struck with a Chidori. Not as great, but still enough to make her cringe. The thought of a Chidori still triggers a painful feeling in Tsuki's core.

Then, there was the time when she was blindly stumbling through the woods after healing Itachi, who barely fought against Sasuke, only to be caught by Zetsu. That was the second time where Madara tortured her, she still has yet to figure out why he does that. Was it to make her submissive to his future plans where he needed the Goddess sealed inside her? That seems most probable.

"All right! I'm ready, when do we start," Tsuki exclaims, punching her open palm with determination.

Cerridwen scoffs, amused by her host's actions. "Easy there, moon pie. Naruto's behavior is starting to rub off on you, you can't just dive in and start. Life Remedium is a delicate art because you're using the Life Energy from the earth around you and channeling it into the person you're healing. The only reason you became blind was because you using the action blindly, kind of ironic, isn't it," she informs the pink haired Kunoichi.

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