Chapter 25: Pressure

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Pressure by Paramore

Chapter 25: Pressure

Tsuki's POV
Standing a fair distance away from the summit building, we wait outside in the snow as we hear back from Jugo's animals. Lifting my arm up to catch the snow in my open palm, I feel the cool sensation of the snow melting against my skin. Ignoring the team, I continue catching snow as I try absolutely everything to avoid Sasuke since he seems to hate my very existence.

I don't know what Madara told him, but I'm glad he did because for the first time I'm seeing Sasuke's true colors.

Suddenly, the group's attention is gained as an owl flies towards us. Lifting his arm, I watch as the owl lands on Jugo's forearm. I narrow my eyes with interest.

So, that's one of his powers besides bipolar tendencies? Fascinating.

"So," Sasuke asks him.

"There's a route from the west that's not well guarded," Jugo informs the Uchiha.

"We're going in now. Karin, keep an eye on the guards' chakras," Sasuke orders his 'teammates'.

"I'm going too," Karin asks with surprise making me roll my eyes.

"Now is the time we need your skills the most," Suigetsu explains to the redhead.

"Zetsu, was it," Sasuke looks to the humanoid creature.

"What," Zetsu snaps, turning to the Uchiha.

"I need you to tell me which one's Danzo. You're coming too," Sasuke tells him.

I continue to keep my back towards them, ignoring their conversation, but it's useless. No matter how hard I try to deny their existence or any part of them, they always drag me back in. Suddenly, I tense as I feel a hand in my shoulder.

Grabbing the person's wrist, I spin on my heel and twist their arm. Glaring into the yellow eyes of Zetsu, I let go, knowing that I can't harm him.

"What do you want," I sneer, even though it burns my throat.

"You're coming with us. Madara-sama wants you to protect Sasuke," Zetsu explains, smirking.

I glower. "He can take care of himself, he doesn't need my damn protection! I don't care what Madara says," I snap, ready to punch something.

"Really? You don't care what Madara-sama says? Need I remind you what he'll do to you if you don't do what he says," Zetsu threatens, gripping my wrist.

Standing there, we continue to glare into each other's eyes as the pressure on my wrist increases. My lips tighten as my jaw clenches while I try to contain my whimpers. Just as the bone is about to break, I give in.

"Fine! I'll do it," I growl before he frees my wrist.

I glare at his back as walks back to the group. Heck, I glare at the whole group. My hate is so deep that I could literally feel my blood boil as my body radiates a murderous aura. As if Karin can sense me, she gasps, short out of breath, before looking at me. Scared at the change of my chakra, she hides behind Sasuke.

Tch, fangirls.

"Wouldn't it have been easier to lie in wait and get him when he comes? I'm tired of this," Suigetsu complains, like usual.

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