Sequel to 'Twin of the Cherry Blossom'
Three years passed as she lived with the Akatsuki, Tsuki finally managed to control Cerridwen. Gaining the power of the Goddess' Dark Prophecy, the Underworld, and the Moon. Being in par with the S-Rank crimina...
This is a somewhat filler chapter to tie up the events.
Itachi Gif
Grudges by Paramore
Chapter 33: Ghostsof Yesterday
THIRD POV Cerridwen, who was in front of Tsuki, stands in a protective manner with an arm stretched out. The goddess glares towards the youngest Uchiha since he tried to attack her host. Her black full eyes making her seem a lot more menacing than she already is.
Itachi, he stands a bit behind Tsuki with his arms crossed over his chest, scarlet eyes gleaming as he wears a blank face. But if you look closely, you could see the slight frown on his lips as he stares at his brother. He would be upset seeing as his brother tried to attacked the person who saved him.
Tsuki stands between them, startled, not really expecting Sasuke to come rushing towards her with full malice. I mean, she did see it as a possibility, but never though much about it. She just wanted to tell him the truth. To tell him that he actually still had a family left. She wanted to ease grief that was heavy in his heart, but all he saw were lies.
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Team Seven stares at the trio with shock, surprise, awe, and slight fear. To see a goddess right in front of them is a quite overwhelming, her raw power suffocating them. But when their eyes switch towards the Uchiha, they're filled with shock, not expecting to see him alive and breathing. Then, there's their former comrade Tsuki, to find that she healed an S-Rank criminal basically bringing him back to life is astonishing. They can't believe it.
Then there's Madara, who's silently seething, never expecting the Haruno to use the goddess' powers to heal Itachi. Not only did he lose Tsuki as a member, but Itachi being alive is a big flaw in his plans. Especially, with the upcoming war. Two big assets that could bring his goal to shambles. An outcome he never expected.
But lastly, there's Sasuke. The young Uchiha stares with complete disbelieve, not really comprehending the idea that his brother is standing right in front of him, alive. But to know that Tsuki, his ex-girlfriend, a known traitor and 'liar', saved Itachi just for him. She did it for him, so he could have a family. He doesn't understand, not after the way he treated her, like trash. Though, she did, and now Itachi's alive and well.
"B-but how," Sasuke mutters, just loud enough for everyone to hear.
Tsuki snaps her head in his direction, giving a small smile. "I used Cerridwen's power to heal him. It was just after your fight with him. You were already unconscious and he was dying, so I left a blood clone, similar to the one when Kakashi killed me, and I left to place where I could heal him," she explains, trying to not give much details.