Chapter 9: A Choice To Risk Myself

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This Chapter's dedicated to @jojocircus96

Remember, fight scenes may not be the same, so don't get all pissy and mad at me for changing it.

Another note, go check out 'Three Lost Souls' by Sasu_Naru_Saku, we put up two chapters.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Chapter 9: A Choice To Risk Myself

Tsuki's POV
After the fight with Asuma's team, I instantly regretted it. The guilt was eating me alive. Seeing Asuma beaten and bloody made my heart sink, but the look of devastation in Team 10's faces made me hate myself.

I know I should hate Ino the most since she made my life a personal hell, but she doesn't deserve pain.

"Hidan, Kakuzu, Tsuki, it's time to seal the Two Tails," Leader-sama's voice rang in my mind.

"Aww, man! Can't it wait, we're doing something important over here," Hidan complains.

I shoot a glare in his direction. He only wants to stay so he could kill their sensei and sacrifice him to his stupid God.

"This is more important. Don't make me wait," Our leader scolds Hidan.

Rain begins to pour on us, but I don't mind, I never mind the rain. But today it feels different. Sorrow is hidden within the raindrops.

I stand in the shadow contemplating on what to do.

Should I leave, and let him die?

Or should I stay, and get a severe punishment for betraying the Akatsuki?

Watching as my teammates disappear into the vast forest, my time seems to run out. I finally decide, but I know nothing good will come from this.

I walk into the forest and disappear, but it's not me...
It's a clone.

The real me. Me. I stayed behind, because if I let him die, it'll always be on my conscience.

Jumping on the roof, I surprise the Leaf ninja. I take off my hood and let the rain wet me. I put my hands up in surrender, showing that I bring no harm, but that doesn't work.

"What are you doing here?! Are you here to finish your job, you traitor," Ino seethes.

The words stab me in the gut like a sharp knife. No matter how much I want to hurt her, I restrain myself.

"No, I'm here to help," I say shamefully.

"How?! You're the one who did this," she yells hysterically.

"You're trying to heal him right," I ask the medic.

"Yes, but I can't do anything. He's been hit in four vital spots," Ino cries.

It's my fault.

I close my eyes and sigh, "that's right you can't do anything, but I can," I say.

"How," the three chunins practically yell at me.

"Simple, because you don't have this," I say as I enter my state of Cerridwen's power.

I take off my cloak and let them see the black markings I receive from the Goddess' power. The black markings surround themselves on my eyes, my lips turn to a shade of inky black, my forehead gains a black crescent moon, and my body receive their black flower vines.

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