Chapter 24: The Five Kage

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Sorry for the delay, I hate myself when I don't update for guys! Anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 24: The Five Kages

Third POV
In the everyday hot, dry, Land of Wind, Sunagakure, the Kazekage is patiently waiting for his brother to arrive. Waiting at the entrance of the village for Kankuro, both Temari and Gaara listen to the Shinobi's cheers of encouragement. Not long, the puppeteer finally emerges through the crowd, walking to his siblings.

"You're late, Kankuro," Temari states, fanning herself.

"It took me a while to figure out this new trick," Kankuro explains to his older sister.

Temari, the Kazekage's older sister and guard, she's sporting a black sleeveless dress that reaches her mid thighs. Underneath, she's wearing a short sleeved mesh shirt and shorts. On her torso, she's wearing a white protective vest along with a purple obi that's carrying a scroll. On her feet are regular black Shinobi sandals along with black shinguards. Over her outfit, she's wearing a thick, long, beige scarf around her neck. Lastly, she's wearing black fingerless gloves on her hands and her Suna headband tied around her forehead as usual.

Kankuro, the Kazekage's older brother and guard, is sporting a set of navy pants and long sleeved shirt. On top, he's wearing a black Shinobi styled yukata with slots on the sides to allow movement. Around his waist is a blue belt tying the yukata while his shins and forearms are covered in bandages. On his hands are a pair of black fingerless gloves while on his feet are a pair of regular black Shinobi sandals. On his head is his usual black head covering that has his Suna plate attached to the forehead. On his back, is his usual weapon of his puppet.

"Be careful, Kazekage," a Shinobi yells from the crowd.

"Temari, Kankuro, take good care of him," another person shouts at the siblings.

"We will," Temari shouts back with a smile, still fanning herself.

"Alright, let's go," Gaara says as he starts walking away from the village entrance.

"It's not like Gaara needs bodyguards," Kankuro mutters since his younger brother already has a strong defense.

And with that, the siblings walk away from the hot, dry, and windy place of Sunagakure towards the icy, cold, location of the Land of Iron.


In the Land of Earth, Iwagakure, the Tsuchikage is getting ready to leave for the summit as the villagers cheer him on. Though, traveling all the way to the Land of Snow for the summit is a VERY long distance, which makes the short, old man complain distastefully.

"Kurotsuchi, Akazuchi, take good care of him," someone from the crowd of villagers screams.

Kurotsuchi, is a young woman with short black hair, barely enough to pass her ears. She has a natural tan of Iwagakure that makes up her skin. She's dressed in a crimson shirt that has one long sleeve covering her left arm as her right arm is exposed. A brown vest protecting her torso, similar to the one's Anbu wear. She's wearing a  Shinobi fighting styled skirt that allows movement because below it's a skirt, but on top it has half a skirt, covering her right leg, it's the same color as her shirt. Underneath she's wearing mesh to protect her legs. On her feet are a regular pair of black Shinobi sandals. Lastly, her hands are covered in black gloves as her forehead has a red Iwagakure headband.

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