I've learned to confine
Myself within walls
Of glass
I see everything and feel next to none
Im numb my love
And do not know what's
Hurt me so much
Broke me so hard
Is it expectations
Does anyone know
Do they even careA mere existance
Of a character simply to fill the loopholes
Of the story of this universe
I'm the one in the crowds
NeglectedI've built a a window
In the glassy room.
My small peeping hole
Trying to delude myself
With material thingsAnd its almost everytime that
Some one tries to shatter these walls
Leaves before the last blow
And the glass recovers
I am stone cold again
Living inside my shell
Scared to reach out
Of this muddy hole
Scared I will
Soil you too
Less Than A Century
PoetryA collection of words I decided to call poetry. It takes only one To break To fix To live To die for To strive To be cruel To finally break To complete A Century